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Petra Newletters

The newsletters below are old newsletters-- If you are interested on receiving these please go to either Petra's offical site or John Schlitt's official site. You may sign up at those locations.

Subj: Christmas Greetings from Louie & Penny Weaver Date: 12/24/01

Louie & I appreciate the encouraging letters and emails that we’re getting, even though I don’t get to read them but two or three times a week, with me working and being a mom, but we appreciate it so much, especially since the guys have been so discouraged in the past year with not having a record company, and taking so long to sign a record deal and all that kind of stuff. It’s been good for them to have this kind of encouragement from you.

I print them off from the computer, because Louie never has time to sit down at the computer to read anything, and he’ll sit up at night when he’s just chilling out, before he goes to bed, and he’ll read emails.

Louie and I want to be accessible (and so does John and Dorla) to our supporters, the Petheads, who are part of our ministry; we know the Lord’s not done with us. We know in our hearts that God’s not done with Petra. We know that – that’s not even a question. God has made that very, very clear to us; but the spiritual attacks that we’ve been under… if it hasn’t been our health, it’s been our finances, it’s been the health of our family… I could go on and on with stuff during the past three or four years that have just engulfed our lives; things that have just tried to bring us down. But every time something happens, we get to give God praise and give God all the glory for all of this, and say “OK Lord, you did this, this and this – but you didn’t do this and you didn’t do that, and we praise you for this!” It brought us closer to the Lord. And Satan doesn’t like it. Of course not!

But the Lord has provided, and is still providing and we’ve just been able to praise the Lord; Satan hates it and he’s still trying to get us! But when the hand of God moves, Satan’s going to attack big time right before, and that’s kind of how it’s been the last two or three years. So we know the hand of God is ready to move and when He moves – He moves in a mighty way!

Look at Sept. 11, and all the evil – but look at all the good that’s come out of it. Scripture tells us “all things work together for good”; not just some, but ALL things work together for good. So Satan didn’t get any glory in any of that; only God was glorified. And that’s where to keep it. We have to praise God in all things: let everything that hath breath praise the Lord! And that’s where we are.

We’re just walking around, praising the Lord and letting Satan attack; we just let our Petra partners, our prayer warriors be with us, and just pray – just be on your knees and just pray. Protect us all, not just us and Petra, but everybody. Satan is giving out so much spiritual attack, it’s kind of a scary thing – who’s to know that the Lord’s not coming tomorrow? In the next five minutes? He says ‘no one will know the day or the time.’ So we better be ready! Get your eyes on him. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Praise God and remember the season!

I wish all the Petheads a Merry Christmas and I’m just looking forward to seeing every one of you!

Penny & Louie Weaver

Subj: Christmas Greetings from John & Dorla Schlitt Date: 12/24/01

Hello family! Thank you Petheads; thank you for you fanatics for Jesus Christ and for Petra. Thank you for an unbelievable year. It has been a struggle, but you have always been a bright spot in a sometimes dark area.

At times it seemed that the band was almost struggling by themselves, but every once in a while I continued to be reminded that I had fanatical friends who believed in Petra and what we stood for, to a point of being totally committed - verbally and action-wise - to changing things. That was very cool to let us know we weren’t by ourselves. Now that we have a new team and a record company, and a management that’s trying to carry that through, it’s just so cool to see it all coming together.

Granted, it’s still absolutely an uphill battle, but you know what? The Lord never said it was going to be an easy coaster ride. So if we’ve got our hearts set right, we just face that direction and go for it. We’ll just expect victory – and that’s what it will be!

In closing, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and thank you all so much for your support and your prayers. I truly believe, as I know you all do from your messages to me, that it’s going to make a difference. This next year – 2002 - I expect to see unbelievable things happen. Please keep praying, and again, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may God bless you all!

John & Dorla

Subj: 2/11/02 Newsletter

Hi everybody!

It’s been a month since the last time I talked to you all… I’ve heard so much about what’s been happening on the website! I thank you all for being so interested in me and in Petra’s ministry. I hope the interest keeps up. We try very hard with Petra, and I realize this is my website, but because I’m so wrapped up in Petra’s ministry, it becomes pretty much Petra’s website too.

What’s been going on? We’re working on getting the tour set for the new Petra record. We in Petra are working very hard to get the band as it is now. Yes, we’ve gone through many changes, and hopefully it will be the last for a while, but if not - it’s God’s plan. I’ve come to a peace with that, especially since it seems like every change adds a new flavor and a new texture to the band, which is always exciting.

With that, our new guitar players, Greg and Quinton, have added a real pleasant personality to the band, and a lot of great talent and vocals. So that’s exciting for me, being the one who is in charge of that kind of thing.

Now we have the band that I believe represents Petra very well, and I think with that the dates are starting to come in, and we’re excited about that! They’re not coming in fast enough for me, but they’re still coming. As the tour is slowly but surely increasing, we’re excited about that and looking forward to a busy late spring, summer and hopefully a big fall.

As far as our family, we’re all healthy. My daughter just had her fourth wedding anniversary; my son in Dallas is talking over certain job opportunities he’s excited about; my 18-year-old son Kris is concerned about which college he wants to go to; and Krey, of course, is concerned about which motorcycle he can get!

So, with all that, it leads for an exciting life, and we just praise God for it. I realize this is a little personal, but isn’t this my website? I can say what I want! LOL!

So, thank you all for your prayers; thank you all for caring about my family, myself and Petra. We’re doing our best not to let you down in any way, both as a solo artist and as the lead singer for Petra. We’re trying to listen closely to what God wants for us, and we’re waiting patiently sometimes, but always knowing that sooner or later, that opening will be there for us and we’ll try to walk through bravely.

I guess that’s it! We’ll talk to you next month!


­­­­Make sure to check out for our latest adventure –the E-Schlitt-Bay Auction!Let the bidding begin!

Subj: Reflections from Bob... Date: 2/19/02

Being that 2002 is Petra's 30th anniversary, I can't help but think back to Petra's beginnings. The events that led up to the formation of Petra have been a part of my personal testimony and I thought many of you might like to know more information so I welcome this chance to fill in more detail from my perspective than what has appeared in our bio for many years.

I grew up in a small Northwestern Ohio town called Bryan. I started playing guitar when I was 13. My older brother was buying records and the Beach Boys and other surf music was very popular at the time and I thought it would be cool if I got a guitar and tried to learn how to play. So I took my hard earned lawnmowing money and bought a Sears acoustic guitar that came with a book and a record. It was very hard to learn at first because I didn't know anyone else who played so I really had to teach myself. After a while I was able to figure out the chords to some simple popular songs.

About that time, my next-door neighbor brought over a 45RPM and said, "Have you heard this yet?" On the cover I saw a weird looking group of guys that called themselves the Beatles. No, I had never heard of them but I was willing to give anything a listen. The thing that struck me the most about this group was a sound like nothing I had ever heard. The chord progressions, the melodies, the harmonies, the sounds of their guitars, basically everything was way beyond any other music I had heard and it made me want to learn the guitar more than ever.

I continued to grow as a musician and was a part of several local groups throughout my high school years. It was while I was in college that my life and music changed forever.

In 1970 I was in my second year at Kent State University (yes, I'm really that old!). On May 4th, 4 students were killed in an anti-war demonstration and this had a profound effect on the way I viewed the world. It really made me focus more on the "bigger picture" of what life was all about, about my life, and about where the world was headed. During this time of great personal reflection, the Lord sent an old friend my way to tell me about the love of Jesus.

About two weeks later, while sitting alone on a couch in a living room in Bryan, Ohio, I prayed and opened my heart to Jesus. I had grown up going to a non-evangelical church every week but I had never heard anything about knowing Jesus.

That night I had a personal experience with the Person of Jesus Christ. I knew that God had heard my prayer and in time He would reveal more and more of Himself to me.

My first band as a Christian was called Dove. We were not all Christians so we didn't have much of a mission but it was in this band that I started writing songs about the Lord. I figured that I was a musician so naturally, God wanted me to be a musician for Him.

Meanwhile, I had become very involved in a local coffeehouse ministry in my home town and was having Bible studies at my apartment. Dove broke up but soon I had formed another three piece band with John DeGroff, Petra's original bass player. This band was called Rapture and in that band I wrote a few of the songs that ended up on Petra's first album. But Rapture failed and as I was getting close to graduating from college, I was beginning to question whether or not God had called me to be a musician in a band. I began to see that I had taken for granted that that was what God wanted me to do without really giving over my music and aspirations to the Will of God. I remember praying to God that I was willing to do whatever He wanted with my music. I even began selling my electric equipment, convinced after two failed bands, that God wanted me to play acoustic guitar for Bible studies.

Shortly after, I got a knock on my door one day and there stood Greg Hough.

I had known Greg by reputation as another guitar player in the area and we had mutual friends but had never met. He told me he felt God had told him to come see me and "jam". We got together several times but there was never any talk of a band. It was a time of fellowship and sharing of music. We worked up some arrangements of some songs I had written, some of which became early Petra songs.

John DeGroff was the first to make the decision to enter Christian Training Center, a two- year Bible school in Ft. Wayne, IN. I was convinced my destiny was to graduate from college, get a job and continue working with our fellowship in Bryan. That is, until I attended a leadership conference in Ft. Wayne and knew for sure God was telling me I needed to enroll.

This was my "call" to the ministry and when I told Greg he said "OK, I'll go too!" We both tied up loose ends and packed what few possessions we owned and began apartment hunting in Ft. Wayne.

Things were very tight financially and occasionally Greg and I would perform as a duo with acoustic guitars. There was a lot of music talent at our new ministry in Ft. Wayne.

Honeytree was there as well as several other singer/songwriters and it was an excellent place for development of the "arts". The Adam's Apple, the coffeehouse ministry begun by the same church as the school, was bringing in CCM every week for concerts. We regularly saw artists like Phil Keaggy, Larry Norman, Glad, Lovesong, 2nd Chapter of Acts, Randy Matthews, J.C. Power Outlet, Scott Wesley Brown, Steve Camp and many others who were around at that time.

We discovered that there was a drummer from Ft. Wayne enrolled at the school named Bill Glover who we heard was very good. Someone, probably Greg, suggested that we get together and jam. None of us had played in a band for a while and it was really fun to crank it up and blow! It was in those jam sessions that the idea of a band was born. As ministry students, our primary vision was for ministry. We knew there were certain people who would only listen to rock music and no one was reaching them with the gospel. We believed that if we were good musicians those people would listen to what we had to say about the Lord out of respect. But if we were going to have a band we needed a name.

We knew we would be doing lots of evangelical work so we need a name with meaning but with mystique as well, so as not to scare off people before they could hear what we had to say. I was fascinated with Greek and looked up the Greek word for "rock" and the name "Petra" was born.

Through many twists and turns, members coming and going, ups and downs, Petra has somehow survived. We have seen an entire industry grow up around this music. We have seen good trends and bad trends. We have probably known every up and every down that this quagmire of music business/ministry has to offer and I remain in the deepest gratitude to God for the opportunity to travel around the world and share His love to all who would listen.


Subj: A Note from Greg - Petra's New Bass Player Date: 2/26/02

I'm so glad to be the latest bass player for Petra, and I hope this short letter will let all of you fans know a little bit about me.

I grew up in Pennsylvania and lived there until 1995 when I moved to Nashville to pursue music. I've played for a number of people (most of which you haven't heard of) since I have lived in Nashville, including Kathleen Lewis (acoustic rock), Dave Patrick (jazz guitarist), Stir (one of at least two bands with this name - this was a hard rock Christian band), Michael English, Sixpence None the Richer (I briefly played cello on one of their tours), and Devin Webb (independent CCM artist who books churches around the country). Actually, between Petra gigs, I still play with Devin Webb. Maybe some of you will see me perform with him also.

I've been such a fan of Petra for a long time, that it is very exciting for me to be able to play with them, and I'm sure that excitement will show up in our concerts. I really had a fun time at my first show in Wichita, and I look forward to many more performances with Petra. The latest album is really good - make sure you come and see us!

Greg Bailey

4/10 John Schlitt Newsletter:

Hi everybody! It’s great to talk to you again! I have been so busy trying to keep up with the opportunities that God has put in our paths, so forgive me for being a little late, but it’s great to talk with you right now.

In that vein, our tour is starting slowly but surely; we’re getting dates in and I think it’s partially because of the hard work you Petheads have been doing in finding leads. It’s much appreciated! Please keep investigating – if you know of any churches or events or any place that you’d like to see Petra at, don’t hesitate to let us know through the website. Venture in – it’s surprising how the efforts of the Petheads have been changing our touring opportunities. Thank you so much for that! Keep it up!

We did a live acoustic set on Today’s Christian Music last week. That was very exciting! The audio recording is on my website now too, and I see how the counter has been really flying off the handle!

It was the first time Bob has played with Petra in around six years. Yes, Bob will be playing with us on some dates this year, and the live broadcast at the radio station is an example of how well it could work.

Once again, Petheads – you are fanatical and are appreciated SO much! Your requesting on has been amazing. "Send Revival" is the #1 Most Requested Song of the Year; "Noise We Make" is at #3, "Hit You Where You Live" is at #14, and my song, "Wake the Dead" is at #30. In addition to that, I see that Petra is the Most Requested Artist of the Year, and I’m at #25! It’s VERY much appreciated; thank you so much for supporting myself and Petra.

It’s great to see what the Petheads are doing and the interest you are showing.

Again, if there’s interest in having me coming to your church - if your church does not feel that a big Christian rock event with Petra would quite fit in your scenario, but would still like to hold a smaller version, I’m still very much available as a soloist to speak and sing about what God has put on my heart.

If you feel that I can help your church or ministry – let me know. Contact Sue Dempster ( here on the website, and let her know that you are interested. I’d love to come and visit you.

Thanks for your help and support, and we’ll talk to you next time!


May Newsletters:

Subj: "Helloooo" .... from Bryce! Date: 5/2/02

Hey all!

I was asked to write a newsletter recently. Or, maybe not so recently! I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to be writing about, but anyhow…We’ve got a few dates on the books this spring. We’re looking forward to heading back to Europe here shortly.

As I’m sure you all know, there’s a couple new folks on the stage these days, and some new tunes since last fall. Well, some of them are new and some not so new — they’re songs just returning to the set.

At the end of last year, I sat down with the setlist we’d been using for quite some time, as well as the new record and a stack of older ones —quite a stack. We had picked a handful of songs from Revival to use live, and I pulled out some older things I thought would strengthen the set. Only a few staples remain from the former one. John then added a couple more from Praise 2 and Revival, and there you have it — our new set was born (for the most part).

We haven’t had the chance yet to use it in it’s entirety, so we’ve had to chop this and that as time has allowed. We’ve given the songs our own live twist, and we’re yet to settle in on a consistent song order — I’m not sure we want to! It’s one of those fluid things, so you never know. Keeps it interesting. There’s been talk of adding other songs.

Of course, we’re out of time without mention of that… there could be some surprises… you’ll have to come hear for yourself. Hope to see you all out there somewhere!


Hello everyone!

We recently completed our first in a series of auctions on - winner of the "Petra in Athens" cap was "Nurse Nancy" - thank you so much! We are re-arranging our auction start/stop times - they will now BEGIN and END on FRIDAYS. So surf on over to the site June 7 to see our next item that will be up for bid.

Also, a FIRST for us: we now have a link to short VIDEO clips from John's solo concert in Germany in May! Thanks to Lukas Jacobi, who runs in Europe, and who also was the promoter for this show. There are two clips featuring John singing selections of "Beyond Belief," and one clip of the chorus of "Send Revival" - WELL WORTH the download time!!!

Here's the direct link to access the video from our site: There will be a few more with all of Petra to come, courtesy of Lukas.

We are also still working on getting both of John's solo videos ("Show Me the Way" and "Can't Get Away") up on the site.... so stay tuned!

Next week, June 13 in St. Cloud, MN, John performs solo for a benefit concert for Birthline, a pro-life organization dedicated to helping young mothers, their babies, and all aspects of unplanned pregnancies. If you're in the area - make sure to attend! ALL proceeds will benefit Birthline. As always, thank you for your tremendous interest and support!

Sue & Curt, webmasters

Newsletter: June 17, 2002

Hi folks!

This is John - just getting back to you all! I know it takes awhile to get back to you each month, but I sure appreciate that there's so much interest in my website. A lot of hard work goes into it, keeping it up to date, both for Petra and for myself. I'm very, very happy with the folks that are working with it.

As far as updating you on John Schlitt projects - they're still on hold, and probably will be for a while until Petra gets back in the main swing of things. That is happening slowly but surely - and that is very positive information, as far as I'm concerned.

We've got several things happening in Petra's camp that I think will be of interest to you later, but I'm sort of in the position where I can't say a lot about it at this time.

Reporting about my family: they're all healthy and doing well. My daughter and son-in-law are in the middle of trying to adopt a child, so I ask you to pray for them. My second son is thinking seriously about going to our state college, the University of Tennessee. I'd like for you to pray for him too. My youngest son just turned 13 - and he's 13! What can I say?!?!

It's been a very exciting summer so far. I'm looking forward to a lot of positive things happening; nothing in particular, really. But if God puts us on your heart, puts our family on your heart, puts Petra on your heart - please pray for us. There are so many things that Petra can offer, and that I can offer through the talents that God has given us…. all we're asking for is just the opportunity to do so.

So keep us in your prayers, both for opportunities and for financial assistance as far as God's concerned.

I thank you again for your interest and concern and your prayers.

We'll talk to you later!


Special announcement: SHAKE CDs Now Available!

For those who have been searching high and low to no avail, we now have a new shipment of John’s first solo album, “SHAKE,” in stock, in addition to “UNFIT FOR SWINE.”

We are offering each CD at a cost of $13, or $20 personally autographed, plus $3 shipping on first CD; $1.50 shipping each additional CD thereafter.

At this time we do not have an electronic shopping cart; therefore we are selling these at a somewhat reduced cost to reflect the inconvenience.

Once the shopping cart is in place, we will look at re-structuring the pricing. SO….. it is to your advantage to purchase NOW if you’ve not already done so! Simply send a check, money order or cashiers check with the appropriate amount, made out to:

Sue Dempster

3720 Mueller Rd.

Sheboygan, WI 53083

Make sure to include your return name and address, which CD is being ordered, and whether it is to be signed or unsigned.Your purchase will be mailed upon receipt of payment.(foreign orders to pay exact shipping amount – contact for cost)

June 17, 2002

Hi folks, this is John Schlitt with Petra.

Just getting back with you – all I can say as far as Petra’s career is that it’s been an exciting time lately! A lot of hard work - and I will say a lot of disappointments sometimes - but also a lot of surprising blessings that can be completed only through God.

We’re real excited about how things are starting to turn out. The record’s still holding it’s own, not breaking any sales records, but still in there, doing it’s own thing, and we’re grateful for that. We still believe it’s a great record, and as people listen to it, they’ll discover that for themselves. As far as the record sales happening now, it’s almost more word of mouth, more than anything, and that’s always a good thing.

As I speak, we just finished two shows, June 11-12. The band is coming together in mighty ways, so much quicker than what I expected, and once again it just shows you that when God puts something together, it works so well.

We have a new opportunity coming out, on the 24th of June, that I’d like you all to pray for. I can’t be specific…. isn’t it a shame, all this “hush-hush” stuff? But out of courtesy to the ministry we’re thinking about working with, I have to not go too much further than this. But when June 24** comes up, and God puts it on your heart – pray for us. Pray that the opportunity that we’re looking at will allow us to join two big ministries together, and again – God’s multiplication is a lot greater than ours, and I’m looking forward to it. I think it could be a wonderful thing for Petra, and for the ministry we’re thinking about working with. I think it’s the next step that God’s putting in our path.

From then on, everything else seems to be fine. All our families are healthy, and again, we’re always on that verge of constant concern about paying our bills, but you show me a ministry that isn’t!

All your prayers are so appreciated; we know that we’re being prayed for, because we watch the results every day.

Thank you so much for believing in us, and subscribing to this email list, and your concern for all of us. Please pray for us, pray for the band, and pray that we’re allowed to do what God has in store.

Thank you so much, and we’ll talk to you again!


** This meeting has since been postponed until July... stay tuned for more information!

Attention: Pray for Petra on July 15, 2002

Greetings everyone!

It’s your loud-mouthed singer, saying that it’s been a very, very busy month for us!

As far as our activity: financially, it hasn’t been a real big month, but I feel spiritually - we’ve really been growing. I can’t explain that in words, really – I’m just feeling it.

We’re excited about July 15, where we will be meeting to see if two ministries can work together; we’ll talk about that later, so stay tuned.

We’ve had a couple of shows in the last month or so, and they’ve gone very well. We’ve met a lot of the Petheads, and that’s always fun!

It’s just almost the same old / same old at this moment... The record isn’t doing as well as we’d like it, but it’s still hanging in there, even with the support we’ve gotten from the record company and the radio stations all over the country.

Keep praying for it – it’s a great record and it needs to be heard. The message is very timely, and we still believe it’s a message that can change lives.

So keep praying for us, lift us up on the 15th, and we’ll fill you in later.



Hello again, everyone!

It’s great to be able to talk to you, although I really don’t have a lot to say about what’s happening with John Schlitt, solo-wise.

I haven’t been working on the new record, which a lot of people have been asking about. It’s still sort of sitting in the can, waiting to be finished. After this amount of time, it probably will be re-edited, or maybe even have several songs re-recorded. As you grow, you learn things that you would like to do differently, and because it has been so long, I’m very interested in doing that. As I’ve said before, until I feel that Petra’s really back on its feet and on its way – and we’re getting that done – I really don’t have the peace to dive into the solo project too soon.

And keep praying! Keep praying for my family, and my part-time woodworking thing that’s been so fun for me – it’s more peaceful and more therapeutic than it is a financial blessing at this time, but it’s been really nice to have something to keep me busy when Petra is not.

I’m totally blessed with all the comments and all the interest in the website! I want to thank all the people that work hard on that to keep it updated.

And thank you so much for all your support of our auctions… it’s been amazing! These are items that I had packed away at home; it’s really great to see that you are interested in bidding on these things, and helping to support myself and Petra.

We try to keep the website changed and updated at all times, so keep checking it out!

John the way... what’s up with those POLLS???!!! lol!

Attention: Please Pray for Petra Today!

Just a reminder that TODAY, July 15, Petra is holding their meeting with another ministry to possibly pursue a joint venture.

Please pray for: 1. The meeting today at 5:30 p.m. CST 2. For traveling mercies as the band returns home from the meeting tonight 3. The possibility of a new website for Petra

Thank you, and God's blessings for all your love and support!

An Update on "The Meeting"

July 17, 2002

Hi folks! The 15th was a very important date for us this month, and because of many different circumstances, we got a chance to meet and play for a ministry that we want to work with hand in hand. We believe that God has sent us in that direction.

I feel that the band did an unbelievable job! All four guys were amazing with their talents and their sacrifices, not only in rehearsal but in the performance itself. As John Schlitt, the singer for Petra, I was very proud of being in front of a band like that! I think our performance was very qualified and very professional, especially since we are representing Jesus Christ and He deserves the best. I feel that He got it.

In working with the ministry that we’re trying to work with, we realize that they’ve got a lot of responsibilities – they needed to check us out, even though we’re Petra. The world knows who Petra is, but at this meeting, they also needed to find out if Petra could fit in to where they felt God may want us to be.

We found out; we felt that we fit perfectly, but feeling it and showing it are two different things. I feel that the band absolutely showed it! They came with a totally tender heart, but a victorious heart. As the leader of the live Petra band, and part of 4-K Live, which controls that part, I was more than pleased. I was very, very happy that the band went in and did what they were supposed to do. The evening was very successful, as far as I’m concerned.

I’m excited about possible future commitments, and that’s all the farther I can go with that.

So... let’s see where it goes and what the next step is. It’s in God’s hands.


Subj: Quinton says "HEY!" Date: 8/1/02

Hey everyone!

It's great to get a chance to say hi and introduce myself to you.

I've been in Petra now since January of this year and it's been a fun ride. We've had some great shows and it's been awesome meeting all of the great fans out there, ESPECIALLY the PETHEADS!!!

I've been on the road for years with various bands but no band I've been in has had more loyal fans than all of you! Looks like more dates are coming in for the fall and I'm hoping I'll get a chance to meet all of you.

Please keep the band in your prayers that we can stay out on the road and be as busy as ever!

For all of you who are looking for a little more info on me and projects I've been a part of check out The website should launch in about a month. I'll keep you up to date on the progress. This will be a chance for me to interact more with fans and for you to listen to various projects I've been a part of or am currently working on. Keep rockin' and I'll see you on the road!


Subj: Sound Clip of New Solo Song on Date: 8/1/02

While there is not a release date for John's new album, we DO have a short 40 second acoustic sound clip of one of the songs, entitled "I'm OK." You will find the mp3 at the bottom of the AUDIO page (

This is a stripped-down version; just John & a guitar.

You may remember hearing the full song a while back on the Soul2Soul interview, which is also available on This song has undergone a lot of changes and continues to evolve.

Eventually there WILL be a new album, but until Petra is solidly on its feet again, John's project continues to be on hold. This sound clip will give you all a little taste of what's to come.

Sue & Curt

Subj: Closed Doors and Opening Opportunities Date: 8/9/02

Hello everyone! Just wanted to keep you updated on the current events of Petra. We did go, perform and conversed about joining together with the ministry I was talking about before, back in July. It was a great performance. We had a real good talk but I think that in the long-term the ministry felt that the fit was just not quite right… so it looks like it’s not going to be what we had hoped for. That’s where that stands. Apparently God has another plan, and we’re waiting to find out what that is.

We’re all looking forward to finding the place that God has for Petra and each one of the band members. I wish I could have given you a better report, but like I said, God has bigger plans in the future - we just don’t know what they are yet. As far as recording plans - yes! The band is talking about working on material together and we’re very excited about that! Usually that’s the first step to a next record, which we are foreseeing as a regular Petra record. That’s where that stands at this moment. As you’ve all seen, and as you keep up with the “Life & Times of Petra,” plans can change often! We’ve stopped trying to make long-term plans with the understanding that God is in control and He’ll let us know what we’re supposed to do as the days tick by.

Thank you again for all your interest… it actually is an exciting time for Petra right now! It feels like things are picking up - not in just one individual way, but pretty much with the whole scheme of things. There’s the feel of a change in the air.

So please keep praying for us – I know that you all are! I believe that it’s only through those prayers that we’re still around. We appreciate you very much, and we’ll talk to you again!


Subj: News from Date: 9/5/02 5:17:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Just a quick update on what's happening with

We're experiencing some technical difficulties and are having to resort to using Curt's dial-up connection to update the site. If you know anything at all about dial-up, it is extremely slow compared to cable modems, DSL, or T3 lines.What this means: our updates will not come as frequently as before, nor will we be able to update our auction bidding daily and on time - though we'll try to keep that part as current as possible. While you may not notice much of a difference, Curt will! (poor webmaster, mastering on a dial-up service...).

For those of you who are submitting content, please be patient. We will add your submissions as soon as possible, but rest assured - they WILL be loaded.

On a positive note: I've applied for a matching funds grant from running our auctions; every dollar given from the auction will be matched up to $450!

Also, we are in the process of putting up a Spanish version of, thanks to our fellow Petheads Elo and Onny, who have already sent us their translations. We'll let you know as soon as the pieces are in place; those of you who have Spanish connections can help us spread the word (since neither Curt nor I speak a word of Spanish!).

In the future, we'll be including a Spanish version of the newsletter also, so watch for that. That's it for now...

This week the band and their families are enjoying some time in Orlando, prior to the Disney Night of Joy performance Saturday night. Please keep John & Petra in prayer as they continue to seek God's will and direction for their lives.

Sue & Curt, webmasters

Subj: Petra Newsletter - from Q Date: 9/17/02 10:17:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming out to the Disney shows. What a great time we had. We did two 45 minute shows, standing room only!!

We had the pleasure of having Bob Hartman sit in with us during both sets. He had a great time too. I'm sure he felt great being back on stage. We all had a great time jamming with him. I could tell the fans were excited to see him back on stage playing such classics as Judas Kiss and Beyond Belief. It was a nice addition having two guitars.

Our first set was full of rockers top to bottom. We started out with Noise We Make, then to the classic Medley including Judas Kiss, (which, by the way, rocks with two guitars), then we ended the set with Beyond Belief and He Came, He Saw, He Conquered. Bob covered all the classic guitar solos and I took the rest.

Our second set included all the rockers and also the song Revival. The band and everyone in the crowd enjoyed a memorable night. It's a night I will always remember!

Special thanks to our man from Disney, Xavier, who spent his night after the gig taking me, Greg, and Bryce around to all the rides! No lines!!! Until next time, Q

Subj: Hello & Hola from John Date: 9/17/02 10:27:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Hello folks! Thank you so much for your interest in my website; I’m totally honored that you’re curious about what’s going on in my life, in my family and my ministry.

We had a great time at Disney World with Bob playing – that was a highlight for Petra! Right at this moment, everything is on hold yet for Petra, but there is a lot of stuff hanging on the edge. I’m not trying to be mysterious or anything like that, but there’s nothing I can say definitely.

That long-awaited solo album of mine is in the stage of getting close to being finished. I really am excited about that! I got a call from one of my partners from Icon who’s excited about the fact that we’re getting close to finishing the John Schlitt solo project – (Part III – lol!) – and when we finish it, then we’ll find out what we want to do with it – which will be a totally new ball game. I’m not sure where that’s going, but there is interest and that’s encouraging.

Along with the fact that a lot of encouraging things have been happening with Petra, I actually feel a lot of encouraging things happening with John Schlitt also. With that, I’m still sort of on hold – waiting for God to show me exactly what direction all of this is going to go. I still believe that John Schlitt and Petra will be able to exist side by side – or jointly, together, and that the ministries can be greater than the sum of the parts. That’s really my goal at this time, and I praise God that He’s still allowing me to venture in that direction. Until I find out more definite information, that’s the best I can tell you for now.

I thank you again for your interest – please keep listening, keep checking in and please keep praying for myself and my family, and everyone involved who believes that my ministry should keep on going. I’ll talk to you later!



Hi everybody!

A lot of fantastic things have happened to me in the last month or so. I'm a grandfather now - that's very strange for me to say, but yes, it's true! I have a grandson; his name is Max Needham. His parents are doing very, very well, and excited about the fact that their family has increased. He is a very healthy boy, growing by leaps and bounds every day. He's finally opening his eyes; he hasn't recognized me yet, but that will come - I guarantee it!

Our website anniversary is today, which is also my birthday. I'm happy to announce the winner of the First Anniversary Contest: Crystal Flood Youth Group from Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church, Fairfield, Penn. You can read the winning story, and all the stories on the website. I'm working on the grand prize gift as we speak! I so much appreciate the interest in my ministry and the things that occur in my life. Thank you, everyone!

We're also starting the new "Asked & Answered" feature today, where all you Petheads asked me a bunch of really good questions! There will be a new question and answer every week, so make sure to check back often. I hope you enjoy reading them all - it took me long enough to answer them! But that's OK, because it shows your interest in Petra and myself - and that is much appreciated.

And again, I ask you to keep praying for us at all times; both my ministry and Petra's. I hope you all have a great 2003 and may this be a blessed year for all of us in Jesus' name.


My, how fast the year has flown!

I remember our website 'launch day' like it was yesterday, and how excited Curt Jones and I were to finally have this site up and running after building it via email and instant messaging.

The Lord has really blessed us in making this site happen. It started with a simple comment I made on The Petra Zone on how I'd like to build a site for John, but not having HTML knowledge made it rather impossible. Curt then volunteered to 'build' if I could supply the 'lumber.' And build we did - for months on end! Thank you Curt, for making a long-time wish come true. I also want to thank all the 'carpenters' - all the Petheads who have sent contributions and additions, which has greatly added to the content and historical value of the site.

A special thank you to Michael Jones - our 'interior designer' - for coming on board to help rebuild when we lost our previous site, and getting everything back online with a new domain name and server. He continues to automate the site in ways you may not readily see, but they make things work much more smoothly behind the scenes.

Lastly, I want to thank all of you who continue to visit the site and give us positive feedback on what we're doing. As I watch the counter climb, I know that the site is filling a need. It's my wish that visitors not only learn more about John and his ministry - but that they learn more about Jesus in the process.



Hi everybody!

This is John, and today I'm very excited about the possibilities of the future. I'm always looking forward to that, and I'm happy with what's going on right now.

There's a lot of writing going on for Petra and we're looking forward to the new record, which will finitely be rock - rock with that very, very positive message that Petra's always been known for. It's coming together very nicely. Inpop is excited, and we're excited, plus we're seeing a lot of shows in the works this year - and that's always a good thing.

As far as my solo career goes, my own record is still being worked on up in Peoria and it's actually moving forward, but here in Nashville the focus is more on Petra at this moment.

In other words, I'm a busy man! I have several great projects with my woodworking side of things, so a busy man is a happy man, in my case, and I seem to be a happy man!

Thank you all for your concern; please keep in touch with the website, as I see you have been doing by all the extra bandwidth we've had to add this past month! I thank everybody who works so hard to keep it as current as possible, and thanks to all of you who have contributed items to make the site bigger and better.

As far as Petra's website - it's being worked on as we speak. Sometimes it takes time to do things the right way.

My grandson is doing great - that seems to be the main focus on the home front at this moment.

Thank you again for all your patience, and your interest in Petra's ministry and my ministry. We ask you to pray for us; if God put us on your heart - please pray. The attacks are always there, but we have Jesus Christ and that always makes us victorious. We'll talk to you next month!


Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 4/1/03 

Date: 4/1/03

Hello everyone!

This is Sue, and this month's newsletter will fill you in on some of the new and interesting additions we have at First of all, our bandwidth troubles have been solved! Two very generous Petheads have donated enough funds to pay for an entire year's worth of additional space, so the site should never go down again. This will also enable us to add more audio interviews, rare songs, and even videos! This same Pethead is in the process of converting a large number of videos into a format viewable on the internet, so you will be able to see both of John's solo videos, his Swine Tour concert, live Petra concerts from 1991, and Petra videos including "Whole World," "Who Do You Listen To?" and more! We will send out a special newsletter informing you when they are ready, so stay tuned.

Since all our audio files are so popular, we have now added (and are in the process of adding more) two versions of each interview and music file. If you look at the Audio or Interviews pages, under many of the files you will see "Click here to listen" or "Right-click to download."  'Click to Listen' are low bandwidth streaming files for those of you on dial-up or slow speed connections. You can now listen to the interviews without waiting forever for them to download to your computer. Simply click on the word "LISTEN," and it will play automatically. For those of you who want a better quality recording,  'Right-click to download' are 128 kbps files that can be downloaded directly to your computer. That way you have them on your hard drive and can listen at any time without having to re-load from our site. This will save US bandwidth and will save YOU time!

We have two rather rare interviews on the site right now, thanks to Pieter V. Wingerden. One is a 2 ½ minute piece from 1986 with Bob Hartman speaking on the future of contemporary Christian music, and "new lead singer John Schlitt" on Petra's message - and his own. The other is an hour-long session from 1987 originally aired on the "Love Talks" program at WCM Radio in Detroit. This is a rare opportunity to hear Mark Kelly, in addition to John Lawry, Bob Hartman, Louie Weaver and John. This interview is full of history, taking you back to the days when a concert was huge event, where the controversy over Christian rock music was in full swing and when parents questioned the validity of using rock music to pull kids in to hear the Gospel. Interviewer Foster Brown asks some hard-hitting questions, as do audience call-ins; Bob's high school days are discussed, as well as Petra's progression from their early albums until now. And don't forget to listen closely as Petra's experience as opening band for a world-famous mainstream group is revealed! This interview is streamable or downloadable as a high-quality zip file. Make sure to check out our latest album promo addition on the Audio Page: an hour-long Unseen Power radio special with special guest commentaries by Vice President Dan Quayle, Josh McDowell and John Elephante, to name a few; comedy spoofs; reactions by the band and much more.

We're also in the process of reviving the E-Schlitt-Bay Auctions! MJ is hard at work automating this entire program so it will run similar to EBay's auctions, complete with online bidding, bid confirmation and outbid reminders. I still have a drawer-full of Petra memorabilia to auction off, so when that program is ready to go - we'll let you know.

Don't forget to check out our "Asked & Answered" feature right on the homepage, where a new question from the Petheads is put to John every Monday.

As always, thank you for all your support and interest in the site - we put a lot of work into it and it's great to see that it is appreciated.

Sue Dempster & Michael Jones, webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] John - Live Net Interview Thursday 

Date: 4/9/03

John will be doing a live interview on Around the World Radio (, a net radio station on THURSDAY, APRIL 10, at the following times:

10 AM EST (9AM CST) - live on the NEW LIVE CHANNEL 4 PM EST (3PM CST) - rebroadcast 5 PM EST (4PM CST) - rebroadcast 6 PM EST (5PM CST) - rebroadcast

Make sure to tune in - and if you can't - don't worry - as always, we'll put it up on!

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 5/1/03 

Hello everyone,

As I promised, we have a message on Petra's new website for all you who have faithfully and patiently waited to hear from us. The new site is

There will be more information to come as Petra continues to reorganize, and as the website is added to and updated. I know you've all been waiting a long time for an announcement, so again - thank you for your patience.


Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] More Videos on! 

Date: 5/12/03

Hello everyone!

We have three more Petra videos available on for your viewing pleasure, thanks to Pethead Gary Hurd, our resident "video treasure hunter":

Midnight Oil Think Twice Just Reach Out

Simply click on Media Moments, followed by Internet Video Links which will take you to our video page listing all the videos we have on the site, plus links to other video sites.You may also get to the page directly by pasting this url into the address bar on your browser:

Please download them to your own computer by right-clicking on the video, then hit "save target as...." This will help us save on bandwidth usage, especially if you plan on viewing these more than once.

Another Pethead is in the process of converting more Schlitt solo and Petra videos to internet format; as soon as those are ready we will inform you via newsletter.

All new additions to the site are on the homepage, near the bottom in a light green box - so make sure to check there regularly. Don't forget to read the "Asked & Answered" feature, new every Monday. These are questions asked of John from the Petheads - and his answers.

Thank you - and enjoy the show! Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] Newsletter 6/24/03 - English Version 

Date: 6/25/03

Hello everyone!

While we anxiously await Petra's new album, "Jekyll & Hyde," to be released Aug. 19, there is another incredible project in the works that should be of great interest to you - one that has started quite a buzz in the Christian music world. "Welcome To The Revolution" is an all star rock album  by 3 Chord Records featuring a number of well-known vocalists - including our own John Schlitt!

Other featured artists include: Michael Sweet of Stryper; Bob Carlisle of Allies/Butterfly Kisses; Lou Gramm of Foreigner; Greg X. Volz of Petra; Jamie Rowe of Guardian; Doug Phelps of Kentucky Headhunters; Wes King; Jeff Fenholt of TBN/Black Sabbath; Rick Florian of Whiteheart; Mike Roe of 77's; Scott Wenzel of White Cross; Dale Thompson of Bride; Mitch McVicker; and Paul Q. Pek of One Bad Pig.

The "Revolution" will launch July 15 at Each Tuesday, a 45 second clip will be on the site until the album is released Oct. 28. The first clip will feature the vocals of the one and only .... John Schlitt! 3 Chord Records - make sure to check out their website and sign up for the mailing list at

As always, your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 6/26 - Push Petra! 

Hello again!

Most of you are probably subscribed to Petra's mailing list through Inpop, but in case you're not - here are two things that all the Petheads can do to help push "Jekyll & Hyde." CCM Magazine  ( or is conducting a survey which states: "What "veteran" artist comeback are you most excited about?" Petra is one of the entries. Since CCM is doing a two page feature on Petra, it would be very impressive for them to see how many Petra fans are out there, so head over to the site and look at the lower left-hand corner to vote.

The website is tracking who you are, so unless you close down your browser and then come back, you're only voting once... unless you delete your browser's cookies - then you can vote away! OR go to different computers -whatever works for you! All's fair in love & war!  :-)

For personal contact, Christa Farris, their web editor, can be reached at CCM Update (the publication that focuses on industry news) can be reached at or, 104 Woodmont Boulevard, Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37205, Voice: (615) 312-4246, Fax: (615) 386-3380

The single "Jekyll & Hyde" is due to hit the rock radio airwaves June 27(Friday), so make sure and call your radio stations to request the tune. See this link at the Petra Zone for key rock stations to contact:

Also, take a listen to the new Adult Contemporary/Christian Hit Radio release, "Till Every Thing I Do" at which will air on stations July 11. Until next time, your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter - 7/1/03 

Hey everybody! Thank you so much for your support - by this time I know you've heard the title cut of our newest record, and we are excited - as you have pointed out that you are too. We thank you so much - and I'll tell you what - exciting times are ahead! Remember the date: August 19 is when Jekyll & Hyde hits the streets. Let your radio stations know it's coming, tell them you're excited about it and you'd like to hear it. There are other songs that will come along with it that are going to be just as great. We are so pleased with this project; we thank Peter Furler for his drumming expertise and his producing skills; we thank Inpop for being on board and listening to you, our Petheads, who have been very persistent in letting them know what you want to hear. We thank you all for that devotion in letting people know just what you want. We're happy to say that finally we've been able to give you what you want, and on behalf of Petra we say thank you for sticking with us. We're anxiously waiting to hear what you think! Until next month - we'll talk to you later!


Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 7/14/03 

Hello everyone!

We at want to keep you updated and informed as much as possible on the latest news and information, so here's a reminder that "THE REVOLUTON" BEGINS ON  TUESDAY, JULY 15th! 3 Chord Records will release the first soundclip,"It's All About Love," featuring lead vocals by JOHN SCHLITT. The song is  from the all-star Christian album from the band Liberty n' Justice, entitled "WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION" which features 15 well-known singers, including Michael Sweet of Stryper; Bob Carlisle of Allies/Butterfly Kisses; Lou Gramm of Foreigner; Greg X. Volz of Petra; Jamie Rowe of Guardian; Doug Phelps of Kentucky Headhunters; Wes King; Jeff Fenholt of TBN/Black Sabbath; Rick Florian of Whiteheart; Mike Roe of 77's; Scott Wenzel of White Cross; Dale Thompson of Bride; Mitch McVicker; and Paul Q. Pek of One Bad Pig. Go to and check it out... a new soundclip will be featured every Tuesday until the album release date Oct. 28, 2003.

As always, your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 9/4/03 

Hello everyone!

By now we're sure most of you have heard Petra's new album, "Jekyll & Hyde," and if not - you need to! Reactions from Petheads have been wonderful, and comments from the media - both Christian and mainstream - have also been very positive. Here is a sampling: CCM Magazine: and CMCentral: and Christianity Today: and HM Magazine: and Barnes & Noble:

On another note: Petra is scheduled for taping of a live performance on Trinity Broadcasting Network ( next week. We will inform you of the broadcast date as soon as it is announced. In addition to television broadcasting, TBN programming can be seen via their website also, so anyone with an internet connection can watch! Plans are in the works for re-designing in order to give the site a new look and to make it easier to navigate. We are continuing to bring you as many audio and video clips as we can; the most recent additions includes an hour-long interview from John on July 4 and one from Bob Hartman on Aug. 23. We are always open to new submissions of any kind, so if you have any interesting items for the site, let us know. As always, thank you for your interest and support! Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 9/16/03 - New Interview 

Hello everyone,

There is a new interview up with John at This interview covers topics such as new drummer Paul Simmons, Jekyll & Hyde airplay and tours, Inpop and future albums and John's solo album, to name a few. To find out more, visit:

Bringing you the news as it becomes available, Your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 10/4/03 

Hello Everyone!

Just a few new mentions for the month of October. is continuing to expand our list of downloadable videos. The newest is Petra's "Enter In" video from 1995, and the recent TBN performance featuring Petra's new drummer, Paul Simmons. Thanks to Micah Yoder ( ), we will now be able to add videos more often, as he is helping to host some of these for us. This will help to prevent our inevitable "bandwidth usage exceeded" error message which shuts down the site at the end of the month when we run out of bandwidth (because so many people are viewing and loading!). If there are any others who have webspace available and would like to help in 'mirroring' some of our larger, more popular files, please email us at: For those of you who like to chat and visit with fellow Petheads, you may have wondered what happened to The domain name has expired, so the Petheads have moved to a brand new chat board: www.thepetrazone.NET.  In a few months the .com address will be re-instated but for now -  make sure to change your links to this new site! And WEBMASTERS - please do the same! Yet another website has a new look to it:; take a look around and make sure to check out the photos of new drummer Paul Simmons. That's it for now! A big 'Thank You' to all the numerous Petheads who have donated so much time and effort into making the site all that it has become - we appreciate you immensely!

As always, Your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] Petra on ZJAM - Oct. 18! 

Petra will be live in the studio on the radio program ZJAM this Saturday, Oct. 18. This is a 3 hour program, starting at 7 p.m. PDT; 8 p.m. MDT; 9 p.m. CDT; and 10 p.m. EDT. ZJAM is broadcast on local radio stations - AND you can listen via the internet. Listing of radio stations: Listing of radio stations which broadcast on the net: You can also hear ZJAM 24 hours a day online at: There will be music, live interviews and more! Make sure to tune in to ZJAM THIS SATURDAY, Oct. 18!

Bringing you the news as it happens, Your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 11/11/03 

Hello everyone! This month we are bringing you something special: John's two solo videos! "Can't Get Away" from the album "Unfit for Swine" and "Show Me the Way" from "Shake" are both up and running on the video page for your viewing pleasure. Later this month we will also be adding a live video of John's testimony from a solo concert in St. Cloud, MN. This 20 minute video clip is a powerful witness to the amazing work that the Lord has done in this man's life. While John is 'the Voice of Petra," he also has a solo band that he performs with, in addition to doing concerts with tracks. The band is comprised of a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and drummer, playing John's solo music and Petra hits. This past summer John and the band were rockin' the Midwest, playing in public parks and outdoor venues to audiences that had never heard Christian music before. And judging from the crowd's reaction, they liked what they heard! John and the band is available year round to perform in schools, churches, parks, festivals or any other venue where the Gospel needs to be heard. Please send me an email at: for pricing and available dates, either with a solo band or with tracks.Thanks for your interest - and keep voting on the monthly trivia polls, found on the homepage. We hope you find the questions - and the answers - interesting and informative. It's also fun for us to see how many people get the wrong answer!

As always, Your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter - 12/1/03 

Hello everyone!

How time flies! It's December already, and Jesus' birthday is just around the corner. As things get busier and our schedules become fuller, please remember to take the time to thank our Father for the ONE REAL GIFT that's worth remembering - the gift of Jesus, God's Son, without whom there would be no Christmas to celebrate.

On a musical note, Plans are in the works for the "Revolution Live" tour, sponsored by 3 Chord Records ( ). The tour consists of various artists from the upcoming compilation album, "Welcome to the Revolution," set to release in early Spring 2004. John will be part of this tour, along with a variety of well-known artists from mainstream and Christian musical backgrounds, including Lou Gramm of Foreigner, Bob Carlisle and Jamie Rowe of Guardian, to name a few. This is a new concept in tour promotions, where the individual promoter works hand-in-hand with 3 Chord Records, customizing his tour package by chosing the artists he would like to see perform at his event. 3 Chord Records provides support and assistance in promotions, advertising and publicity in conjunction with the promoter's local contacts and leads. Artists participating on the tour will vary, based upon the promoter's choice, but we hope to see John involved as much as possible. Please spread the word: if you know of any promoters or venues (mainstream or Christian), that are interested in choosing their artists and customizing their very own classic concert, please pass the name along or have them contact: or 920-980-7671 for more information. And on a fun note, for the first time in months the correct answer was chosen by the majority of those voting in the Just for Fun Survey for the month of November, found on the homepage. Congratulations, everyone! Guess we'll have to come up with something a bit more difficult for December.... :-)

As always, Your Webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 12/25/03 - Merry Christmas! 

Hello Everyone,

Merry Christmas and God’s greatest blessing to all of you! It’s Christmas – the time to celebrate the real reason for the season – Jesus Christ. He is the Light of the World, and as His children, He has given us that same light so we too may shine in this world and point others to Him. As we spend the next week celebrating, opening gifts and spending time with family and friends, remember that you are Jesus’ representative here on earth. Make sure to let your light shine brightly as you remind the world of the only true reason to celebrate – Jesus Christ. And for a little Petra news: The Hallmark Channel will air a special program featuring artists that appeared at the 2003 Night of Joy event – and Petra is included! The following is an excerpt from the press release: “Top talent in contemporary Christian music ring in New Year’s Day with “Night of Joy at Walt Disney World,” a celebration of contemporary Christian music broadcast for the first time ever as a television special Thursday, January 1 (10 p.m. - 12 midnight E/P) only on Hallmark Channel. A one-hour encore performance will air Sunday, January 4 (12 - 1 p.m. E/P).”

“Hosted by Michael W. Smith and Rebecca St. James, the Night of Joy special features performances by Smith, St. James, Kirk Franklin, Jars of Clay, Point of Grace, Yolanda Adams, Freddie Colloca, Salvador and Stacie Orrico, with special appearances by ZOEgirl, Petra and Nicole C. Mullen.” And to end the year with a bang, is putting three more Petra videos online: "In The Likeness Of You," "Seen & Not Heard” and "Creed." Happy viewing, both on TV and online!

Your webmasters

Subj: [Petra-JohnSchlitt] English Newsletter 1/28/04 

Hello everyone,

For those of you who are into cool concerts, special releases, and new music - including a brand new song by John Schlitt - read on!

For a limited time you can order the all-star project "Welcome To The Revolution" from 3 Chord Records -  including ALL 18 tracks!

This is a limited run CD, selling for $15 plus shipping/handling. You can purchase by credit card, checking  account, or money order at This is your first chance to buy the CD before it hits the stores in North America - that version has only has 15 tracks.

"Welcome to the Revolution" features guest lead vocals by....

1.  Lou Gramm of Foreigner 2.  Bob Carlisle 3.  Michael Sweet of Stryper 4.  John Schlitt of Petra 5.  Greg X Volz of Petra 6.  Robert Fleischman of Journey 7.  Jamie Rowe of Guardian/ London calling 8.  Scott Wenzel of White Cross 9.  Doug Phelps of The Kentucky Headhunters 10. Harry Hess of Harem Scarem 11. Jeff Fenholt of Black Sabbath and TBN 12. Ken Tamplin of Shout 13. Mitch Malloy 14. Mitch McVicker 15. Dale Thompson of Bride 16. Rick Florian of White Heart 17. Mike Roe of The 77's 18. Paul Q Pek of One Bad Pig

The record will soon be released worldwide; 3 Chord Records is about to reach an agreement with distributors in Mexico and Canada.

Also, if you are interested in attending the March 20 album release concert in Peoria, Illinois, featuring Lou Gramm, Bob Carlisle, John Schlitt, Mitch Malloy, London Calling, and Liberty n Justice, see for more information.

And don't forget to cheer for Petra's "Jekyll & Hyde" nomination at the Grammy Awards February 8. May the best album win! (and we know which one THAT is, don't we?!)

Your webmasters

Other Links

The offical Petra Site
John Schlitt's Official Site
Petra's World-Christianity, God, Prayer, Bible, Discussion...
Petra Sounds
CCM Picture files - Petra
Petra Reviews
Douglas Sands Tribute To The Ministry Of Petra
A Guide to Petra: John Schlitt
Petra - The Rock Cries Out
Unofficial Petra
Petra Fan : Sue Dempster's Interview with John Schlitt
Bob Hartman - Dedicated to the Music & Ministry