HooliGan's Irish Pub

07/08/04, 02:19
Current Mood: Cathartic
Current Music: Weezer - Holiday
Special Guest Bartender : R. Lee Ermey

[The Webtender]
Random Thought: The following statement is true. The previous statement was false.

I'm Gonna Party Like It's 2004

Yes! you heard me, I'm having a fucking party tommorrow night, in which I will be getting extremely high and drunk. All are welcome, but be warned, it is a byob, or if you can't get beer before you come, I can run out for you, if I haven't started yet. Cya tommorrow at 10.

BTW, I'm sorry about the image of the glorious Robert Lee Ermey. Truth is my favorite image editor is on the fritz, I'll fix it when it starts working again, I promise

Work was easy today, in fact I'm quite pleased, because I got to check off the truck, which pisses off the Dapper Dan veeeery much. Walker has had a heart attack or something. Now I feel bad, because I didn't want her to get sick and die, just to die.

Yes, I know, I am going to hell...no need to leave that comment.

A guy came through drive through today (Nathan, Sykes Handyman) and gave me my senior book back to me that I had left behind. I was very appreciative of that gesture. I looked through it and was reminded of many, many great times I had had in high school, and all of my friends. Jesus, cherish it while you have it kids, cause when it's over you can't get it back.

On a lighter note I have found some very funny stuff my friend Bryan Stratton wrote on my PC a long time ago, mocking my screenplay, tentatively titled "Sickboy" (still writing it by the way). This is stream of consciousness if I've ever heard it, and it has no purpose, but it makes me laugh every time I read it.

sickboi's life: Scene 1 I have a very small penis like my friend nick newsome. My name is sick boi and i stay sick all the time. I masterbate at least 16 times per day to the same porn picture that i interchange once per month. Nick newsome sucked my penis once and it was good. I like coffee drinks. I also like to see naked men running through city street streaking for no apparent reason whatsoever. By the way did i mention i am dieing of terminal cancer so i can smoke all the weed i want? Yea i sell the shit on the street to crack whores for blowjobs on the curb. I just sit down and pull my tiny weiner out. Its so tiny it makes me sad, very sad indeed. I also like shitting on random furniture when noone is looking and then blameing it on the dog. I always pet it and say good puppy. Its funny because its such a huge shit for such small dog i blame it on, yet people believe it. Now that is a load of man urine. Send me your money and man urine and make a homo happy today. I am also wondering how gerbal bones get out of gay peoples asses. Does it get stuck in the turds when they take a shit? Oh well im gay and sick and stupid. Suck it

Scene 2 : I like watching my dog hump pickles behind the woodshed. HorseRadish! Mother Fuck! Chinpokoman is a funny toy. It likes to play with little kids minds. Telling them to kill their mothers and piss on their daddy. Fluckle god damnit Fluckle. People like nick seem to always check out guys asses. Queer eye for the straight ass? Or just man shit, I'll let you ponder on that. Bondage porn is a funny concept, getting off to a tied up raped bitch full of the fabled man urine derived from camelot. Where as expected man urine is very very prominant. Sorta like mustangs in pike county. These are interesting cars. Ever see a sports car with a 2 cylinder engine and a .3 liter. U have now. I like to watch pretty birds fly around in the air. Did i mention i wipe my ass with the weed before i sell it? I sparatically laugh about that at any given time. People ask me why im laughing and i simply say... Shit on you *deleted expletive*. God damn Barbacue.

The end of my screen play: I like bugs and colorful beans. In the springs. Thats what i means. Suck a big fucking dick.

Wank pank flank smank nank gank bank

I know what you are thinking. What in the hell could possibly have been deleted in that second section? Lets just say it was a word that didn't really need to be said. But nonetheless, "goddamn barbecue" gets me every time. Anyway, I'm outtie allz.

get this gear!

07/05/04, 04:00
Current Mood: Tired as Hell
Current Music: Gil Scott Herron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Special Guest Bartender : Dora the Explorer

[The Webtender]
Random Thought: What the hell is meant by "tooth and nail?"

It's Been A While

Hey kids, as the title may suggest, it's been a while since I've updated this page, probably a good thing you are thinking. But the issue is my brother has been in town, and if you've been following, my brother is my best friend in the world, and I've missed the hell out of him.

Work today was abso-fucking-lutely hell. There were two closers that couldn't make it, one claiming to be sick (yeah, right, it's a holiday, and you are sick...damn amazing coincidences I'd say) and the other who just didn't want to come in, which I respect. Today, of course was the frickin 4th of July, which means it was the beginning of the month, a weekend, and a holiday. One would think that the 4th means barbecue and picnics, but one would be wrong in thinking this. The insane volume of food we moved today was earth shattering. But I wont even compare us to Downtown McDicks, also known as Pike-3 (who did two back to back $800 hours.) Joe was a godsend though. Joe Mullins saved our sad asses, by quickly preparing that food. I ran in drive through, and when I say ran, I literally ran. As in not walking fast, but ran, as in "I ran in a race today" ran. Thank god that fuckin floor wasn't too greasy, my boots aren't quite non-slip.

Then I came home, and added this trite of a entry to this trite of a page. I are very shleeky. And still an asshole. But before I go, I feel it necessary for my good friend and fellow Irishman Conan O'Brian to render this quick Public Service Announcment>

Thanks for the PSA Conan, I appreciate it man. That needed to be said. Anyway kids, I'm outtie 5000.

get this gear!

07/01/04, 01:13
Current Mood: Grood = Good and Great
Current Music: NoFX - Bob
Special Guest Bartender : The Amazing Spiderman

[The Webtender]
Random Thought: Seriously, where the fuck does he get such wonderful toys?

Does Whatever A Spider Can

As many of you know, I had the privilege, NAY, the honor of watching Spider-Man II last night.

I can now say that I can die a happy man.

Spider-Man II was possibly one of the best movies I had ever seen, and it was actually better than the first, which I thought was an impossibility. Like the first, I had to return to the theater in order to retrieve my ass, because it had been sufficiently rocked off. I know what you are thinking, you are thinking "this guy is just saying this because he is obsessed, a crazed fan, it couldn't have been that great." And I return saying "Verily, verily, I say unto you, lest ye watch Spider-Man II ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven." And that's the damn truth--more or less. But seriously, No joke, it's fantastic and if you watch it and disagree you should definitely re-evaluate your life, and maybe, just maybe, do yourself a favor and commit suicide, because you are a useless human being.

I did have some issues with the film though (while I was watching it of course, because I didn't see the big picture. My only complaint with the film at all was that I thought it was TOO FUNNY . But then, after I realized why it was funny in places it all made sense. The movie is filled with a lot of drama, and really, without the levity, it would be so depressing a lot of people would probably cry. Seriously, think about it, the life of a superhero can't be that fun, and it would be full of sacrifice. That is, if you honestly think about it.

If you would like to see some videos of the film, click the picture below BIATCH!

Watch the fucking movie!

get this gear!

06/28/04, 00:32
Current Mood: A Wee Bit Stressed
Current Music: Bad Religion - Latchkey Kids
Special Guest Bartender : Samuel L. Jackson

[The Webtender]
Random Thought: If it's called "legally drunk" why do they cuff you?

Click the title, go ahead I dare ya! Yup, that takes you to the Lees's online journal, which I guess she probably realizes now, that that would be my ok to post my URL on her online journal. Work tonight sucked. I was happy and content to work all damn night, despite the fact that I had been there all damn day.


which we all know is a face worse than death, closing with her. I mean, she is a nice person, but character only goes so far, and unfortunately what short road her character travels is well made up by the long highway of incompetency you must travel to get to the end of US MISSY.

Still not heard from my brother, nor have I heard from Theiss or Stratton in the past couple of days. I've been a boring little sad ass bastard as of late...I wonder if class has anything to do with that?

and we finally arrive to the heart of my stress, my Anatomy Laboratory Exam tommorrow, very well may be....Hell, who knows, it may be something.

On the other hand I'm stoked, and totally ready for some entertainment venues that are coming out this year, namely the November 15th release of Metroid Prime II: Echoes, and also the movie releases of this week. FUCKIN' STOKED mon amies.

Anyway kids, have a good one.

get this gear!

06/27/04, 02:24 :
Current Mood: Surprisingly Content
Current Music: Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Special Guest Bartender : Master Shake

[The Webtender]
Random Thought: Does a Meatlovers Pizza Adhere to the Atkins Diet?
More Happy Changes Added
Hey kids, you may have noticed when you hopped on this rediculous page that I've added some shtuff. One being
the guest bartender, the new title, and uh, oh yeah, my stupid random thoughts. Anywho, work was good today, surprisingly, despite the fact that the Lees left early (well not early, but soon after I got there. Anywho, there were so many hot young girls running everywhere in and out of the store tonight. *FUNNY STORY* A pretty girl came in and asked to use the phone, and everyone (yes, everyone) was standing right where the phone was. Mark gave this girl some attention (meaning he noticed her, not that he flirted, I don't think that flirting is his forte). The Rob noticed and said "What's up papaw" and Marcus replied with a sheepish grin "I'm not that old", and the people rejoiced.

I haven't heard from my brother in three days. Either he has been working an assload of hours or been getting wasted a lot, maybe a little bit of column "A" a little from column "B."

I've been listening to the new Bad Religion a LOT lately (especially since that beast of a machine, the Bauer has been in my possession again). It's just fuckin awesome, check some of these lyrics....

"Rationcination is a practicable way to derive
attitude of altitude of probity in which to abide,
or maybe a theophany of flaming creosote in disguise"

are your socks rocked off yet? Prolly not since you didn't have any music to it, but still, those lyrics are sung
FAST. Impressive says I.

Spiderman II comes out Wednesday, and I will be there Tuesday at midnight to see it. You have no clue how much I enjoy spiderman. Anywho, til next time, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

get this gear!

06/24/04, 01:06 :
Current Mood: Ahhhh, ahhh
Current Music: Daredevil Soundtrack, Saliva - Bleed For Me
Ummmmm, Insert Title Here
Welly, welly, welly. As you can see (If you have looked, I have added a button to the page, not quite sure how that's gonna work out....but who the hell can tell with all this crazy html shit. The Hooligan is a glutton for punishment. Work was a snap today, because I didn't have to go. School was easy because I got out early today....DAMN! Is there anything I could possibly talk about? Mebbe Lisa apparently enjoying the mp3 cd? Doubtful, everybody already knows
about that, as she let everyone know on HER online journal. Well then, lets go to national news.

Okey Doke, first up, two movies come out in four days that are gonna fuckin rock the house. Spiderman 2 and
Farenheit 9/11 will be some great films, mark my words.

Another interesting thing happened just the other day. The Washington Post recently had a contest in which
people sent in completely new words, made from old ones. I picked out a few and their definitions, because they are so damn cool.

1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.
18. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

Would it be a safe bet to call me an Ignoranus? Hells maybe. Do I have Hipatitis? I'd like to think so :) Until next time kids....leave me the fuck alone.

get this gear!

06/22/04, 00:52 :
Current Mood: Need Go Shleek
Current Music: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Theme
Another Day, Another Damn Fifty Cents
Hey Kids, today has been eventful. This morning had a quiz in Anatomy at the ole' P-Burg. That wasn't too bad, since
I sat next to hot ass Jenna

Last night was cool. Went to Writing 102 and talked to my sis Shelly Belly and the Matt. We watched a pretty neat documentary about this guy named Jesco White. He calls himself "the last of the mountain dancers." He thinks he's Elvis also, did I mention that? Anywho, this crazy bastard tap-dances to bluegrass music. He is so damn funny.

Work was fun tonight, hung out with the Lees, and the kids and what-not, so-on, and so-forth. Then came that lard ass
piece of human waste, that inspiration for birth control, Chris fucking Mullins. We had words, I got the last one of
course, cause I have a big mouth. Don' wanna think about it, cause every time I do I get just a little more pissed every time.> Later kids, I gotta get some shleek.

get this gear!

06/21/04, 23:22 :
Current Mood: Annoyed
Current Music: Porno Music
Surprise! You've Got Banners!
How great is that? When I logged out of my webshell (section of angelfire where you type in your html code) there
wasn't the banner at the top or bottom, somebody thought I deserved them. Nope, uh, uh. The top one kicks ass, as
it refers to all things irish and alcohol. Now, scroll down, eeeeevvveeeerrrr so slowly, make sure it doesn't see you. THERE IT IS! BE ALL YOU CAN BE DAMMIT! An ad for the Army. Did I place it there? Nope. Do I want it there? Not really? Am I gonna bitch about this for a long time? You bet your ass I am.

Tweedle D and Tweedle Dum came to my house today, asking if I wanted to smoke marijuana cigarettes with them, so I did and we did. In fact, I'm still pretty roasted. Which makes this hatred toward the powers that be a bit more intense.

Until next time kids.

get this gear!

06/21/04, 17:32 :
Current Mood: Phantasmagoric
Current Music: Joe Pesci's cackling
First Entry, Bitch.

I threw that "bitch in there especially for Cupcake. Not that I'm callin' her a bitch, but basically we had an argument about which is the better word to use, "bitch" or "biatch." While I contended that "bitch" was the better word form, Lees figgered "biatch" was a softer, yet far more effective.

Damn, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Allow myself to introduce....myself (yes, I know, I lifted that from Austin Powers) My name is Nicolas Newsome, as you probably already know, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this trifle of a live journal, and certainly wouldn't be interested in the intricate workings of a sad life like mine, hell you probably aren't interested anyway.

Look at the URL! Yannow, that lil' thingie up in the upper left corner, in the input section of the address bar? Lookie! No livejournal.com :) This means my stupid ass is trying to stumble through HTML Encoding. Not the brightest idea I ever had. But it was an idea, and you are all my guinea pigs. All two of you. My brother started his new job today at
PP&G, a company that makes fiberglass and stuff like that. I miss the hell out of him. Anyway, I grow weary of this rant. So I think I'll leave you with the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, because I think that would be the most appropriate.

Along the Way by Bad Religion
I refuse to abuse what is kind to the fuse,
but it's there and it's happening to me along the way.
As we go through the snow we cannot forget our foes
but the dinner's always waiting at the table along the way.

What you see, not for me, isn't what you planned to be,
But you'll have what you wanted in the end along the way
And we'll try as we cry and our brothers pass us by,
To be strong through the ages of our tears along the way, yeah.

Now we grow as we show that the morals we must know
Will be shapen and mistaken by the falls along the way.
But forget, don't regret, to find love and happiness
Unless you're willing to be strong when they are gone along the way.

Like Tommy, you are free, and you will not follow me,
Until we see each other once more on the path along the way.

get this gear!

If you read this material and actually believe it you are very stupid.