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Renditions of Reality

Whut up yall! Yall have either come to this site cause I've told you about it or you've somehow, someway, managed to find it. Well, first off I'm 21 years old. I'll be turning 22 on July 16th of this year. I'm 5'11", 160 pounds, dark brown hair, blue eyes, average build, and I can be an easy going guy. But at time I can be a straight-up dick! I won't lie! But I'm only a dick if u cross me or manage to piss me off somehow! I am from Providence, Ky. It's not much of a town, but it's home. The only thing that I really do around here is listen to everything from Psychopathic Records! Psy Records is my life!!! Twiztid has to be my favorite group of all-time! I just relate to alot of their music, I really like their lyrical content, and they just don't give a fuck what people think about them! They have a really awesome sound that makes you just wanna run up on somebody that's been fucking with you, and just kick the shit out of them once and for all! By the way, if you can't tell already, I'm a Juggalo! And if you don't like it, then get the fuck out of here then. If you're asking what a Juggalo is, it's simple...A Juggalo is a person who can be down on their luck, but just not even give a fuck! Juggalos love other Juggalos cause it's almost like a family thing! ICP, Twiztid, and the rest of Psychopathic Records love the Juggalos just like family, we love them just like family, as wee as each other! It's that simple. Well, If ya want you can take a look around...I have some pics of myself and of Twiztid as well being that I love those muhfuckas so damn much!!! Just keep doing what you do best and feel free to write to me sometime. Peace.

Why I don't like preps

My Favorite Web Sites

Twiztid's Official Site
Greatest Juggalo Fan Site Ever
The Return of the Deadman...Colton Grundy
My Yahoo Profile
