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These all are the rules and regulations for the game, please read all of them before joining!

Starting out.....
Each stable starts out with $100,000 and 6 or 7 horses.
1 week in real life equals 1 month in GA time
Please be nice and respectful of all members, no swearing.

Horses can't race until they are 2
Retired horses can't race
All horses are retired by the age of 10, but you can retire them sooner if you wish
Injuries can and will happen, usually they aren't too serious, but sometimes they can be life-threating
A horse must be boarded, and have a jockey and trainer in order to race
Match races are allowed, contact me if you want to hold one.
Stables can create races, if you want to do so, send me an e-mail w/ the following information: Name of the race, distance, any restrictions ( age, gender etc) surface, purse
Stables can only own 30 racing horses. All other horses can be unlimited to a point.
Limit ot three horses per race, note, this rule could change

Whenever you buy a horse, its stats will look like this: Age Color Gender Sire Dam's Sire Grade Surface

The breeding season is from January to April
Mares must be at least 3 to be bred
You can choose a stallion from the list on thoroughbred champions, the link is on Things to do. Or you can choose one of the stable's stallions.
Mares MUST be retired
Foals will start being born in December
You can not breed to deceased stallions
Stallions must be retired

To enter your horses in a race, they MUST have a jockey.
To choose a jockey, go to the jockey's page will you will find a short description on each.
If you need to, you can hire more jockeys if you have two or three horses in one race.
You can only hire up to three jockeys.
You must pay jockey fees every month.
You need to tell me which jockey(s) is ( are) riding which horses.
Like horses, jockeys will sometimes also substain injuries. If it isn't serious, they can continue to ride, but it may affect the horse's peformance so the owner or trainer can make the decision whether he/she rides or not. If the injury is serious, the owner must find a replacment jock, either from another stable or from the jockey's page. They must pay them $500 for riding.

Real Estate:
To buy property go to the real estate page and then e-mail me w/ the property you want.

Everyone must board their horses, to do so go to the boarding page and then e-mail me where your horses will be stabled at. Each month you must pay the boarding fee per horse.
If you own an estate, you do not have to pay a boarding fee. You can public board, if you want to, send me an e-mail w/ how much it costs and I will advertise it.

Every horse has to be trained, all horses currently in the game ( except yearlings) have had basic training. But throughout their careers they still need to be trained. To pick a trainer, go to the trainers page and send me an e-mail saying who is training your horse. You can have different trainers for different horses, but I suggest having 1 trainer since its easier to subtract trainer fees. Once you have your license, you can train your own horses.
Each month you have to subtract trainer fees, which is listed beside the trainers name.
Anyone can become a trainer, but must first get a trainers license. To get a license, you must have at least $1,000,000,and have had five horses win races.
If you want to public train, please send me an e-mail.
If you find your horse is doing poorly, what you can do is add blinkers or bandages. Also, if your jockey does not carry a crop, you can carry a crop.

Down The Stretch
Down The Stretch is Golden Acre's very own newspaper. Anyone can write for it, if you are intrested, send an e-mail w/ the position you would like be.

About once every few months, your horse will get a report from your trainer. It will tell how its training is going, any improvments or things going wrong, and also some recomendations. You do not have to follow through w/ the recomendations.

Any retired gelding can sit a horse.If you find your 2 y/o's are having trouble w/ their tempers ( lol) and it is affecting their training, you can have a sitter sit them to improve their temprament.
Sitters can also sit yearlings to improve their stats.
It takes 1 month for a 2 y/o to be sat, and they can't race that month. A report will be given to see if your horse has improved.
Yearlings MUST be sat for an entire year for their stats to be improved.
Send me an e-mail w/ who the sitter is and who they are sitting.

Gate Trouble:
Once in a while we have a horse who acts up at the gate, if it takes a while to get your horse in, you may receive a warning to train your horse better in the gate. If your horse has to be scratched, you must show the stewards that your horse can load calmly into the gate.( I really just decide on how much training your horse has had)
To train your horse in the gate, you must have access to one, and train it. To train it, just send me an e-mail on work sessions and I will tell you how it went, after I tell you, you must tell me why that happened, or ways you will improve it.