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  :: Welcome to the site :

Welcome to my website. Here you will be able to search for local news, weather, and be able to find anything on the web, with are search engine located in the bottom right hand corner. You will also find some game, reviews, and some other pretty cool programs while exploring this site. This site is not finished yet, but will hopefully be done shortly, thanks for your patience.

  "New Updates" written by: Webmasteron August 4, 2003
Since i just started this site, no pages are available for viewing, however the search engine is working, and is locked onto, search for whatever you need, and good luck!.

  "Update! " written by: Webmaster on August 4,2003
I am hoping to have everything setup and viewable soon, please check back shortly!.
.: News Updates :.
Aug 4,2003
Site Started!
Aug 4,2003
Just adding text to see what it looks like :)
.: Info :.
Site Info or About Me Info Here.
Name: Cubby-Krazy-Etc.
Email: =]
Age: 15
Sex: Male
.: Poll :.
Site Sux!
Sites ok
pretty good

.: Search :.
Need To Find Something Fast?
© Brendan Lawlor