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I am very proud to announce that this web site has now moved to our very own domain. Rockcastle-Online Please update your bookmarks and be for sure to visit us at the new site for continued updates. No more of those annoying pop ups at the new site. A new look and feel awaits you along with more information too. I'll look forward to seeing y'all there soon.

CONTENTS-Click Door To Enter

Click Door To Enter

How Far Are You From Me?

In the input box below, enter your city and state.

This service uses data from the US Census and a supplementary list of cities around the world to find the latitude and longitude of two places, and then calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies).

Various query formats are allowed; for example:
Chicago, IL
40:26:26N 79:59:46W
Athens, Greece

to (optional)

or .

Send me email!
rockcastle @

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