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Welcome to my page about me.

First off, anyone seriously studying Paganism, always checks out the source of the information before desiding if the information is worthy of study. After reading about me, I hope you'll find my page worthy of your attention.

I've been seriously devoting my life to Wicca for nearly 8 years, but I've been practicing for over 12. I grew up in an atmosphere void of all religion, so I created my own system of beliefs, later to discover my beliefs written down in a book by Scott Cunningham. His book was named: Wicca, A guide for the solitary practitioner. This is when I realised that I was not alone. I took time off from college and began my study into Wicca. After 6 years of study, I still consider myself to be a beginner. I have so much more to learn, but my knowledge aquired so far, I feel is enough to pass on and help others.

Religionto me, is a way of life. It is within me always and exsists without practicing specific rituals to show or prove my faith. I do however, celebrate my religion from time to time by performing a ritual, be it a holiday or a special occasion, for celebration is a natural part of life. I also feel Religion should be within your entire home, not just a small part of it. My entire house is a sacred place to me.

All of my spells and rituals I have written or adopted from numerous sources. I have yet to find rituals that are poetic, as well as simple and practical, so I have written my own rituals to be fun for children as well as my non-pagan friends, who frequently celebrate with me. My spells are written to be performed alone in the honor of celebrating yourself and your strengths, as well as your weaknesses, but I feel one should always do what is most comfortable to them. If that includes others, so be it.

About me personally, I love plants and animals, (I have many of both), including 2 white doberman pinschers, 8 ferrets, 3 cats, a lizard and 4 finches who breed like crazy! My partner and I run a ferret rescue out of our home, which we bought in August of 1999. This big old house requires a lot of time. When I'm not taking care of the house and my animals, I love to create things. I garden, sew, bead, paint, draw, craft... I'll try anything. I just got a new digital camera, so I'll be doing a lot more photography too.

Soeur Deesse

contact me @ ICQ#18763594

or AOL instant messenger user name sdeesse

or Yahoo! Pager user name soeurdeesse

revised on 1/27/99