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Powell County High School Band


After the band's hard work and determination during marching season the band managed to suceed in one of their goals, they made it to State Regionals plus Powell County's first ever in over 20 years of rating 2 distinguishes in one season. Congatulations to all of the band on their well performed season.

It is now time to put away the uniforms, put up the hats and plumes, and turn their thoughts and minds and start looking forward to the uprising concert season. The band directors feel that it should be a very interesting concert with many intriguing peices and they hope that you enjoy it!

Christmas Has Finally Arrived

Now that Chirstmas is almost here the band has put together an arrangement of wonderful known and some unknown peices for their annual concert that they put forth for the community each year. This Chirstmas concert is much different from all the rest, not only because there are some new players but also because the music is much different from past years. They have accompanied many familiar chorals such as Greensleeves, A Christmas Hymn (with the familiar tone of Till Morning is Night), and Sleigh ride, also for your listening pleasure they are adding with those a melody of music with two unfamiliar peices of Angels, From The Realm Of Glory, and The Child and The Kings.

Don't Be Late For A very Important Date

These next few pages are scedules of each event happening in that month. So please check up from time to time, to be sure that you don't miss a thing.









All band members are required to attend all after school pratices as well as ball games!

There could always be some alterations on any of these pages so make sure that you stop in time to time so that you can make sure you know if something has changed. Thanks for stopping in! Before you leave please pay attention to the site election and guestbook.

Always remember smile, God loves you.

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