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~About Kikyou~
~About Inuyasha~
~About Me~
~Kikyou's Diary~
~Inuyasha News~


~Modified Images~
~Modified Manga~
~Interesting facts~


~Name Definitions~



Layout: Chau Image: Anime Wallpapers

Konnichiwa! Welcome to "Miko of Sorrow". This page is dedicated souly to Kikyou. I've noticed that there aren't very many Kikyou otaku's out there aswell as shrines or fan pages. I, on the other hand, really admire Kikyou for her strength. Sure she may seem like an enigma but thats what I admire about her. She's a confusing character that keeps you guessing which side is she really on? Anyways, I would appreciate fanart! It doesn't have to be based on Kikyou but it must have some relation to the anime "Inuyasha". Anyways, have fun!( And if you wanna e-mail me, the adress is ""


This layout does not belong to me.It belongs to Chau. Her website is linked in the credit section of the navigation bar.

Alright, if you look around my site, I just want u to respect a few rules. They dont take much effort...
    *Please don't leave rude remarks in my guestbook. I don't want to hear you blab about how much Kikyou sucks or w/e I don't want to hear it ok? Save it for someone who cares.

    *When commenting about the fanfiction, please try to be as nice as possible.

    *Submitance rate is not an issue. I don't care if there your fanart is a hentai picture, or if your fanfic contains yaoi,yuri,lemon, shonen ai, shojou ai, etc. But anyone who reads the fanfiction or looks through the fanart, don't critisize them for their explictness. This is a warning. Aswell, anyone who submits anything please make sure it makes sense.

    *If you want to affilliate with me, please make sure your link button is 88 by 31.

    *Last but not least,Have fun! ( Anyone who disobeys these rules, except for the last one, will not be able to signthe guest book. They will be banned from doing those actions. Oh and any flames will be ignored and erased, plus I'll put you in a room full of hungry rabits and soak you in carrot juice ^__^ )

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--My Test Results--

You are Sailor Mercury!
Which Sailor Moon Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

You Suck ^-^
-Bad- You're the exact opposite of what any guy
wants or needs, unless he happens to need a
quick lay. You're cruel. You toy with people.
You're probably a bitch, and i don't think i'd
like you if i met you. Oh go screw a random
male already.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sheltered Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

School Girl
You're A School Girl! You may not get the best grades, but you'll always
be found sporting your sleek school uniform.
You've got school spirit, and lots of it!
Pocket PCs and Pocky can be found in your
backpack, and you love cute stuffed animals
like teddy bears and bunnies!

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wanna link me?

Save my link button to your desktop. Then upload it onto your website and link it to my website's URL.