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Web Search: Multigenre World War II Paper

An adaptation of an idea by writer and educator Tom Romano, this creative paper will allow you the opportunity to blend "fact, interpretation, and imagination" (109) as you write about people, movements, events, etc., from World War II that interest you and to whomever you choose as the audience for this paper. The main aspect of this paper is freedom. This freedom allows you to capture as many of the varied "voices" of an issue, which in this case is World War II. Your paper will be a collage or montage in which multiple perspectives are communicated through a wide variety of short pieces that, taken together, give the widest possible view of the issue.

In this unit, we will read and learn about non-fiction of WWII. This will provide a broad base for your paper. However, you are not limited to just the writings we explore in this unit. From our readings, you will acquire a wide range of knowledge about WWII, which will help you with your papers. To quote Romano, your paper should be "deeply textured... interesting, vivid, specific, insightful, diverse with many genres, intelligent, bold, experimental [a paper that reflects your imagination and intellect turned loose], and comprehensible. When I finish reading, I want to really know [the WWII subject you have chosen to explore] through your perceptions" (120).

The pieces you create should be placed one or more per page with large white spaces in between and should be arranged in some sensible order, perhaps including transitions, labels, numbers, and/or titles between them. Remember: you determine how much information to give the reader. You could experiment with different types of typefaces and layouts to help indvidual elements within and between genres stand out and to create ways to tie genres together. Each "separate piece" should present a new perspective, new voices, new information, etc., on the issue and not just repeat what is presented elsewhere in different form. Document what sources and characters you use within your papers. Be honest--because you can use whatever you want.

Special Thanks to Michelle Tremmel.

Work Cited: Romano, Tom. Writing with Passion. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1995.

These webpages were created by Mr. Blankenship's Sophomore English classes at Henry Clay High School in Lexington, Kentucky.
The 2001-2002 cooperating students were Cas Arnold, Emily Barnett, Scott Bessin, Catie Caborn, Chelsea Compton, Jean Ellen Cowgill, Zach Cross, Phillip Denton, Elise DeVinney, Amanda Foxx, Corbin Fuller, Andy Hallstrom, Whitney Hunt, Ali Isaac-Lowry, Nick Jackson, Jurek Jaromczyk, Rachel Jolly, Melissa Justice, Fayaz Kabir, Karen Langer, Stephanie Lee, Rachel Leep, Ali Lindon, Alex Liu, John Malloy, Lizzy Martin, Stephanie Mehr, Sarah Miller, Zack Moscow, Bronson O'Quinn, Griffin Phillips, David Pinney, Sarah Potter, Adam Rector, David Rider, Amy Sellin, Henry Smith, Gus Tate, Tama The, Sam Twyman, Bethany Watson, Allie Wheeler, Lain Wilson, Rachel Wilson, and Alex Wright.
The 2002-2003 cooperating students were Catherine Allen, John Barlow, Ryland Barton, Marten Basta, Luke Broster, Andy Burchett, Matt Catlett, Tristan Chan, Austin Chastain, Sam Clark, Ann Cowgill, Allison Crutcher, Rob Denomme, Tom Dodson, Paul Eberhart, Molly Green, Stephanie Hale, Heather Hunt, Jacob Johnson, Zach Jones, Jacob Krouse, Ryan Lange, Brandon Langefeld, Hannah Little, Parke Loyd, Ethan McClelland, Adam Michel, Lindsey Naylor, Emily Noland, Maunik Patel, Michael Poindexter, Rishi Raithatha, Christie Rose, Sarah Schaefer, Erica Snipes, Tom Stasi, Jessica Sullivan, Allison Terry, Glenn Volk, and Ben Webster.

You will need to have at least seven different types of genres in your paper. You may use any genres. Some genres appear below in the list.

Types of Genres


Countries Involved
Battles, Cities, and Ships
Generals, Soldiers, and People
Heads of Countries
Other Topics