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Jay Daniel Grainger

Every time I close my eyes,
You float across my mind.
They say it will get easier;
That peace will come with time.

But in my mind they peace they mean
Comes as memories let go.
And it scares to imagine
That one day I won't know,

The way your voice would sound
When you'd call me on the phone.
Or how you always knew
When to help or leave alone.

Or the way your face would look
When you talked about what you loved.
Or the times you'd stand behind a friend
Through the good times and the tough.

I should have known that souls like yours
Can't stick around too much.
When there's tears to wipe,and frowns to fix,
And troubled lives to touch.

You were an angel all along,
That somehow came to Earth.
You appreciated life and love
And knew a person's worth.

And then God called you home again.
He needs a boy like you.
Heaven must have missed you face,
And heard what your smile can do.

Don't get me wrong, we're all confused.
Our faith's been questioned too.
We take a breath, we hold our hearts,
And still... we wait for you.

Now I know the peace they mean,
Didn't come in letting you go.
It came in remembering
And laughing about the Jay we all know.

I still cannot bring myself
To turn and say goodbye.
Not when I can still picture you,
I will not even try.

Because as long as we can see your face,
Then none of this is real.
And as long as we can hear your voice,
We don't have to deal.

The only thing that's pulling me
To get through this after all,
Is to believe that a part of you carries on:
You Lived Beyond That Fall.

There were things I never told you,
There were thoughts I never said.
I pray that you can hear me now
And know what's in my head.

I know you lived your life
To the fullest every day.
That's why I know you're happy,
But it's not that easy, Jay.

There are those that loved you,
You left us all behind.
And while we wait to meet again,
You fill our hearts and minds.

Fly high above the rest Jaybird.
Your green eyes will shine on.
And we'll all still be loving you,
Because you're never really gone.
