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I have not titled this poems, b/c I dont think that they are meant to be named yet. I love them very much and they are a piece of me. I request that if you want to use these that you e-mail before doing so. Thank you!


out of control

the world is spinning faster

nothing to hold

i've lost everything of my own

why were you allowed to come into my life

and why did you push me into this pain and strife

when did you get such power

and made me wilt like a dying flower

i gave my heart and you broke it

i tried to break away

the more i moved

the more you pulled me back to stay

i'm stuck in a rut because of you

an eternal private hell

and it's all because you knew my weaknesses

all too well.

and i keep wondering

how could i be so foolish

and let you in my life

and why didn't i learn my lesson

that you would only bring me pain and strife.


stuck in a void

no real reason to understand

that i gave you my heart to hold

i thought you were a different kind of man

i loved you without restrictions

and you left me in this condition

bound and broken i slip away

wondering why you didnt stay

you led me to believe in love

and then you cast me aside

and i have nowhere to hide

why did i let you in my heart

when did this feeling start

you gave me cause to believe in

that you weren't deceiving

me constantly


love is not a lie

no matter what you say or do

it is something so alive

and it dwells inside of you

i see a feeling so powerful

so rare, but true

that like the sun

it radiates this light from you

love has lived through centuries

the good times and the bad

it has seen many things

people happy and people sad

i look at you with this feeling

that lives inside of us all

and i know that there is no place in the world

that can make this passion too small.

you led me to believe that you were true

and i put my faith in you

then you slammed the door in my face

and sent me to a place

that i've never been before

and i dont know what i'm here for


standing in a crowded room

i feel like i'm the only one there

i look at the smiling faces around me

and no one seems to notice or care

i'm so different from the rest of them

i don't know what time holds for me

realizing things aren't always what they seem

i don't know where i'm going or what i'm going to be

all i can do is look inside myself

and see what the truth holds for me


love develops like the day

always growing and changing

it has it's dark points

it's light points

it's strength's and weaknesses

always causing a storm in human emotions

helping us to touch what we need to feel

always showing us what is real

reality is hard place to face

fantasy is our place to excape

maybe i'm crazy, and i know this to be true

that when love showed me truth

she showed me you


in my life there have been many

for no such reason

that slipped away from me

in a desperate time and season

they never really knew

what their actions could mean

and that with each day they breathed

they too helped shape the person i was going to be

no matter how much contact

each person left an impact

on the person i was growing to be

but why do the days come

when they have to be separated from me

time moves swiftly

and people say that it's meant to be

but why is it that the people i love

slip away from me

some i knew little

and some i knew alot

but no matter what happens

what they taught me is all i've got

that and memories

and i won't let those slip away from me


Love everlasting?

Could that really be for real?

I was emotionally frozen inside

But your love made me feel

Tell me the truth

My heart cant take all these lies

Someone drove me into this torment

And made me want to hide.

Dont tell me you love me

And then leave me behind

I can't take these games again

I'm not blind

Dont play the fool again

Because it's not fair

That you could walk away just fine

And leave me in the middle of nowhere

My emotions can be a barren place

Like a desert fire

You have rekindled this dwindled flame

With your own desire

Dont blow the candle out

If you do,

I'm through

Because as much as I hate to admit it

My strength is in you.


Rain is the reflection of my soul

The tears that fell

That swallowed me whole.

I thought that you actually cared

But I guess not

Another rainy day

In my heart

The churning waters

Tear me apart

All the unsaid thoughts

Take me away

And all that I'm searching for

Is a way to make you stay

Rain, rain

Wash away my pain

Don't let me come down this road again

That is if you love me

As more than a friend



Maybe I was stupid to think

That you could just change

In just one blink

I gave you the moon

When you asked for the stars

I would give you anything

If you dont deny who you are

My eyes can't cry anymore

I can't take it

I gave you my heart to hold

Not to break it

Maybe I was foolish

To trust you again

I shouldn't have tried

To be more than your friend

Think about what you say

Before you speak

And all your actions

Before you act

Maybe if you do that

I'll let this go

Because everytime you turn away

It hurts me so


Eyes Open

Eyes open up

So I can see the world around me

This presence is so strong

I can only feel it surround me

I don't know what the future holds

And I'm scared of things I could lose

I start to tremble more

When you tell me to choose

If only I could have it both ways

If I could move forward,

But keep things the same

This is not possible

By growing older I know it's true

No eyes open up

And guide me

I'm counting on you


The Wall

Confusion overwhelmes me

And it is hard to see

What it is that I am

Going to be

I see a man so different

So sure of himself

So strong

I keep wishing that he would notice me

And that I wouldn't have to be alone

These little mind games

He always plays

Never knowing where we're going

Or if we're going to stay

In between is

A wall has erected

So we can keep our feelings inside

This wall makes it easier

For when we just want to hide

How can I knock this wall down

How can I let him see

That the thicker the wall gets

The harder it is on me


Dreams are my wings

And you are my guide

I no longer have a reason

To hide

Away in shame

No more reason to live in pain

I wish I could know my futher

And where you fit

And answer all my questions

On why we exist

But these answers I will never have

And it drives me crazy

To know that I can respond

to the most important things

And that is the only truth

That my heart can bring



If I could close my eyes

And plan the perfect dream

You would be my leading man.

If I could wish to have wings to fly

I would be with you

As soon as I can.

Time divides us constantly

And the distance seems so hard to bare

The more I want to be close to you

The more I know that my dreaming

Gets me nowhere

I want to hold you close to me

To listen to your heart

And never let go

I want time and space to disappear

And always hold you near

If I could do that once

I would be complete

And not be afraid anymore

You are my missing link

The one I've been waiting for


Maybe I am crazy

To think that we stand a chance

But all I know is

That I need you to make the first advance

I've been hurt once before

And so have you

But for this to work

We both know what we need to do

We need to let go of the past

And move on

Or else life will continue to play

Like a sad song

Let me know what you think

And I will trust you no matter what

But don't let me think that something will happen

When it's not



Empty words running through my head

Always confused of what is alive

Or what is dead

You have become the air I breathe

Every thought you have

Means something to me

A silent glance

And a smile

Helps get through tough times

And all the while

A battle keeps raging inside of me

And I dont know what to do

It comes down to one choice

Him or you

He is so far away right now

Not even close enough to touch

And here you are in my sight

And all I want is to hold you so much

The decision is tough,

And I don't know what to do

Because although my heart says one thing

I want to belong to you

Maybe there will be a way

For the things in my life to just stay

Even if it's just for awhile

I can stare into your brown eyes

And enjoy your smile


I close my eyes

And you are in my every dream

I've learned so many times before

that things aren't always what they seem

Your face haunts me

Even when I'm awake

I don't know how much more separation

I can take

I feel so weak

Without you around

I never knew a feeling

So profound

I need you back by my side

And then I'll no longer hide


All my life I wondered

How can it be

That everyone has someone

And there is no one for me

I look out into the world

With only one desire

To have the one that I love

And rekindle my heart's fire

I look at him

And wonder

How could I be so lucky to find him

But what I dont know is what he thinks

When he looks at me

Maybe we're just meant to be friends

Of maybe more,

But it's only from him to see


Tears of Steel

The days move by slowly

With each tear

I get more lonely

I only want to be held

But the pain in my heart

Is too much to tell

I reach out to you

With all I have

I want you with me

As more than a friend

You don't know what it does to me

To not be able to say that to you

You don't know what all

My soul has been through

I've overcome obstacles

That I never thought I could

I found you at this time

And I never thought I would

It seems like no one understands

The winding road I take

And that everyone in my life

Looks at me and thinks that I'm a mistake

I know that this is not true

Because as hard is the times get

I'll always have you

Tears of steel

Set me free

Let me have the courage

To tell the man I love

To let things move forward and let love be


Every day crawls by slowly

Each moment is an eternity

Because I am away from my one and only

He could ask for anything

And I would make it his

I am so sick of these little games

Played by men who are actually kids

I would trade everything

Even before I had it to give

If it would give me a chance

To live my life with him

The distance is so hard

I can't take too much more

I argue constantly with myself

If this is what life is for


Stinging tears

Silence screaming in my head

In my eyes

All that were caused

By my fear and your lies

Scared of something

I don't know

In the darkness

Its figure won't show

Where were you when I needed you?

Could you see me cry?

Or was it could good to be true?

Is even your love a lie?

Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it

You know, my whole life

Is it really worth

All the pain and the strife?

Maybe you wouldn't even notice

Or care when I am gone

I might just be a written word

Like another sad song

You cause me more pain

Than I can really take

Everytime you yell at me

My heart breaks

Why is it that the ones I love

Always give me lies

And that everytime I come back to them

Another part of me dies?


You speak empty words to me

You fill my life with lies

Why is it that I talk to you

When it is you that causes all I love to die

What a little fool I am

To actually think

That you were all past your stupid little pranks

Love is an illusion

That we all create

One that will protect us

From all the things we hate

You don't know me

The way you think you do

And before you hurt me again

I'll be through with you


Break the chains that bind me

I don't know what it means to be free

I feel so empty

Like a bird in a cage

My wings are clipped

All my faith has slipped

Away into that hole of despair

I feel like I can't get anywhere

The cold metal burns my skin

I don't know what to do

Should I keep fighting

Or give in

I feel like crying

But I can't

And so continues my rant

I give myself to the world

And they throw it back

My life is just so out of whack

I need a guide once again

I need a love

But more than ever a friend

I don't know what to do

And I don't know who to turn to


In my life

I have found

That love is a feeling

So profound

I knew from the moment I saw you

You were the one

And when our eyes first met

My search was done

Day in and day out

You are always on my mind

And the things that could happen between us

If only we had the time

Distance separates us

My love

And how I wish the space would disappear

Because if it would

Then I could always have you near


In my dreams

You are my angel

My constant hero

Shielding me from harm

I look at you and know I never have to fear

A night of not being in your arms

Distance is a burden

But in my sleep

I find a key

That opens up a door for us

And so that we can be free

Take my hand and walk with me

Into the fading sun

Give me that smile once again

And time for more fun

The night time falls around us

The stars become our guide

We only have the night together

Let's run away and hide

In the dark part of the woods

Where all the adventure lies

If we hold onto each other

Our spirits will never die

A never ending journey

Where I am yours

And you are mine

Then my dream ends

And I wake up

At least for this time


Wishing I could see

What life has for me

Wanting you to be near

And to end my constant fear

Loving you was the easiest thing

That I have ever done

Even though life has always been

Much less than fun

I want you to see the future

Through my eyes

To see what will come

Out of all those tears I cried

We will be together

Somehow we'll figure out

How to be with each other

And then there will be no doubt


Your eyes are a mystery

Waiting to be solved

Since the day we met

You've changed the way my world revolved

I felt so empty

Lost and confused

Then I was blessed

The moment I saw you

Your smile is a light

That shines in the darkest part of my soul

And I know that when I'm with you

I'm completely whole


Cold tears

Conceal the dark fears

Hidden in my heart

Long ago

And far away

I promised not to depart

In the sorrow

Of my mind

The peace is so hard to find

Wishing for a change

To begin

Hoping to find

My one true friend

Death waits at my door

I can't take anymore

The key slips from my hand

If I wait

And the gates open

To my uncertain fate

If only time would freeze

And I could set my mind to ease

In the darkness

It calls my name

And I step into a burning flame


Silence screaming in my head

All is real

And fantasy is dead

Crushing silence with every blow

Stealing the peace from me

I've come to know

You have a blank look on your face

Like you've been stolen

From time and space

I am helpless

But love is my guide

I want to be selfless

But I can only hide

Gradually I slip away

Into a private hell

More and more

I turn away

From those who knew me well

The person I once was

No longer exists

See what happens

When you blink your eyes

Do you see what you have missed?


Pain in my heart

Ice stinging my eyes

I watched you walk away

And a part of me died

I feel so empty

So scared and confused

It feels ridiculous

Because I should not be this in love with you

You think I'm childish

But you will see

That what you think are my ideals

Will become reality

Life is not perfect

I've known this all along

But I know that you are the one for me

And I will not leave that dream alone

Now you're gone

I don't know what to do

Because every breath I take

Is agony without you


Gasping for air

Freezing my lungs

I don't know what happened

Life used to be fun

It used to make sense

But I can't understand

What changed

Where I am

My eyes stare blankly

Out into space

I begin to fall away

And lose the time and place

I wish I could come back

I wish I could let go

I'm so scared

And it hurts with every blow

Step by step

I return

But every movement

Causes my heart to burn


In my dreams

You're never so far away

In my reality

I couldn't make you stay

I feel so lost

Lonely and confused

At this point

The only thing I feel is that I was used

You treat me like a queen

And then had to leave

Like a real queen

It's hard to live without her king

My lover,

My life

I pray one day

We will be husband and wife


You act like you really know me

And then you say that we are meant to be

Quit playing these games with my heart

Every word rips me apart

If you really knew how it feels

And how hard these wounds heal

Maybe you would give me something real

You speak what you call the truth

Every word makes me start to hate you

I'm sick of all of your lies

And as you speak, the trust dies

So don't act like you really know me

Pain and bitterness are what you've shown me

And this is the end of my listening to your lies

So look up at me, and say your last goodbyes


I close my eyes

And am blinded by what I see

These dreams of hopeless torment

All start to consume me

You ran off

And suddenly I couldn't let you go

I can't see where I'm standing now

I've lost all the things I used to know

You ran off

Before the moment came to let you go

I must go on

And learn not to love you so


Rain falling over my face

Blocking my view

I lose my pace

I can't seem to reach you

You say that love is eternal

That the fire never dies

But now the hatred is internal

And all you said was lies

I cried too many tears

And learned to let go

I have so many fears

And life moves too slow

You slipped away from me

Without a second thought

Letting me think that we are meant to be

Well, thanks alot

It's all been said and done

And although I constantly fall

I'm the one that won

And it's the end of it all


Maybe my reality is no more

Fantasy has entered

Now shut the door

My world entirely centered

On everything you say and do

I never ever thought

I could stand a chance with you

I'm the luckiest woman alive

You don't even understand

How hard it is to keep the drive

And to never ever lose my stand

I wish I could hold you

More than I'll ever get a chance

No matter what time puts me through

You'll always have me in this trance

So kiss me in my dreams

Love me when I'm awake

I'm bursting at the seams

But I'm yours to take


Dreams are the best

When I am awake

Everything passes my test

That I'm about to to take

I keep wishing

For a day

And I keep on drifting

Further away

Into a land

Where I am happy

Into a place

Where I am free

Into a moment

Where we are alone at last

Just time

And You with me


Why am I so nervous

About how I feel

Why do I tremble

At what I know is real

I feel only love

But even then I'm scared

I need some form of reassurance

Something so rare

Why am I so crazy about you

I just don't understand

After all that I've been through

I can't be hurt again

I'm trusting you with more than I normally ever do

I don't know how I could handle it

If this was all a game to you

My feelings are so fragile

My heart so weak

I want to shout my love out to the world

But those words are so hard to speak

I need to know where we stand

Before I get too attached

I need to know where this is going

And have I finally met my match?


The silence is deafening

I don't know what to do

A decision so intense

And it's all up to you

I never should have put it all on you

I should have spoke my mind

I don't want to push the issue

But now all I have is time

The time it takes for you to decide

And a silent prayer that things will be alright

I've never been good at waiting

But if this is what I have to do

I would rather wait forever

Than to lose a chance with you


Did you know

That this pain inside

I can't let go

Would you give

A place to hide

Away in my life

I wish I could understand

These feelings inside of me

And why you are my perfect man

I keep hiding

All my dreams

Never finding

The true path it seems

I wish I could show you

Exactly how I feel

But first we have a friendship

And that's the only thing that's real

I can't risk losing that

But my heart won't let you go

We have the strangest relationship

And I can't let myself say

What I truly know

Is my heart's desire

My dreams have lit

My heart on fire

I can't say it

I won't let it out

You are so special

And one that I truly care about

Now hide away my feelings

I'm so scared to say

That I love you more

Each and every day


Love enters

In the room

I never thought

My time would come so soon

I am finally happy

My heart finally has peace

I now have you as my own

I'm not scared of losing you

I can feel you with me

I don't know what started this

And even if I did

I would never find this place

Where our happiness lives

You gave me more

Than my heart could give

You gave me a reason

To love to live

And if you could see

The effect you've had on me

You would know

Why I feel we're meant to be

I can't let go

Of my past

But here's my future

Now at last

I know what happiness can be

All because of what you are to me

Now I know where this path leads

Because of what you became to me


I lived my life

All these years

I've lived in sadness

I've faced my fears

You became the light

In my darkness

The love of midnight

In my day

I can't move forward

Because I think of you every day

I don't know where we're going

I don't know where we are

I don't know what is happening

But it sure feels right

I don't know what's developing

But it sure feels right

You are my constant

My loving friend

You are on my mind

From the day's beginning until the end

And when I go to sleep

You are the leading man in my dreams

And all the secrets I keep

It seems

That I don't know where this is going

But it sure feels right

And if I could show you

If we had just one night

I don't know where we're going

But it sure feels right


Icy cold walls melt around me

My eyes can finally see

Where it is that I'm going

And if I can finally be free

Lost in a hazy mist

Our love is the only thing that exists

Opening my eyes

Praying for a chance to be

The only way to be free

Open up the floodgates

Light my way

I don't know what to say and do

I only want to stay

I'm on fire

And I don't know why

Wishing for a chance to run away

But I'm afraid to try

Bound by invisible chains

I'm stuck in a place of darkness

Unable to see the light

And not able to continue to fight.


You may think

That I do things differently

But then

You don't really know me

You once said you were my friend

That you wouldn't mess things up

That you would stick around until the end

But now you need to grow up

Love was not lost over you

Yes you were dear to me

But that is through

Why can't you see

That he is the very reason that I breathe?

You accuse me of immature little games

But oh what a role you play

Accusing me of ending this quoted "friendship"

Now I won't listen to a word you say

You won't see what you need to see

And this is the way it's gotta be

I'm with him

And he's with me

And now we are finally free


Lucky Star

My shining star

Leading me home in the night

My lucky star

Moving away my fright

My angel

Sent down from heaven above

My other half

It's only him that I love

My lover

To keep me warm at night

My comforter

To take away pain on sight

My guiding light

Is in you alone

Oh my lucky star

You are my home



Close my eyes

Breathe in

The air all around me

Bit by bit

You take my hand

Your presence astounds me

Holding on

And letting go

Somewhere in between

Drinking the drink of loneliness

Saying things we don't mean

I wish I could be with you

But again

I'm glad I'm not

Maybe this separation

Is the best thing that we've got

What doesn't kill you

Makes you stronger

At least that's what they say

The lies become the truth

But things don't always turn out this way

Without you beside me

I usually feel lost

But I realize now

How much pain is the cost

In your absence,

I am free

It used to feel wrong

But now this is how it has to be

Later on we'll work out

But right now, we can't

For many reasons beyond our control

Now alone we stand


Maybe (Part 2)

Maybe one day

Life will make sense again

Maybe some way

I'll see you as a friend

Right now things are complicated

They shouldn't be

But that's how we made it

It took forever to see

When you walk down that road

I won't be by your side

Think of every step you take

In the shadows I hide

When did we get here

I don't know

What's there to fear

There's nothing to show

Maybe one day

I'll look at you and see you as a friend

But right now the only way

Is to realize that this is the end

Maybe we could've changed things

But you didn't seem to care

And when got this crossroads

You weren't there to share

Why do I feel my world is ending

You don't even realize what I mean

Why are you so condescending

You haven't seen the things I've seen

Maybe you understood me

But that was at the beginning

And I'm growing into the person I need to be

And I have to let go

Maybe in time,

I will heal

But I have to let go


In your eyes

I see my future

And everything was so clear

In your arms

I'm safer

I live without my fears

I love you

More than words can say

And I need you more everyday

They say that I'm crazy

That age is most important

But they don't understand the way you make me feel

They think that what we have is not real

But I love you more than words can say

And I need you more everyday

Maybe one day they'll see

Just how good you are for me

Until that day comes, I will wait

Being with you is the only chance I want to take

Because I love you more than words can say

And I need you more everyday

Give it time

We'll make it through

Because I'm in love with you



Skeletons in my closet

Oh how did they come to be

Are they long lost regrets

That are here to haunt me

I really wish I could go back

I really wish I could relive

That one memory

That now haunts me

That one night

I had true bliss

Under a full moon

Our souls kissed

I remember I felt so safe

As you held me in your arms

The longer you held me

The more I knew that you would

never cause me any harm

If I could just relive that moment

How I wish it didnt have to end

But how can I look back on that

And think of you as just merely a friend

You made me feel so secure

More than I have ever felt in my life

And in just that short time

I forgot my pain and strife

If this is my skeleton in my closet

Then I'm proud that it has come to be

Because if that night never happened

I would be a weaker me


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