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A History Lesson with the 4 HorseMen


This Apocalypse demon is the most aggressive and combat oriented of the four.  War is an incredibly powerful and capable warrior, strategist and tactician.  He also has the ability to evoke anger, hatred and lust for power or vengeance in others through his words.  War can make the participants in a dispute see red and quickly turn to violence, agitating mobs to loot, vandalize and murder.  This ability is as much a part of the demon's arsenal as any of his weapons or supernatural powers.
    War is a merciless and cold-blooded killer who thrives on combat and bloodletting.  The demon is not interested in fair play or challenge, so he will fight dirty, cheat, lie and do anything to eliminate a foe.  Furthermore, the monster murders young and old, male and female, the sick, sleeping and helpless, without hesitation or regret.
    In addition to being a weapons master, War can physically merge with weapons and war machines, making them a part of his body and uses them with expert skill.  Of the four Apocalypse demons that must be destroyed, War will be the most deadly opponent.


   Death is the least outwardly combative and murderous of the four Horsemen.  He is cold, quiet, confident and calculating.  He moves slowly and gracefully, which makes him seem all the more frightening.  He is also terrifying in his relentless resolve; ever in motion, always moving toward some new terror or act of destruction.  All around him is carnage, with War, Famine and Pestilence at his side or following in his footsteps (or he in theirs).

    It is important to note that Death can push, hit, kick, shove, or throw a creature out of his way or hurt him in some small way to shut him up or torment him, but Death can only kill those who dare to attack him directly.  Ironically, it is the very presence of Death, his appearance, stench, frightening and aggressive demeanor and the accompanying netherbeast or legion of dead servants, that causes panic and conflict.

    Inevitably, people, young and old, will either flee screaming in terror or attack the threatening monster.  It's the poor fools who attack Death to defend their loved one from the perceived threat who are the first to die, crushed in the hands of the harbinger of doom.  Death will never attack anyone unless he is attacked first.  However, the foul demon entices acts of aggression by appearing menacing.  Death enjoys these little games of nerves and wit and will follow characters, suddenly appear out of the shadows, animate the dead, attach extra limbs to his body to look more frightening, desecrate the dead, vandalize property, prowl around with malicious intent and make threatening moves.  Eventually the nerves and emotions of his intended victims become so frayed that the people snap and attack.

    So powerful are the emanations of the death bringer, accented by his appearance, actions and the frightening stench of decay that permeates the monster, that Death often needs only to stand menacingly in a doorway to send protective fathers, mothers, children and guard animals rushing into his deadly embrace.  They rush forward not in acceptance of their fate, but to fight the monster and chase it away.  Sadly, they would have lived, at least for the moment, if they did nothing more than cringe in the shadows, hiding, weeping or praying.  Falling prey to the fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, or hatred can only lead to torture or death when facing this monster.

    Even when in the company of one or two of the other Horsemen, Death will leave combat to his brothers and stand in the middle of the carnage like a demonic general observing, with great satisfaction, his troops at work.   However, like any good general, he will alert his troops to new targets and assist them in strategy and tactics.  He will also come to their aid.  In this situation, Death can attack using all of the power at his disposal and may inflict great damage and physical harm, but he will not slay a single living creature, unless they retaliate by attacking him.  Likewise, Death's legion of dead, nightmare lamers and netherbeast only kill those who actually attack them or their master.  The lamers can also be sent away, but become mindless killing machines until destroyed.  Once released from his control, the lamers can never be recalled by Death.


  Pestilence, like all of the Apocalypse demons, is obsessed with the destruction of all life forms, including the insects which he commands.  The monster is clever and resourceful, using both subterfuge and the direct approach in his dealings with the intelligent creatures.   He finds it especially gratifying to inflict suffering and death by disease, sickness, and starvation.

    From a distance, the demon resembles a robust, horned humanoid.  Upon closer inspection it looks like the body is covered with insects.  In actuality, Pestilence is a ten foot tall, horned skeleton make of bone.  The apparent bulk of his entire body is composed of tens of thousands of living insects and arachnids that he can unleash in great swarms.  It is the swarm of insects that gives him the appearance of having great mass.  The types of bugs and arachnids that compose this monster's body include biting flies, gnats, mosquitoes, ants, wasps, bees, a variety of beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, scorpions, and larvae.


   The monster known as Famine looks like a skeleton with a withered, malnourished body, pale complexion, swept back ram's horns and a malicious expression.  He is sinister, cunning and treacherous, using sneaky tactics to hurt and injure others.  He is obsessed with the destruction of all life forms and delights in the suffering and destruction inflicted by his hand.  Unlike most of the others, Famine frequently strikes quietly from the shadows or at a distance.  If he is careful, his control over the weather and power to spoil food are often mistaken as natural disasters.  He also likes to instigate trouble by manipulating others, such as destroying one village's food supply and the somehow letting them know that a neighboring village has plenty, but won't share.  These kinds of tactics can lead to theft, vandalism and war which means more suffering and death.  Famine loves these games.
    His favorite partner of the other three Horsemen is Pestilence.  Their powers complement each other perfectly and together they can wrought incredible amounts of starvation, turmoil and slow death.

The Collective Brothers - The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse




Kurgen Kruger

Of all things that I could leave you, of all things that are mine to give you, this is what I wish to pass to you both. With this knowledge, all other things are possible, and attainable.

I pass to you the wisdom of control, of balance, of Harmony. When one works in unison with all the elements, not a singular one, and not fighting the others, but truly in tandem with all at once, there is nothing cannot be achieved by either of you, nor, anyone.

Death, the knoweldge of what is, and what is not, what can and cannot be. Pesstilence, the ability to envision, the ability to dream. War, the passion and the strength to attain those dreams. Famine, the ability to move within the new world you have created for yourself, and others. Void, the moment of reflection of all that has occured, all that has come to be.

This is my legacy to you all: your individuality. It serves no one, not the family, nor yourself, to ever be anyone you are not. I hope that these words I have left for you provide some insight for you of yourself, and thy cause to rid thy of Eternal Lame......

"Beware the red blinking eyes"

Beware the Criatura
