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2002 members
Members of the 2002 Barren County High School Winterguard include: Jessica Valentine (commanding officer), Stephanie Saylor, Heather Faller, Jamie Valentine, Andrea Saylor, Savannah Gillispie, Sherry Morgan and Nick West.

Excerpt from the Glasgow Daily Times 04.26.02


The Barren County Winterguard ended its first season with a gold medal finish at SCGC National Championships on April 6. Under the direction of Lisa Murrey, the winterguard competed in the Southeastern Colorguard Circuit, which is comprised of over 100 units from the southeastern United States including Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky. The Barren County Winterguard competed in the novice division throughout the 2002 season along with approximately 18 other colorguards. The novice divison consists of guards in their first or second year of competition.

The winterguard program is an extension of the colorguard program of the Barren County High School Marching Band. Winterguard differs from colorguard in that it is an indoor activity and is completely independent of the band. "We choreograph our flags, rifles and other equipment, and incorporate it with dance and movement, and perform our routine to soundtrack recording," explains Murrey. "This season the soundtrack that I chose for the group was Pat Benatar's, "We Belong."

When asked of her expectations for the guard in their first season Murrey replied, "We really didn't have any expectations... We entered into this with the attitude that we would simply practice hard and do our best and see where it led us. None of us had ever done this before, so we went into this to learn about the activity and get our feet wet, so to speak. Every success we had this season was a pleasant surprise. I am extremely proud of my kids. They sacrificed a great deal for this accomplishment. They gave up their Tuesday and Friday nights out with friends for seven grueling hours of practice each week, and their weekends to compete. They did everything that was asked of them and it finally paid off."

In addition to the gold medal at the championships, the group also recieved a promotion to the Scholastic Regional A Division for the 2002 winter season, recognizing their outstanding achievement in their first year of competition.

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