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×+My life is a song of suicidal tendencies+×
Hey and welcome to my page! I designed this page to show the world I was capable of doing so. =P The links below are some of my poems, my friends pages, etc....I'm still working on everything, I know the sites not all that great, but one day it will be!!=D Thanks for stopping by; I'm going to let you go explore now! Sign the guestbook on the way out so I know you were here!

+*¨^¨*+ *Links* +*¨^¨*+
—¤÷(`[¤* About Me *¤]´)÷¤—
·¤(`×[¤ My U•Journal! ¤]×´)¤··
¸.´)(`·[Quizzes I've taken]·´)(` .¸
»-(¯`v´¯)-»A page dedicated to the love of my life»-(¯`v´¯)-»
**LOL**this is one of the funniest sites ive seen in my life!

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