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Megan Ashley Caudill

Hey! My name is Megan Ashley Caudill, people just call me Megan, that is when they're not mad at me, haha. I go to Lawrence CO. High School in Kentucky, Im just a down-to-earth girl who likes to meet new people. I'm the kind of person who thinks of everyone as friend, unless they give me a reason to think otherwise. OKay, well I guess this is the part where I mention some of the people closest to here goes: Whitney "KYLE" Jackson-this is my girl, she's my best friend of all time. I dont think a person could ask for a better friend in life. Thanks for being there through thick and thin. Tela "big mouth" Caudill-this is my cuz(not really but we have the same last name), this is also my buddy!your the best! I'm glad you left Johnson Co. and came to good ole Lawrence Co. Cause then I might not have met you! Your the coolest! (and you know the big mouth thing is a joke, right?)lol Christina Blackburn-this really is my cuz, your the strongest person I know, I mean you put up with me, and you gotta have will-power to do that. I look up to cuz, your one of my ro-models. Your the greatest. Joey B.-all my close buds know who this is, even though things didnt work out, he still the most considerate, nicest, caringest guy that Ive ever known. John "JJ" Hunt-I havent known you all that long, but you seem like a nice guy, and I hope to get to know you better. I just hope you dont get tired of me first. haha Okay, now Im just going to list names: Roman, Christina Fairchild, Kayla Blevins, Audrey Sparks, KATHYRN BRANTLEY(huge goober), Jennifer W., Jess Fields, LisaMarie, Chris, CJ(even though your a butt to me), Josh P., Josh C., Josh T.(little one)and okay...Im tired now, so if I have forgot anyone let me know in person, on ICq, or however you want. Well, thats me and my friends, so what did ya think?

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