Editors Thang....

Welcome to 1822's fresh and shiny new home on the much hyped 'information superhighway'. Here we bring you all the dark, bitter and twisted stuff that the paper version contains, except you don't have to bother turning the page anymore. Thats right, all you need is a fairly competent mouse finger and you can flick through the mag with as little effort as it takes to sleep through a lecture. As well as containing the best of the articles from the paper version, we'll be throwing all sorts extra bits in, that we wouldn't have been able to get away with. Also there'll be longer articles which simply wouldn't fit into the magazine, especially stories that don't come under the classification 'short'. We welcome any kind of criticism regarding the articles contained herein, unless its just abusive, in which case we will hunt you down and commit unspeakably strange acts upon your person. Still, thats the way it goes somedays.... Any kind donations of material/artistic wonders, or mere thoughts/letters/rantings will be kindly accepted and mused upon over a large whisky and a cigarette. All rights remain with the artist/author and links back to a homesite will be placed somewhere in the page if desired. Email us by clicking on the icon at the bottom of each page. If you are connecting via a public account and can't use the automatic email link then the address for all emails is Matt@toke.com. Make a note! One last word, if you are easily offended or deeply religious then maybe you should get out now....Don't say we didn't warn you.

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