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To Feel You


To feel your warm

      body next to mine.

Your arms wrapped around me

in a tender embrace.

Holding me as if

      there were no tomorrow.

                   And making sweet, passionate love,

              as if it were our last time.

             To feel you deep inside,

           touches my soul.

           And to feel that sensation

                  is to know that you make me whole.

          Just the touch of your lips

           softly caressing mine.

          Let's me know this love is

         one of a kind and will last


          I always want to feel

        your breath on my skin

         your lips on mine,

       and your hands

        softly caressing my body.

         I want to feel you as we enter

          into a world of passion.

         A passion only you and I know,

          that exists between us.

        To feel you as you touch my soul,

        a place only you have touched,

       is to feel the wonders of passion and

        what True Love is really like.