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RHS Alumni

-Last Updated-
Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Message Board





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About Us

For those of you who don't know. This is the official web page of the Reidland High School graduating class of 2003. The purpose of this page is to bring our class together and keep us in touch with one another. We offer a message board where you can talk to your former classmates and keep in touch. We look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and please, keep this page just to the class of 2003. Thanks and God bless!

Questions or comments? Send them to or

RHS Alumni 2003 ©2005


Thanks to everyone who has come back to the site and posted on the message board. I know we have a couple new people signed up already. I encourage you to tell everyone you see from our class about the website. Half our class is still not registered on here. My goal is to have everyone registered with up to date emails so that we can all keep in touch and so I have a way of organizing our reunions better. Hope things are going well for everyone. Get on the message board and talk it up.


Welcome back! I finally have the website back up and running because a lot of people were disapointed when I shut it down. The message board is back as well. Please use it and respect it! Remember that I pay money to keep this thing running so please make it worth while and use it! This is for all of our benefit so that we can keep in touch. Remember there are certain places where certain conversations belong. If you want to joke around and make fun of one another (and I encourage that because its fun) then do it in the Off Topic category. The rest is for actual discussion about whats going on. I love you guys and miss all of you. Hope all is well and hope to hear from you all soon on the message board! Tell everyone you see about the website and send me your email addresses if I don't already have them.


I don't have a lot of time on my hands to dedicate to the webpage with work and school but there are some things that I want to get up and going in the next months. I want to get an extensive library of graduates with contact information. I also want to work on a photo album for the website where all of you can post pictures funny and serious in nature. If anyone has any expertise or can help me with these things please let me know! Especially with the photo albums!


Hello and welcome to the official home of the Reidland High School graduating class of 2003. This site is brand spankin' new and very much still under construction. In the next few weeks myself (Curt Stewart) and Shaun Thomas will be updating the page to help bring our class back together. This class means a lot to me and I have felt a closeness to each and every one of you over the years. I can't wait to hear from you all. Be sure to swing by the message board and post away. And as always, tell anyone else that you might see from our class to stop by here as well.

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