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*~mY sHoUt~oUtS~*

kAyLa~ dOnT eVa cHaNgE!

jUsTiN~ LuV yA!

mArY~ luV yA gIrL, wE hAvE aLwaYs bEeN tIgHt aNd aLwaYs wILL bE, yOu aRe tHe gReAteSt!

nIcOLe~ sOrrY!

cHaSTiTy~ aRe yOu aNd aShLeY sTiLL FiGhTiN?

aShLeY~ aRe yOu aNd dOuG eVa gOnnA bReAk uP!?

cHRiS~ NO ONE poors mountain dew on me and gets away with it, you got it comin, just wait . . . . when you least expect it . . . . you'll see!

jOsH~ iT iS a BaD iDeA tO cHaT wHeN uR dRuNk!!

kOri~ So when is our band gonna go on tour?

riCHaRd~ dO yOu LiKe kOrI aS mUcH aS sHe LiKeS yOu?

bEccA~ wHaT hAppEnEd!?

AmBeR~ hOW cOmE wE nEvA tAlK aNyMoRe!?

aMaNdA~ kEeP uR mOuTh sHuT! ;) u kNoW iM jUsT mEsSiNg wiT yA!

mArY~ mary, mary, mary, there is so much i could say here i dont even know where to begin, but i guess there is probably a country song that pretty much says it all, "i guess thats just the cowboy in . . . ." whats the end of that again? i seem to have forgotten ;)

WiLLiAm~ rEmEmBeR tHe bAr~b~oUt?!

hEy jAsOn

wHaT uP rOdRigO?

kYLe yOu aRe tHe gReAtEsT gUy i KnoW, dOnT eVeR cHaNge!

gArY~ aRe YoU eVeR gOnNa sToP LiKiNg mArY?

hEaThEr~ I aLrEaDy kNoW, bUt iT hURts tHaT yOu WonT tELL mE :*(

eVeRyOnE eLSE~ sOrrY iF i fOrGoT aNyOnE! e-MaIL mE iF i DiD aNd i'LL aDD yA!

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Heather's Party 2002

Graduation 2002