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My Darling Desperado,

I have finally done it!
I am now a college graduate with a Bachelor's Degree.
I could never have done it without your believing in me. Without you, I would have given up long ago, or perhaps never have started this journey.
I think this song says it all my sweet.
You are in my heart today, tomorrow and for always.
How can I ever thank you or repay you for all you have given me over the years? We have the rest of our lives for me to find a way.
You are and have been since we met, the love of my life, my support, my best friend, my lifeline. I hope it remains so for eternity.
There are so many thing I want to say to you, but I am afraid you will push me away again, so I will leave it at this for now.
Thank you my sweet for being the wonderful you that you are.
My love for always