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new in version 2

dynamicIP is now more co-operative and can be set to restart your system when the network is lost.

Features include:

What is dynamicIP

So you've paid for an ADSL connection, fast Internet, always on BUT - the IP address they provide is dynamic. Great! You get high-speed internet access but every time the line drops, you get a new internet address.

DynamicIP allows you to use your dynamic service like a static service. DynamicIP runs on your gateway machine:

Why use DynamicIP

I pay BT for an ADSL line but I chose not to pay extra for the business service (an extra £120 a year). Unfortunately, the basic service only provides me with a dynamic address. Greate but BT keep dropping the service so, even if I keep my server on, the line drops and I get a new address on average, every 4 days. So what can I do...

DynamicIP provides the solution. Running dynamicIP on my server machine, dynamicIP ensures that my leased address is kept alive every minute of the day. But the line can still be pulled by my service provider and anyway, keeping the address up is no good if I don't know what it is...

DynamicIP also gets hold of the dynamic address and published this address. You provide a template web page and a place to publish (your web site, FTP server, free web space, etc). Every 5 minutes, dynamicIP picks up you leased address, writes this to the template file and via FTP, uploads the template file. So no matter where you are, you can link to your home host - even if BT pulls the connection.

Using dynamicIP

dynamicIP is simple to use task bar application. After installation, you will have to set up dynamicIP - this is done the first time you run the application. On running you are presented with the program's main screen:

taskbar application

Once running, dynamicIP can be hidden from view. Notice the dynamicIP icon in your task bar:


Setting Description
FTP Site Address of your public hosted FTP site. It is to this site that your template file will be uploaded, once modified with to reflect your dynamic IP address.
PASV Mode Select this mode of FTP if you are running over a firewall.
User Your user name at your ftp site
Password Your password at your ftp site
Upload Your upload address (where your web pages are put) on your ftp site
Template Location of your template file (on your local system).
Network Device Lists your local network devices, including your dial up adaptor. Select the device you use to connect to the internet.
Startup and OnError Sets the start up and action taken when a network error occurs. The default is "No auto start" and "No action" on error. For automatic handling, select "Reboot and Auto Start".


Once you have set up the initial parameters, click the 'Start' button to start the polling and upload process. Every refresh period (initially this is every 5 minutes but you can change this from the menu), dynamicIP updates your template file with the current leased address and uploads the template file to your FTP site.

Menu Options

The menu bar on the main window gives you control over the refresh period and allows you to register the application.

Refresh Period
By default, the refresh period is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes). The refresh period can be changed to any number of seconds.

The Template File

This file is a standard web page (HTML or server side page). However, the file also contains some dynamicIP specific HTML tags. These tags are substituted with current local information before the file is uploaded to your site.

The following table describes these tags

Tag Description
 <ADDRESS> Address of your public hosted FTP site. It is to this site that your template file will be uploaded, once modified with to reflect your dynamic IP address.
 <DATE> Local date when the template was last updated
 <TIME> Local time when the template was last updated

An example of a simple template file (example.htm) is shown below:

The example above contains the tags <address>, <date> and <time> and the page is design to expire and reload every 2 minutes. The address supplied refers back to a hosted site on your home server.