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Sincere, Godly and Wrong?? press play

  Disquisition = 1. to inquire diligently 2. a formal inquiry into or discussion of a subject.

Mary, Please
Pray For




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Catholic Doctrinal Concordance                 more

The Brothers of Jesus?   A Hero of mine heads this organization. I try to see Father Oscar Lukefahr, C.M. every chance I get. I got the opportunity to introduce him before his sessions at the 2001 Pastoral Conference in Salt Lake City.  

The Early Church was Catholic, as shown by History, and the writings they compiled we call the New Testament. These concordances point out the distinctively Catholic ideas others like to ignore. Why "seek" a Biblical Church when you can join the Church that wrote it with the Holy Spirit that would guide it in all Truth? Grab your Bible and dig in!

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Corunum Apologetic       Jesse Stuart Hibbs
Search Church Teachings       Tom Seib
Catholic Online           Tom Jarkins
Catholic Exchange (new daily)    Catholic Encyclopedia & More!                more    They Will Answer Any Question!             more
The 44 articles I transcribed  

The Online Catholic Encyclopedia

           I helped transcribe some articles for the Online Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight also has the Early Church Fathers and the Summa Theologica on his site...  Go therefore and learn, learn, learn!


     In 1992, their website answered a question that ultimately kept me Catholic, by thwarting my study into the claims of the Seventh Day Adventist Faith.

Here is the answer I found.
Gregorian Chant        
     Dr. Hahn's Conversion Story                   more     Are you on the Journey?                          more    
       Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian Minister, became Catholic from his Scripture study. Today he is an amazing Catholic Apologist and Professor of Scripture. Visit 100% Catholic Scripture Study or visit Dr. Hahn's,    
    A network of former protestant pastors who joined the Catholic Church. Their conversions required  the loss of friends, family and vocation, yet believe that they have truly "come home." They have written about Church Teaching on: Mary, Eucharist, Authority, Salvation & Justification, Sola Scriptura& Necessity of the Church.
    If it is not here, then it is at EWTN!!          more   Sean shares his faith with you!                  more    

    In it's 21st year, Eternal Word Television Network is the largest religious media network in the world, transmitting programming 24 hours a day to more than 79 million homes in 81 countries and territories on TV, Radio, and the Internet. 

It has the largest and greatest Catholic Website!! 


Sean's Faith Website

Sean's site has articles covering the modern errors that many hold today. Articles such as  Dispensationalism, Reincarnation/New AgeAnti-Catholic Forgeries, and even refutes an anti-Catholic book. 


My Disclaimer:  The material found on this site belongs to those (implied or not) who own the material, and no statement (implied or not) of possession should be assumed.