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Matsu Kaze No Kon

Matsu kaze = (Pine Wind). Starting off similar to a Shushi No Kun, then a section similar to a Sakugawa No Kun, then a turning jab as in Shiro Taru No Kun, the majority are MatsuKaze No Kun's signature sequence. It is mainly a training kata, though the complex sequence & suttelties make it still an advanced kata. There is an empty-handed kata of the same name "Matsukaze", in at least Shitoryu & perhaps Goju-ryu & maybe others. It may be "Wankin?" kata (name changed by Gichin Funakoshi) in Shotokan but otherwise, I'm not sure what the empty-handed version looks like to know if any relation to the bo kata version. This version is my interpretation of Shintaido Bojutsu's version (as the current only source of this kata that I've found). It may not be the historic version and our version here is further modified to balance out the leaping at the end with an extra 2nd leaping series. Matsukaze No Kun is mentioned in Shoto-ryu Bojutsu (Funakoshi's Bojutsu) as one of their 4 bo kata but the only one not yet avilable. This is a rare Okinawan bo kata, advanced in it's complex combination sequence. Thus, its rarety may be due to its being advanced & thus few are ever shown it.

START: From attention facing forward = (North), go to Yoi.

1. Step back with the L-foot to a retreating Right front-stance while chambering the bo over the Right-shoulder and then do a vertical descending head-strike.

2. Look to the left = West, step the L-foot in & then out to the left to a Left back-stance or Left archers-stance facing West, while doing a Left bottom-end low-block (#6 L-botom-end Straight-Strike as block, accross from middle nearly horizontal left, to low left, to low right) over the left leg.

3. Maintain the same stance as the previous move. Draw the bo up with the Right-hand, sliding through the Left-hand (Left-hand remains in the same point in space), then jab down to a stationary Left bottom-end jab to the top of the opponent's foot.

4. Look over the Right-shoulder to East, draw the Right-foot in, to the left, to feet-together with knees bent & then step back out to a Right back-stance facing East, to turn right 180°, simultaneously lowering the R-top-end of the bo & quickly sweeping over to the Right, to do a Natural diagonal Side-block.

5. From the Right back-stance, circle the Right-top end of the bo back & up to chamber over the right-shoulder, then do a vertical descending headsrike while shifting into a Right front-stance facing East.

6. Shift back to a Right back-stance while doing a circle-outside-block (with the Right-top end).

7. Still in Right back-stance facing East, draw the bo back with the Left hand while the Right-hand stays stationary & the bo slids through the Right-hand. Then quickly do a stationary Right-Top end jab to throat or eye level.

8. Look to the left = North, step the Left-foot in & then to the left 90°= North, to a Left back-stance or Left archers-stance facing North, while doing a Left-bottom-end low-block (#6 Left-botom end Straight-Strike as a block, across from the left middle level, to low left & to low right) over the Left-leg.

9. Maintain the same stance as the previous move. Draw the bo up with the Right-hand, sliding through the Left-hand (Left-hand remains in the same point in space), then jab down to a stationary Left-bottom end jab to the top of the opponent's foot.

10. Step forward to a progressive Right back-stance facing North, simultaneously lowering the R-top-end of the bo & quickly sweeping it outward, to do a Natural diagonal Side-block.

11. From the Right back-stance, circle the Right-top end of the bo back & up to chamber over the Right-shoulder, then do a vertical descending headsrike while shifting into a Right front-stance facing North.

12. Shift back to a Right back-stance while doing a circle-outside-block with the Right-top end.

13. Stp forward to a progressive Left back-stance or Left archers-stance facing North, while doing a Left-bottom-end low-block (#6 L-botom-end Straight-Strike as a block, across from middle left, to low left & to low right) over the Left-leg.

14. Maintain the same stance as the previous move. Draw the bo up with the Right-hand, sliding through the Left-hand (Left-hand remains in same point in space), then jab down to a Left-bottom end jab to the top of the opponent's foot.

15. Step forward to a progressive Right back-stance facing North, simultaneously lowering the Right-top end of the bo & quickly sweeping it outward, to do a Natural diagonal Side-block.

16. From the Right back-stance, circle the Right-top end of the bo back & up to chamber over the Right-shoulder, then do a vertical descending headsrike while shifting into a Right front-stance facing North.

17. Shift back to a Right back-stance while doing a circle-outside-block with the Right-top end.

18. Shift back to a Right front-stance still facing North, while doing a right-top end thrust to the solar plexas, Kiai!!

19. Look back = South, over the Left-shoulder, pivoting 180° Left, to a Left back-stance (or horse-stance) facting South, and do a very-high Left-diagonal high-block (to come up under an attacker's descending strike, who is attacking from the back = South. (Original version raised the bo "horizontally" over-head).

20. Pull the bo straight-back with the Righ-hand, sliding the bo though the Left-hand, then do a Left-bottom end jab to chest or throat (original version = jab horizontally out = too high to hit anything, unless the opponent is on a horse or something).

21. Step forward = South to a Right progressive front-stance and do a vertical descending headsrike with the Right-top end.

22. Step forward = South to a Left progressive front-stance, while changing grips by bringing the Left-back hand up to the Right-front hand, sliding the Right-hand back (switching hands) and pull the, "now Left-Top-end", back to chamber over the Left-shoulder and do a vertical descending headsrike with the Left-top end, as landing in the Left front-stance facing South.

23. Step forward = South to a Right progressive front-stance, while changing grips by bringing the Right-back hand up to the Left-front hand, sliding the Left-hand back (switching hands) and pull the, "now Right-Top end", back to chamber over the Right-shoulder and do a vertical descending headsrike with the Right-top end, as landing in the Right front-stance still facing South, KIAI!!!!

24. Look back = North, over the Left shoulder, pivoting 180° Left, to a Left back-stance (or horse-stance) facting North, and do a Left-bottom end circle-ouside-block.

25. Then bring the Right-end of the bo up-over the Right-shoulder to chamber for a vertical descenting head-strike while drawig the Left-foot back to feet-together, knees slightly bent. (Original version just turned & then raised first the Left-end of the bo, then the Right-end over the Right-shoulder to chamber for a vertical descenting head-strike, without a turning block but it seems appropriate to block as turning to face a new opponent direction from behind).

26. Step out to a Right fornt-stance facing North and do a progressive Right-top end vertical descending headstrike.

27. Do a stationary Left-bottom end vertical ascending swing-strike (to under the opponent's jaw).

28. Quickly do a stationary Right-top end vertical descending swing-head-strike.

29. Quickly do a stationary #3 Left-bottom end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floating ribs).

30. Quickly do a stationary #4 Right-top end straight-strike (to the opponent's left floating ribs).

31. Bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do Right crain-stance facing North while bringing the bo around, maybe up as if a high-block, to chamber for a powerful Opposit-swing-strike (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus the mind on the next technique = OSW).

32. Land again in a Right fornt-stance still facing North while doing a powerful Right top-end #4 opposite-swing strike, timed simultaneously with landing & putting hip rotation power into the technique, pushing off with the left leg to get down & twist out, shifting weight from left to right leg.

33. Again, bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do Right crain-stance facing North while unwinding the bo & bringing it up to vertical (Right-top end down, Left-bottom end up), maybe like "vertical-yoi", to rotate the Right-Top end down & inside, as a 1/2 retreating low-block, bo guarding in-front of the raised knee. This also being as a chamber for a powerful upward-thrust. (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus the mind on the next technique = upward-thrust or digging & flicking sand).

34. Land again in a Right fornt-stance facing North while doing a powerful Right top-end thrust from near the ground then up to solar-plexas, thusting a bit upward as landing simultaneously to add forward momentum into the thrust (or may be interpreted as digging & flicking sand into an opponent's eyes).

35. Pull the bo back with the Left-hand, sliding the bo though the Right-hand, then do a Right-top end jab to the solar-plexas, chest or throat (Move 26-35 done quickly as a continuus sequence, as if "1-2-3...").

36. Look to the Right-Front corner = North-East, slide the Right-foot back, to feet-together, and pivot to face North-East & point the Right-end of the bo towards the solar-plexas or throat of the opponent to the Right-Front corner = (North-East). Slide the Left-hand = back-hand, up to the Right-hand then slide the Right-hand to the back-end position on the bo, to change grips, & then draw the "now Left" top-end of the bo back to chamber for a vertical descending head-strike over the Left-shoulder.

37. Step out to the Right 45°, to a Left fornt-stance facing North-East and do a Left-top end vertical descending head-strike.

38. Do a stationary Right-bottom end vertical ascending swing-strike (to under the opponent's jaw).

39. Quickly do a stationary Leftt-top end vertical descending swing head-strike.

40. Quickly do a stationary #4 Right-bottom end straight-strike (to the opponent's left floting ribs).

41. Quickly do a stationary #3 Left-top end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floting ribs).

42. Bring the Left-knee up high, standing on the Right-leg, to do Left crain-stance facing North-East while bringing the bo around, maybe up as if a high-block, to chamber for a powerful Opposit-swing-strike (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = OSW).

43. Land again in a Left fornt-stance still facing North-East while doing a powerful Left top-end #4 opposite-swing strike, pushing off with the left leg to get down & twist out, shifting weight from right to left leg, timed simultaneously with landing & putting hip rotation power into the technique.

44. Again, bring the Left-knee up high, standing on the Right-leg, to do Left crain-stance facing North-East while unwinding the bo & bringing it up to vertical (Left top-end down, Right bottom-end up), maybe like "vertical-yoi", to rotate the Left Top-end down & inside as a 1/2 retreating low-block, bo guarding infront of the raised knee, and this also being as a chamber for a powerful upward-thrust. (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = upward-thrust or digging & flicking sand).

45. Land again in a Left fornt-stance facing North-East while doing a powerful Left top-end thrust from near the ground then up to solar-plexas, thusting a bit upward as landing simultaneously to add forward momentum into the thrust (or may be interpreted as digging & flicking sand into an opponent's eyes).

46. Pull the bo back with the Left-hand, sliding the bo though the Right-hand, then do a Right-top end jab to solar-plexas, chest or throat (Move 37-46 done quickly as a continuus sequence, as if "1-2-3...").

47. Look to the Left-Front corner = North-West, slide the Left-foot back, to feet-together, and pivot left 90° to face North-West & point the Left-end of the bo towards the solar-plexas or throat of the opponent to the Left-Front corner = (North-West). Slide the Right-hand = back-hand, up to the Left-hand then slide the Left-hand to the back-end position on the bo, to change grips, & then draw the "now Right" top-end of the bo back to chamber for a vertical descending head-strike over the Right-shoulder.

48. Step out to the Left 45°, to a Right fornt-stance facing North-West and do a Right-top end vertical descending head-strike.

49. Do a stationary Left-bottom end vertical ascending swing-strike (to under the opponent's jaw).

50. Quickly do a stationary Riight-top end vertical descending swing head-strike.

51. Quickly do a stationary #3 Left-bottom end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floting ribs).

52. Quickly do a stationary #4 Right-top end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floting ribs).

53. Bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do a Right crain-stance facing North-East while bringing the bo around, maybe up as if a high-block, to chamber for a powerful Opposit-swing-strike (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = OSW).

54. Land in a Right fornt-stance still facing North-West while doing a powerful Right top-end #3 opposite-swing strike, pushing off with the left leg to get down & twist out, shifting weight from left to right leg, timed simultaneously with landing & putting hip rotation power into the technique.

55. Again, bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do Right crain-stance facing North-West while unwinding the bo & bringing it up to vertical (Right top-end down, Left bottom-end up), maybe like "vertical-yoi", to rotate the Right Top-end down & inside as a 1/2 retreating low-block, bo guarding infront of the raised knee, and this also being as a chamber for a powerful upward-thrust. (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = upward-thrust or digging & flicking sand).

56. Land again in a Right fornt-stance facing North-West while doing a powerful Right top-end thrust from near the ground then up to solar-plexas, thusting a bit upward as landing simultaneously to add forward momentum into the thrust (or may be interpreted as digging & flicking sand into an opponent's eyes).

57. Pull the bo back with the Left-hand, sliding the bo though the Right-hand, then do a Right-top end jab to solar-plexas, chest or throat (Move 48-57 done quickly as a continuus sequence, as if "1-2-3...").

58. Look to the Front = North, slide the Right-foot back, to feet-together, and pivot right 45° to face North & point the Right-end of the bo towards the solar-plexas or throat of the opponent to the Front = North. Slide the Left-hand = back-hand, up to the Right-hand then slide the Right-hand to the back-end position on the bo, to change grips, & then draw the "now Left" top-end of the bo back to chamber for a vertical descending head-strike over the Left-shoulder.

59. Step out to a Left fornt-stance facing North and do a Left-top end vertical descending head-strike.

60. Do a stationary Right-bottom end vertical ascending swing-strike (to under the opponent's jaw).

61. Quickly do a stationary Left-top end vertical descending swing head-strike.

62. Quickly do a stationary #4 Right-bottom end straight-strike (to the opponent's left floting ribs).

63. Quickly do a stationary #3 Left-top end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floting ribs).

64. Bring the Left-knee up high, standing on the Right-leg, to do Left crain-stance facing North while bringing the bo around, maybe up as if a high-block, to chamber for a powerful Opposit-swing-strike (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = OSW).

65. Land again in a Left fornt-stance still facing North while doing a powerful Left top-end #4 opposite-swing strike, pushing off with the left leg to get down & twist out, shifting weight from left to right leg, timed simultaneously with landing & putting hip rotation power into the technique.

66. Again, bring the Left-knee up high, standing on the Right-leg, to do Left crain-stance facing North while unwinding the bo & bringing it up to vertical (Left top-end down, Right bottom-end up), maybe like "vertical-yoi", to rotate the top-end down & inside as a 1/2 retreating low-block, bo guarding infront of raised Left knee, and this also being as a chamber for a powerful upward-thrust. (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = upward-thrust or digging & flicking sand).

67. Land again in a Left fornt-stance facing North while doing a powerful Left top-end thrust from near the ground then up to solar-plexas, thusting a bit upward as landing simultaneously to add forward momentum into the thrust (or may be interpreted as digging & flicking sand into an opponent's eyes).

68. Pull the bo back with the Right-hand, sliding the bo though the Left-hand, then do a Leftt-top end jab to solar-plexas, chest or throat (Move 59-68 done quickly as a continuus sequence, as if "1-2-3-4...").

69. Still facing North (original forward), slide the Left-foot back, to feet-together, continue to point the Left-end of the bo towards the solar-plexas or throat of the opponent to the. Slide the Right back-hand to Left-hand, then slide Left-hand to back, to change grips & then draw the top-end, "now the Rigtht-end", of the bo back to chamber for a vertical descending head-strike over the Right-shoulder.

70. Step out to a Right fornt-stance facing North and do a Right-top end vertical descending head-strike.

71. Do a stationary Left-bottom end vertical ascending swing-strike (to under the opponent's jaw).

72. Quickly do a stationary Right-top end vertical descending swing head-strike.

73. Quickly do a stationary #3 Left-bottom end straight-strike (to the opponent's right floting ribs).

74. Quickly do a stationary #4 Right-top end straight-strike (to the opponent's left floting ribs).

75. Bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do Right crain-stance facing North while bringing the bo around, maybe up as if a high-block, to chamber for a powerful Opposit-swing-strike (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = OSW).

76. Land again in a Right fornt-stance still facing North while doing a powerful Right top-end #4 opposite-swing strike, timed simultaneously with landing & putting him rotation power into the technique.

77. Again, bring the Right-knee up high, standing on the Left-leg, to do Right crain-stance facing North while unwinding the bo & bringing it up to vertical (Right top-end down, Left bottom-end up), maybe like "vertical-yoi", to rotate the top -end down & inside as a 1/2 retreating low-block, bo guarding infront of raised knee, and this also being as a chamber for a powerful upward-thrust. (in training, may pause here to train balance & focus mind to the next technique = upward-thrust or digging & flicking sand).

78. Land again in a Right fornt-stance facing North while doing a powerful Right-top end thrust from near the ground then up to solar-plexas, thusting a bit upward as landing simultaneously to add forward momentum into the thrust (or may be interpreted as digging & flicking sand into an opponent's eyes).

79. Pull the bo back with the Left-hand, sliding the bo though the Right-hand, then do a Right-top end jab to solar-plexas, chest or throat (Move 70-79 done quickly as a continuus sequence, as if "1-2-3-4...").

80-A. Step the Left-foot across in front o a Left Tiger-X Stance facing North, whle pulling the bo back with the Left-hand, sliding the bo though the Right-hand until the Right-tom end reaches the Right-hand (Shintaido then covers the very Right-top end "tip" withthe Right-thumb to "hide" it. This seems borrowed from JoDo but for us, the hesitation seems to outweight any "spring held back" power adding or "hiding" possible benefits, thus "we" leave it out).
80-B. Then step out with the Right-foot to a Right front-stnace and do a progressive step-in-front Right-top end jab to solar-plexas, chest or throat, KIAI!!!

81-A. Shift to a Right back-stance, look back over Right-shoulder (immagine an opponent about to make a wide low sweep to your leggs from the Right-back corner direction, sweeping forward). Leap straight back, landing again in a Right back-stance, while bringing the bo far to your Right-side & vertical, Right-top end up, twisting torso & shoulders, bringing the Left-bottom end around to the Right-side & back, pointed down (as a chamber & maybe an attempt to block or guard from the low sweep in-case it is higher than your leap back, trying to leap over it).

81-B. Quickly bring the Left-bottom end again to the front (following about the same path in reverse as the last move), while stepping the Right-foot back from Left back-stance (to avoid & block the same opponent now doing a low sweep from front to back, at your leggs). Immediately shifting to a horse-stance front-facing original-left = East after the Left-bottom end blocks in front, North, & over a bit to the left = "now back = Westward" (blocking the sweep, raise the Left-bottom end up & over in an arck up & over you, then down a bit to in front of your Right-shoulder (this to redirect the opponent's weapon up & away to open them up for the head-strike & to throw them off balance).

81-C. Then immediately do a straight Right-top end descending head-strike.

82-A. From horse-stance forward-facing East, look back over Right-shoulder, to South-West (immagine another opponent about to make a wide low sweep to your leggs from the Left-back = "South-West" corner direction, sweeping forward). Leap straight back, landing a Left back-stance, while bringing the bo far to your Left-side & vertical, Left bottom-end up, twisting torso & shoulders, bringing the Right-top end pointed down, bringing it (Right-top end) around to the Left side & as much back (behind back) as possible (chambering for the next low-block & maybe as an attempt to block or guard from the low sweep in-case it is higher than your leap back, trying to leap over it).

82-B. Quickly bring the R-top end again to the front (following about the same path in reverse as last move), while stepping the Left-food back from Left back-stance to a Right back-stance (to avoid & block the same opponent now doing a low sweep from front to back, at your leggs). Immediately after the low Right-top end blocks in front & over a bit to the right (blocking the sweep), shift into a horse-stance front-facing original-right = West while raising the Right-top end high up & over to your Left, in an arck up & over you, then down a bit to your Left. This time though, the other = Left-bottom end comes up to a vertical ascending swing-strike (this to redirect the opponent's weapon up & away to open them up for the head-strike & to throw them off balance, also hitting them under the jaw & possibly the Left-bottom end catching between their arm & weapon to disarm).

82-C. Then immediately do a straight Right-top end descending head-strike, KIAI!!! (Left-bottom-end possibly pulling the opponent's weapon away, disarming, as it comes down & back).

END: Look foreward (North), step the Left-foot up to feet-together, bring bo to your Right-side, rotating to vertical (Right-top end down, Left-bottom end up) to yoi. Slight pause, then return staff to walking attention (norai), bow, END.

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