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My PAD/AATG Study Trip

Unsere Reise

Es gab einmal eine amerikanische Gruppe
Die bestand aus dreizehn jungen Leuten
Sie machten eine Reise nach Deutschland
Und ich erzähle euch von ihnen heute

Zwei Tom's, zwei Matthew's, and zwei Sarah's
Natalie, Ned, und Nick
Kelly, Joe, Ann, und Leonard
Nie gab es eine Gruppe so schick

Sie flugen über das Meer
Und kamen in diese Stadt
Alles, was sie erlebten
Passt nicht auf diesem Blatt

Sie verliefen sich im Hauptbahnhof
Manchmal waren sie nervös
Sie trafen sich oft bei McDonald's
Und lernten das Wort "Servus"

Bestimmt verbesserten sie ihr Deutsch
Und lernten die Nürnberger Dialekt
"Ja, ich möchte builds foam fuzz
und äweng stud washed mid moo sick"

Bei jeder Stadt, dass sie besuchten
Wurde neues deutsches Essen probiert
Und auch in jeder diese Städte
Wurde alles von Leonard fotografiert

Aber endlich mussten sie sich verabschieden
Und deswegen wollten sie weinen
Sie waren völlig dankbar für die deutsche Gastfreundschaft
Ein Platz so schön wie Deutschland gibt's keinen

-Ned Malone

It all began on June 26th. We had been traveling all day, but finally, the forty Americans reached the Newark airport. "Are you from the AATG group?" many nervous strangers asked one another. Not too long after, the chaperones showed up, and group five came together, with their leader, Frau Haney. As we checked our luggage, we began to meet one another, and discuss our fears of our trip. We boarded the plane, and over our 8 hour plane ride, we began to grow closer. When we finally arrived in the Nürnberg airport, and were met by our host families. We went our seperate ways, but the next day we met up at school, and talked about our, "chain smoking families," and our experiences with being "force fed." We experienced the, uh, differences between American and German schools. We witnessed many things, such as flaming hairspray cans, boycotting English students, and chairs out the window. After school, we explored the city . One day, we went under the city building, where there is a really scary prison. After that, we went to two churches. they were very pretty and very big. And then we climbed a mountain so we could go to the, castle Kaiserburg. We went up into a tower, and saw a well... It took 5 seconds for water to fall from the top of the well to the bottom... It was really cool. Then we went Into another tower, up 160 steps, that go around and around and around... I was so beautiful looking down on the city from there. Then the chaperones left us and we went to a restaraunt and ate Wurstburst and Sauerkraut....eeeeew..... Then we got ice creams, and then we walked around looking for a place to buy normal water... none. We were all so upset. No normal water, and no Mountain Dew.
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