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Kyla's Webbie

My Hobbies

My Favorite Web Sites

Funny Junk!
Awesome poems, sayings, quotes, jokes and more!
Great quotes and poems!
Graphics/animations, quotes and more!
Every joke possible!
MuchMusic - Mucha music!
Movie listings for every theatre!
YM magazine
Seventeen magazine
Coupons for Ardènes and more!

<bgsound src="C:\Program Files\KaZaA Lite\My Shared Folder\Nelly - shake your tail feather (1).mp3" loop=infinite>
Hey, I'm extremely bored...I don't care who you are, just e-mail me!Oh, and if you have any ideas for my site(music, background,ect.) tell me and I'll do my best! Oh yeah, for those of you that don't know or forget my e-mail, it's and I desperately need ideas! I'm running out of them fast!

School is so boring... and Ben's such an idiot. Joe is not gay! And I'm sorry... you can't do 50 metres in 25 seconds! My coach says you should come out one day... and don't worry, my group won't be offended if by chance you're faster than any of us!:)

I'm tired...but hyper...*sigh* Oh well... the meet is fun! Two whole days with you-know-who!Muah-ah-ha-ha-ha-haaa! Ohhhhh god! I've decided that Kyra has full-time PMS... especially where Joe is concerned! Haha lol I need sleep, but I'm WAYYYY to hyper!

If you have any suggestions for this site please tell me!I have no idea what to put on it!Or if you want some help on how to make a site or HTML I'll do the best I can to help you! My "skills" are pretty basic thoough, as you can see... gettin' better though, gettin' btter!

Pics and Animations


Jokes and Quotes

Fun Facts

Redhead Dolls

Blonde Dolls

Brunette Dolls
LocalSites - Canadian Web Directory, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines