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For some reason, most berks expect Positai (the name Planars have given to the Positive Energy Genasi) to be serene and contemplative. The sods just assume that anybody filled with the very essence of Life itself must be of a tranquil and philosophical turn of mind. As with a lot of assumptions on the planes, it just ain't so.

Crucibles of Life, as the Positai call themselves, are filled with Life energy all right - with the emphasis on "energy." Positai are energetic individuals, sometimes to the point of being manic and hyperactive. This isn't to say they're chaotic (at least, not necessarily). Lots of Positai are quite ordered and logical in their ceaseless activity. But it seems like Positai are always doing something, and many become active Planewalkers just to give 'em something to do.

As for the innate curiosity present in all Para- and Quasi-Genasi, Positai are, not surprisingly, fascinated with Life itself in all its abundant variety. Again, most berks expect Positai to be fond of wilderness areas to the exclusion of all else, and again, most berks have it wrong. Sure, some Positai like exploring the Wilderness, but any Positai will tell you that a city is just as much a nexus of life as is a forest. Indeed, the Positai who favor urban areas will tell you that each city, town, or village has its own personality and spirit which permeates the buildings and inhabitants.

All Positai have a faintly glowing yellow-white skin color, and the skin itself is also warm to the touch. This glow only puts out about the same light as a candle, but it makes it impossible for the Positai to hide in shadows. (It's also a surefire way to draw missile fire in dimly lit combat areas. The life of a Positai ain't always mead and skittles, berk.) They also seem to project an aura of Life, and any living thing (even a Bleaker) within 5 feet of a Positai will feel invigorated and more cheerful. (Treat this as an innate Healing proficiency for wounded bashers. Otherwise, just role-play the effects.)

Due to the fact that Positai are filled with the very stuff of Life itself, they gain a +1 bonus to their Constitution. However, their hyperactivity results in a short attention span, and a -1 to their Intelligence. Addtionally, since Positai are suffused with Life essence, they gain the following abilities and hinderances:

Positai can be fighters, paladins, mages, Necromancers, clerics, speciality priests, fighter/mages, fighter/Necromancers, fighter/clerics, or mage/clerics. Speciality priests must follow a Power of Healing, Life, Fertility, or Nature. They can be any alignment.

Ability Requirements:

3/18 3/18 3/18 5/18 9/18 5/18

Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal genasi.

Average Height and Weight:

Level Limits: