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Blue Roze

Hi there, I'm Roze. This is my diary, and it's all about me. You can read
my diary entries, ask me life questions, find out about my friends and
family, and even my pets, and more! ~ This is also the main page where I tell you and post the links of my current really fun websites I make! Scroll down to check out what I'm doing now...."
All 'Bout Roze

Ask Roze

This is my boombox, and I change my songs frequently.
If there is a song you want to hear on my website, post it here and I'll be sure to get that song.

My Diary

Here is a fun stick figure fighting...thing...

® This time, I got a really kewl idea! You can build an apartment! That's right, you can make a person, (I'm thinking over that one...) pick your own 3D furniture to put in your apartment, do stuff in your apartment, communicate with other apartment peoples, and much more! I don't do flash, so it's just good ol' html. Keep comming back down here to see when it's finished! ®