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The Gray Family

Well the wedding pictures are on here now.. at least a few of them that is. Enjoy

This is the picture that was taken of Brianna in the hospital when she was born. She was a doll even then. She weighed 8 lb 1 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Her eyes are a stormy blue color and her hair is a strawberry blonde. Its hard to believe something that small can seem to big at the same time.
I love this picture just a close up of her pretty little face and that grin. How did we every make something so beautiful.
This is a professional picture that we had done and she would not look at the camera to save her life.
This is a picture of our cake before it was cute. I thought it was beautiful. I'm glad we have a picture of it.
Here we are cutting into our beautiful cake.
Here I am throwing my bouqet away.
Here I am with Jennifer .. my new cousin .. who caught the bouqet.
Here is Marty taking off my garter .. with his teeth!!!
And here is Marty throwing my garter .. my oldest nephew caught it and gave it back to me.. Thanks!!!

Well it's not finished yet .. and I'll be updating and changing all the time so keep checking back to watch us change.