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Dear Fans, MWA Wrestlers, and anyone else this relates to...

My name is Michael, I'm refered to as Hardcore Hecxz as a backyarder from Kentucky. I was a part of a awesome fed, with some of the most talent group I ever worked with in my time. I worked with over hundreds of guys, but this group was to me the best there is, was and ever would be. This fed was called MWA (Mid-Eastern Wrestling Alliance). I joined them in September 2002. Before then I ran my own fed, it was shut down, due to agruements, fighting, and friends breaking apart. With MWA I saw a sense of hope, maybe back to a happier time. One rule I learned as a backyarder as this stuff should never been taken seriously and get in the way of your friendship with your other peers. So since September 2002, I wrestled and help my peers in MWA, I only missed one show in my time, that show how deciated I was to them. I been doing this thing for a long time, a very long time, longer then most. I could of retired at any time, but I chose not to. I kept going, reason why is I had a great bunch of friends who needed help, and I offered my help. I helped them grow this fed. Bring in new and past existing talent to boost up their shows. Help created cards and make ideas to add more entertainment value. I helped wrestle at least 2-4 times a show just to fill in for no shows and such under different gimmicks. I even offered my services to work on this very own website. I did a lot for this fed. I never really asked for much, I was just happy that one week, me and my group of buds would meet up and have fun wrestling around and trying to pull off a great performance.

Sunday July 6, 2003......
A day which yet again haunts my past and hurts me more to hear about it....

A show planned for the day, turned into a nightmare. The MWA had a porblem within that we never told you all about. Jason Falkenburg (In the past had a bad repuation) and his fed DWA was going under. They contacted my owner at the time, Ryan Oliver to join together. Ryan agreed and kept it a secret from the wrestlers. Once news broke out most was upset, problems occurs, as our fellow leader hid something like this from us without telling us until the last minute. Jason wanted peace, no more fighting, he claim to wanted to wrestled with his buds. Many looked at it different, even if joined we would be still split. We wasn't friends with them, didn't even know them. But if we joined we would be split no matter how close we was. MWA guys would follow Ryan and DWA men would follow Jason, their was more MWA staff then DWA, and if DWA didn't get what they wanted, they would turn on us and walk out, ruining anything we was doing at the time, making us go back to the drawing board. We told our owner of our feelings on the matter. He then agreed then DWA would not join. We got back up, work back together and plan for this show....July 6th

I wasn't there on July 6th as I was waiting for my ride to return home, when I heard the news around 3:30PM EST. Jason was at the MWA Arena with Ryan....Ryan told them he signed Jason, problems occured again as no one was told again. The guys there (Aaron, Gary, Steven) didn't like this one bit and finally said they want a vote on a new owner. They didn't like how Ryan was doing this behind their backs. Ryan got upset and took his stuff and took Jason and left. They asked Aaron to use the phone, Aaron said no, he told them, if you want Jason so much, go join DWA. We will do our own. So Ryan and Jason walked miles from his house back to his home. Once I was told this, I was upset. I sick of this, history was repeated for maybe the 7 or 8th time for me in my whole life where my friends fight over something as stupid as wrestling. No over stealing, or making out with their girlfriends, or even a video game...but wrestling. Something so tiny, something so small, something so stupid.

Mike (Aaron's Bro) talks to me about this and saids he would like to try to continue MWA. Without Ryan. But what for, why should I. Too many times history repeated itself in Hardin County. We do a fed, they will do one, and all it will lead to is fighting. It's not fun for me. Never was, never will be. No matter what now wrestling with them, I will hear comments, jokes, and crap about them, and I'll hear the same from them. I'm tired of this. This is where the fun in Backyard Wrestling disappears.

As of July 6th, 2003 at 7:35PM EST, Hardcore Hecxz hangs his gear and shoes up and retires from backyard wrestling. I end my 10+ year career here. It's not fun anymore, no matter what happens now it will never be, and I can see that. History has to be repeating itself for a reason, and I see that now for the first time with my own eyes. I hate my friends fighting over something as stupid as running backyard feds. My best friends who are about my age (18) fighting like little kids. I hate it, and I won't stand to watch it. So I give up, I'm better then this. I more creative then wrestling. I'm a awesome artist, I love doing Comics and cartoons, and awesome on Web Design and Graphic Art. I can see a career for me in those positions that will probally get me more money and fame then as a indy wrestler. I can see wrestling is beginning to die in our society. Wrestling isn't the #1 Program on T.V. anymore, their ratings dropped. I even loss some interest in it.

So now I sit at home and do activities I love to do for myself. I dunno how my wrestling friends feel about what i'm saying. They probally look at me and hate me and never want to speak to me again, and hey that's cool, cuz you was never my friend anyways if you only though of me as a wrestling tool for you. My true friends will respect my decision and honor it and they will still talk, hang out, and spend time with me. I'm not going to take sides on it, I don't care who will hate me. All and All is i'm done.

A question I will probally be asked.....will I be done with Backyard Wrestling forever? My answer is this, when I see a world with reasonable and sensable group who beliefs are aim at fun and not making it into a marketable business to show off across the states. Then maybe. If I see their might be a chance for me to enjoy it, then I might come back, but it would have to be soon, wait too long and I'll be too old to even want to do it.

I wish my friends, who they know who they are the best of luck with whatever challenges await them. I don't know at heart if MWA is gone, it might be planned to return, but not with me. The site is gone because of Ryan and Jason probally shut it down and deleted everything. I didn't do it. This message will probally get deleted by them as well, and I don't mind. Anyways enjoy what you got, because I learn now that good things never last forever.

Hardcore Hecxz

...............who will carry my weight now since i'm gone.

(Sorry if I have bad grammar)