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My Old Kentucky Ghosts


Hello, and thank you for visiting my website. I have two hobbys: working on my website and restoring my own personal old Kentucky home. Some of my friends claim that my house is spooky and is probably haunted, but to be honest, I haven't yet seen any ghosts. Below are a few pictures I have selected of my house. You can judge for yourself if it's spooky.

A newly planted magnolia tree beside my house.

Below is A view of my long hallway and old-timey parlor. I've been told that my hallway is scary because you never know who or what could be waiting, hidden, in one of the doorways. The flowers in the parlor were something my mother thought the house needed. That blob in front of the door at the end of the hallway is not a spook but an artificial tree, with little white lights, that was used for a reception. It has since been removed. Although my house is not haunted, there is a haint that lives in the attic. I know because I saw it coming out the attic door one time and snapped a picture of it.

(Note:You can see the haint by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.)

Click here to see the haint that lives in my attic