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Staff Members


AIM: PinkHairGirl07
Foxes: Shamen & Morning Starr
Duties: Everything & NEthing... What I say goes!


AIM: Treble Clef7629
Foxes: Starz
Duties: Helps out where needed and does all the other Staff Duties! Everyone must listen to what she says unless ~Brit~ or **Ruby** say otherwise!

Staff Members

AIM: -none at the moment-
Foxes: Kendra
Duties: A General Staff Member, she can do Births, Adoptions, Challenges, Steals, Hunts... and all those general things a Staff Member does.

Hey everyone.. sorry, but we need more Staff Members. If you asked to be on staff before SoShySoCute went under construction and your still interested, then email us and Let Us know! Otherwise, we need Staff Members!

To become a Staff Member Send an Email to
Include this....

1. Name (or name u want to use)
2. email address
3. aim (if you have it)
4. What you want to do
5. What fox(es) you play
6. If you understand the policy
7. Do you understand the rules & have you actually read them! (Dont lie, please)
8. Your Personality (if we can trust u or not)
9. Anything else we need to know!

Our Policy

First, if you do something wrong we give you a warning. We send you an email saying what you did. Second, you have NO staff priveleges for a reasonable amount of time. We will send you an email explaining what you did. Then we will post something in the OOC:Board saying how long you are not allowed to do staff stuff. And you will also have a slash through your name. Third, You are off Staff! And you are not going to be back on unless there was a mistake or we see that you changed. Your name will be tooken off this page and there will be an announcement in the OOC Board saying ur off staff. And we will send an email explaining. Understand? Hope so! Thanks!