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Once again to change this page. How many times does anyone really do this?! I havent changed anything on here since.. uh.. I was 24 or so.. LoL I'm now, a 27 year old livin in Richmond, Indiana. Workin when I'm scheduled, spendin time with the kids, and barely any time meetin new people. The ones I have met, heh :) Well, they're great. Anyways, here it is, any more ya wanna know, just ask. See ya.

This is one of the stunt men from Universal Studios...

This is me again =)

not my newest Tattoo anymore. But still my Favorite :)

Ew.. LoL

This is almost the whole me =) Skeery huh!

This is the last one of me for now, most recent also =)
Well that was all the pics I had.. Thanks for stoppin by!