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What can I Say?! …I love Dewayne with all my heart!¡* I kno it hasn*t been that long since we started goin out… But I have loved him forever… I’ve said I love you to many guys, but I never meant it until I said it to Dewayne*!* I can honestly say that I do not kno what I would do without him in my life… When I’m with him it’s jus like everything seems so0o perfect… when we are together somehow all my problems go away and everything is just about * US *!* When I am with him …I never wanna leave cause it feels so0o perfect… So0o0o Right!¡* I wanna spend every minute of every day with him*!* When I Am away from him… there always feels like something is missing!¡¤ I Gotta admit… when me and him first started goin out… I never thought we would have lasted more than 3 weeks…And I never dreamed of fallin in love with him… But now that I do love him… I am so0o happy we stayed together… and I hope we stay together forever!!! I *REALLY* mean It when I say I Love You!~* Dewayne tells me he loves me… And I believe him…but even if he didn’t love me… it wouldn’t matter… cause I can*t change the way I feel for him!¡* Even If we broke up…(hopefully We won*t)… But even if we do… I Would still love him… and there would always be a place in my heart for him!¡¤ Dewayne… Baby… If your reading this… I jus wanna let you kno that I will always love you no matter what!¡* My feelings for you will never change… you will always have a place in my heart… I hope you feel the same about me!¡* Your the first guy that I *truely* loved... and I want you to be the last!! I Love You Baby!¡¤

*!* Brittney *N* Dewayne *!*

*You know you're in love when you can say anything to the person and you know they won't laugh at you.

When you can see their face when you close your eyes.

When you can still feel their arms around you holding you tight long after they are gone.

When you can still taste their kiss after you have said good-bye.

When their smell lingers on you and every time you move you smell it and wish they were there with you.

You can tell you're in love when you miss them before they are gone.

When their voice lingers in your ears.

When their presence eases any pain.

When their name sends chills down your spine.

When they are the only thing you can think about.

You know you're in love when you can see all their hopes and dreams and their soul when you look into their eyes.

When they call you at four in the morning and say, "I love you" and mean it.

When your tears stain not only their shirt, but also their heart.

When they are hurt just because of these tears.

When even a simple chore done with them can become a lasting memory.

Ultimately, you know you're in love when you can't imagine living without them, and can't figure out how you lived before you knew them.

When they fulfill every need and without them you are incomplete.

The love of someone else completes the heart, and soul, and mind all at once.*

I love you so0oo0o0o much Dewayne! I*m so0o glad I found someone special like you to have in my life to love… You mean so0o much to me… and I love every moment I spend with you... I want you to be that special person that I spend the rest of my life with… I don’t ever wanna loose you for anything!! Baby... words can’t even begin to explain my feelings for you!! I can never thank you enough for coming into my life and giving me someone to love and love me in return… You make me so0o happy and I love that happy feeling I get when I am around u... not a second of the day goes by that I’m not thinking of you!! Never in a million years did I think I would find someone so perfect for me... So right!! You make my life complete! Without you I wouldn’t know what to do!! When I don’t see you I miss you so0o much nothing feels more right then you… you are my first love and I want you to be my only love... People be saying stuff like I should break up with you but I ain*t gonna listen to them... if I do I might make a big mistake... I*m gonna stick to what I say or what you say because I don*t want to do something wrong... Baby... I will always have a place for you in my heart... you are my best friend and my boyfriend... You can tell me everything and I can tell you anything… I will do anything for you... I would give my life for you.. I don’t want anyone else in my life but you!! I want to be with you forever and more... I don’t want what we have to ever end! Nobody could ever take your place!! Your So0o special to me... I kno we have had our ups and downs... but I'm gonna stick with you through thick and thin and I never ever ever wanna loose you!! My life would be soo0o incomplete without you in it!! I love You Baby!!! I never wanna loose you... and if I do I will try forever to get you back!! I love you more than words can explain!!! I love you Dewayne!!!

*!¡* Brittney *N* Dewayne 4*eva *N* Alway§ *!¡*

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