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VBS Preview

 Cokesbury Brings You:

 2 cutting-edge workshops

                                                . . .  at  1  convenient place & time

See bottom of the page for location and registration information  

For Children’s Teachers

O Taste and See That The Lord Is Good! Psalm 34:8a         

Children learn best when all of their senses are involved.         

                                        Discover how to make learning meaningful, fun, and long-lasting!

J    Learn how to Touch children with Christ’s love
J    See your enthusiasm for ministry soar
J    Get a Taste of sensory learning
J   Enhance learning through Smell
J    Hear how the newest brain research revolutionizes teaching

 Only $25 per person! 

Participants receive a free 96-page workbook!


See below of the page for location and registration information or the bottom of the page for Frequently Asked Questions.



 For Jr. High and Sr. High Youth Leaders

Meeting the Fun Factor and Feeding the Soul                          

Check out junior high culture, new brain research, spiritual formation, building ministry teams, and creating multisensory youth worship services.

J     Bring Fun and Faith together for a dynamic, soul-feeding ministry

J     Wake up your Sunday school class with activities that feed your middle schoolers

J     Fill your youth – younger and older – at a worship feast

Only $25 per person!

Participants receive a free book about junior high ministry!

See below of the page for location and registration information or the bottom of the page for Frequently Asked Questions.


Location and Registration Information!

All Cokesbury Resources You Purchase or Order at the Workshop

Will Receive a 20% Discount, Excluding Dated Curriculum!

Saturday, March 29, 2003   

9:30 am – 12:30 pm (registration and refreshments begin at 8:45 am )

Anderson Hills United Methodist Church

7515 Forest Road

Cincinnati, OH  45255


To Register Call 1-800-251-8591 or :

Click Herefor the Children's Workshop

Click Here for the Youth Seminar

Children's Workshop FAQ


Who should attend these workshops?

bulletTeachers and leaders of children
bulletAnyone new to teaching children or considering a teaching ministry
bulletSeasoned teachers who would like a refresher course as well as spiritual enrichment
bulletPersons responsible for teacher training

We've used the same curriculum for years. Why should I come to a workshop?
bulletThe activities you will participate in at these workshops will apply to any curriculum you may be using. Most curriculums present information. This workshop will show you ways to impart this information in a way that the children learn. We'll show you how to assess the learning styles of your children and use that information to be a more effective teacher. We will introduce you to some of the new scientific research on the brain and how, as teachers, we can take advantage of this information to enrich the learning experience of all the children in the class. We will show you how to focus on what's most important in your teaching ministry -- leading children into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. You can use the best teaching techniques possible. The workshops will model some of the latest teaching techniques, all of which can be put to use immediately in your own classes.

How much of my time will this require?
bulletThe workshop will last approximately 3 hours, but you'll want to plan additional time before or after the workshop to meet fellow teachers, talk with workshop presenters, and browse our resource display.

How much does this workshop cost?
bulletOnly $25 per person. You may charge this fee to your personal Cokesbury account or your church's Cokesbury account. If you do not have a Cokesbury account we will be happy to open one for you. You can pre-register and then pay by check or major credit card at the door the day of the workshop.

What will I receive as a workshop attendee?
bulletYour registration covers both workshop sessions as well as a 96-page workbook with even more teaching helps. You'll also enjoy fellowship and networking time with other teachers and leaders in your area.

Will there be materials available for purchase?
bulletYes. At each workshop there will be a Cokesbury sales display featuring Christian education resources, children's books, teacher helps, devotional materials, and spirituality resources. Curriculum displays and free catalogs will also be available.

I'm not sure about my schedule. Do I really need to register?
bulletWalk-in attendees will be welcomed as space permits; however, to ensure that we have adequate space and materials available to accommodate you, we ask that everyone register at least two weeks in advance of the event.


Youth Seminar FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should attend these seminars?

bulletAdults (volunteer and paid) who work with youth
bulletTeachers of middle school/junior high Sunday school
bulletPersons who lead youth in worship
bulletPastors who lead and support others in ministry with youth
bulletBring a team!


I'm confused. Is this workshop focusing on children or youth?
This one focuses on youth. However, there is another one for teachers of children held at the same time and place. "Meeting the Fun Factor and Feeding the Soul" addresses the needs of youth; "Come and See, the Lord Is Good" is the concurrent workshop focusing on children. So bring your friends who teach children's Sunday school too for a special time of their own.

Is this workshop just for people who work with junior high youth?
Junior high/middle school youth are the focus of two of the three sessions. The other session is about worship with youth-of all ages!

How much of my time will this seminar require?
The seminar, including all three sessions, will last approximately 3 hours, but you'll want to plan additional time beforehand or afterwards to network with folks from other churches, to talk with the presenter, and to browse the display.

How much does this event cost?
The charge is only $25, which includes getting your own copy of a special book on ministry with junior high youth, by Drew Dyson (a $15 value itself!). You may charge the cost of the seminar to your personal Cokesbury account or to your church's Cokesbury account, or you may pay by check or major credit card. If you do not have a Cokesbury account, we will be happy to open one for you.

Will there be resources available for purchase?
Yes. At each event the Cokesbury display will feature new youth resources, related books, devotional materials, and worship resources. Some items will be offered at a substantial discount. Free catalogs will be available.

I'm not sure of my schedule. Do I really need to register in advance?
Walk-in attendees are certainly welcome. However, to ensure that we have adequate space and materials to accommodate everyone, we encourage persons to register at least two weeks in advance.
To register, call 1-800-251-8591 or click here.