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Interested in joining Phi Delta Theta? Here is what our Fraternity is about:

It's about individuals

Phi Delta Theta teaches men that the commitments outlined in the Fraternity's Bond are not merely remote ideals, but areas of discipline for daily life. Phi Delts support, and in turn have the support of, their brothers in living these principles. Through The Bond of Phi Delta Theta, men with different backgrounds but similar ideals unite with a common purpose: to foster excellence in scholarship, leadership, individual growth, and involvement in community service.

It's about friends

The men of Phi Delta Theta share important commitments-to the intense bond of friendship between brothers, to high academic achievement, and to living life with integrity. A Phi Delt has high expectations for himself and his brothers. He believes that one man is no man.

It's about brothers

Today, Phi Delta Theta is an international fraternity with more than 180 chapters. Among its most notable alumni are senators, governors, business leaders, astronauts, authors, athletes, college presidents, Supreme Court justices, and personalities in television, print, and the movie industry. The men of Phi Delta Theta include James Baker, Lou Gehrig, Neil Armstrong, Frank Lloyd Wright, Benjamin Harrison, Sam Nunn, Burt Reynolds, Tim Conway, Detlef Schrempf, and Hank Ketchum.

Rush Schedule | Contact Information | FAQ | Greek Vocabulary | Top 10 Reasons to Rush Phi Delt

Rush Schedule
Spring Rush - January 2003

Phi Delta Theta Contact Information
Matt Foster, Recruitment Chair
1260 State Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 782-7397

Western Kentucky University IFC
Charley Pride,
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 745-----

Frequently Asked Questions

What is rush?
Rush is a membership recruitment drive; a series of events offering members and potential members (rushees) the opportunity to get to know each other. For the rushee, rush is the best time to learn about the different chapters at WKU.

What happens after rush?
After expressing interest in a particular chapter, the chapter will extend a bid to the rushee. If the rushee chooses to accept the bid, he will later become a pledge, and then a brother.

Can I accept a bid but pledge next semester?
Yes. If you cannot participate in pledgeship for whatever reason, it is perfectly acceptable to pledge at a later time. But remember, pledgeship is not as difficult as many people think; and your pledge brothers will help you with your problems.

What is pledgeship like?
Pledging or pledgeship is an 8 week program in which the pledges learn about the fraternity. They learn about the fraternity's history, how the chapter operates, the fraternity's principles, etc. Hazing, a common concern for most rushees, has been officially banned from all Phi Delt chapters.

How much does it cost?
We know textbooks have already put a big dent in your college money. So don't worry, dues at WKU are minimal.

May pledges live in the house?
Yes, they're even encouraged to do so. Living in the chapter house is the best way to quickly become friends with all the brothers.

How do I convince my parents that Phi Delt is a respectable organization?
Many parents are weary of their children joining fraternities; but this is usually because they are uninformed. Tell your parents about our scholarship program, our outstanding grades, our community service, our substance-free house, and our three cardinal principles. If they live in the Bowling Green area, invite them to the house. If they are out of state, have them look at this website.

I'm already a Junior or Senior, is it too late to join?
No. Many Brothers have pledged during their Junior or Senior year; and Brothers in graduate school are often at the house. Phi Delta Theta is truly a fraternity for life because our brotherhood continues after graduation. Just look at our Alumni section to see this illustrated.

Doesn't going dry make Phi Delt less popular?
Yes. It makes Phi Delt less popular with alcoholics and people whose main purpose in college is to drink. However, for people looking to make the most out of their college carrer, both academically and socially, Phi Delt is the best choice. Phi Delt chapters which choose to go dry experience increased success in all areas: rush, grades, social, philanthropy, fundraising, etc.

When is the next rush event?
Check the Calendar of Events to find out or call (270) 782-0666 for more information.

Greek Vocabulary

• ACTIVE - An initiated member of a fraternity who has not yet graduated.
• ALUMNUS (plural = Alumni) - A member of a fraternity who has graduated from college.
• BID - An invitation to join a fraternity.
• BROTHER - A member of the fraternity, either Active or Alumnus.
• CHAPTER - The local group of a national organization. For example, the Kentucky Eta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.
• DRY - The term given to a chapter which is completely alcohol free, like Kentucky Eta.
• DUES - Periodic financial payments in support of a fraternity's operations.
• GENERAL HEADQUARTERS - The governing body of Phi Delta Theta, located in Oxford, Ohio.
• GREEKS - Students affiliated with Greek-letter fraternities or sororities.
• HAZING - Any act which causes a person to feel mental or physical discomfort. Officially banned from all chapters of Phi Delta Theta.
• INITIATION - A formal ceremony by which new members become active members.
• INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL (IFC) - The governing body of the fraternities at WKU.
• LEGACY - A student whose parent, grandparent, or brother/sister is a member of a particular fraternity.
• PHILANTHROPY - The donation of money to a charity or community-oriented organization.
• PHIKEIA (fie-kie-uh) - The sacred Greek name for a pledge of Phi Delta Theta.
• PLEDGE - A person in his first phase of membership in a fraternity. When pledges are initiated they become active members (Actives).
• REED MORGAN - A trophy that is awarded yearly to the best fraternity on campus.
• RUSH - Membership recruitment drive. A series of events offering members and potential members the opportunity to get to know each other.
• WET - A term given to a chapter which allows alcohol on their chapter grounds, unlike Kentucky Eta.

Top 10 Reason to Rush Phi Delt

10. Statistics prove being Greek leads to later successes.
• 71% of those listed in Who's Who in America belong to a fraternity.
• Of the nation's 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men.
• 85% of Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity.
• 40 of the last 47 Supreme Court Justices were fraternity men.
• 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity.
• All U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents (except two in each office) born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity.
• Over 70% of Greeks graduate, while under 50% of non-Greeks graduate.


8. Best Housing Facilities on Campus.

7. Phi Delta Theta continually produces successful and famous men.
Alumni of Phi Delta Theta have distinguished themselves in virtually every field of endeavor. Nearly 800 Phis were recorded in a recent edition of Who's Who in America, more than any fraternity. More than 20 Phis have earned Gold Medals at the Olympics. More than 100 Phis have served in the U.S. federal government, and more than 200 Phis have played in the NFL.

6. Our awards prove we are an outstanding chapter.

5. The supportive Alumni of New Mexico Alpha.

4. The almighty Brothers of Kentucky Eta.
The Brothers of Phi Delta Theta are "almighty" for many reasons. We have sworn to always uphold the teachings of the Bond, in which the three cardinal principles are declared. We keep the spirit of the Fraternity alive by promoting and explanding their chapter. Finally, we help one another as described by the mutual pledge, "All for one, and one for all." One would have difficulty in finding a more charming, intelligent, and noble group of individuals in the state of Kentucky.

3. Substance free at all our houses as of 2000.

2. The Standard for Brotherhood since 1848.

1. The Three Cardinal Principles of Phi Delta Theta.

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