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Computer Dude

Enhancement of Computer Literacy for
Ms. Hersel's Computer Applications Class

The reasoning behind computer literacy is that all students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use and understanding of information technology.

Through the completion of this web site, students will practice:

  1. evaluating web sites,
  2. using search engines on the Internet,
  3. creating a basic HTML document, and
  4. understanding ethics and fair use of copyrighted materials on the Internet.

To begin, enter "Tasks" below, follow the directions on that page, and have some fun!

Designed by: Ms. Hersel
For questions regarding this web site, please email me at

Source Site: Author Unknown. "Spaceship-03.gif" [Online image] March 13, 2003.

Source Site: Author Unknown. "comp018.GIF" [Online image] May 10, 2003.

Introduction |Tasks |Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Sources