Thinking and Waiting

I think of when....
You held me
And with just our eyes
We touched each other's souls
It was as if silence spoke
Our hearts to understand

I think of when....
I first held your hand
The nervousness in my stomach
Was almost unbearable
But the rush that came upon me
As our fingers interlocked
Brought me so much joy

I think of when....
You tell me you love me
I almost melt
It's unexpected and sweet
And each time I feel the butterflies
And I feel all warm inside
I can never find the right words
To tell you what I feel
But you bring me so much happiness
You cause my eyes to tear-up
I'm so thankful
To have you in my life
Because I don't deserve
Someone as great as you

I think of when....
I tell you those three words too
And the joy I have
To express them to you
Forever and always
Those words will be true

I think of when....
I'll see you again
And all the things I want to do
All the things we didn't get to do before
You'll see how much I want you
I long to see you again
Because everytime I think of you
I miss you even more

I think of when....
We'll have a life together
And I'll proudly wear my ring
And a whisper from your mouth
To my ear will drive me wild
And simple thoughts of you
Will cause me to go crazy
And I'll feel safe and protected
Having you with me
Every day and every night
Falling asleep with the sound of you
Breathing next to me
And waking up
To your beautiful face every morning
Your presence will
Wipe all my fears away

I think of when....
I'll no longer have to think
Of when you can kiss me again
Or when you can touch me again
Or when you can hold me again
Or wondering how you're doing
Soon, I'll no longer have to daydream or wonder
About these things anymore
Because you'll always be with me

I think about....
How much I need you
And how desprately I want you
And how badly I want to be kissed by you again
Just to feel your lips on mine
How much I want you here with me
And me with you
Or how I would love to touch you
How I want you to hold me again
And how I want to hold your hand
So everyone knows you are my man
And how I want to feel the butterflies
Over and over again
And how much I want to make you happy
In every single, possible way that I can
All our dreams will be a reality
And how I'll show my love
For you in so many, different ways
I want to have you here with me
And me with you

While I think of all of the things
I can't wait
Until I'm yours
And you're mine

-May 6, 2003

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