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If you want to get to know me better just check out my Profile.Just bout the only thing i do now is play SOCOM. We sucked in football this year only winning 1 out of our 9 games. I got hurt the play right after halftime in the 8th game and had to sit out the rest of the season. Our coach resigned, so we will have our 3rd coach in 3 years next year. Drawing of the weekCheck this out: Aint that cool?

This scorpion wanted to cross the river, but he couldn't because he can't swim. So this frog came over and said he would give him a ride over. Half way across the Scorpion stings him. The frog says "Why'd you do that, now were both going to die." The Scorpion says "I CAN'T HELP IT IM A SCORPION!"

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