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The Blog of Kendra
Friday, June 24, 2005
Corrupt Camping
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Crazy - Aerosmith
Well tomorrow is the big day. CAMPING WOOO!!! I cant wait. I do believe that there will be some corruption going on between Thomas and I. Or at least that is what Kim thinks lol. I told her no... I wouldn't do that.. she doesn't believe me. Ahh well. Wow... I dont even know where to begin on what to expect for tomorrow's adventures. I think that Tyler will mess with me though... He likes messing with me.

I think now, I am going to move on to tonight's events. A bunch of us went up to the baseball field for a bon fire with a group that has been here this week. It was wonderful... I loved being up there in Tommy's arms. The kids were giving testifying on their week's events and life events. That was nice... it reminded me of the night I was saved.. most of the stories were the same as mine.
Earlier before we were up there, Thomas and I were in the van waiting on them to come out of their service and I was sitting in his lap and we were talking and I was looking at his eyes. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I almost slipped up and told him that I loved him while I was sitting there with him but I caught myself and just told him that I loved his eyes. You should have seen his face though... it was funny. I think i scared him and that is another reason why I'm kinda glad i caught myself... I dont want him to freak out about it or anything. It's weird... it's like I know i shouldn't say it to him but I want to all the time and it's not from old habits or just to be saying it... I dunno it's complicated. I emailed him and told him about what i almost said.

Brought to you by ky3/friskybrunette at 2:20 AM EDT
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Party with Toot
Mood:  party time!
So I finally went fishing on umm Monday! Didnt catch anything because I am not a fisher. Tommy caught 2 bluegill though so I guess it wasnt a total disappointment... fishing wise. I had a great time. We basically just sat on the bank and talked.. goofed off and what have you. We were at the lake for around 3 hours or so but it felt like it had only been 30 minutes. It was wonderful and Im glad I got to share that experience with him.
Okay.. now for the good stuff. After fishing, we headed over to Toot's house to visit. She told us that Ray was staying overnight to work so she was gonna be there alone. She invited us to stay that night so we took her up on it. Well Tommy had a floor meeting at 11 that night so we had to come back to school while Ashley went to the liquor store. So we came back and got ready and he went to his meeting and we left a little after 11. When we got there she hadnt had much yet but she was just gettin warmed up. Around 1:30ish she was doing a chicken dance around me telling me to drink. I didnt but we got some pictures of her dance. She kept saying "F*ck you Mother F*ckers!!" really funny while making this retarded movement with her hands. Quite funny. So then she finally had enough and went to bed as did Tommy and I. I dont think we fell asleep until 3:30ish. Good Times!!!

Brought to you by ky3/friskybrunette at 12:52 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:00 PM EDT
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Another Troubled Thursday
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Dasboard Confessional- Saints and Sailors
Saints and Sailors

So today started off kinda rough... I came into work this morning to find that someone has a problem with me hanging out with people. I guess they really just want me to stay down here in the most boring place on camppus. I have no human contact hardly at all. It sucks being down here and I really dislike my boss right now for putting me here. I don't know...maybe i just need to calm down and be around everyone for a while. Hopefully 4:30 will roll around quickly.
I need to see Tommy... He makes me smile... constantly. Everyone has been telling me that I havent stopped smiling since Daryl and I broke up. I realize how wrong our relationship was. We fought constantly and there was always a reason to be suspicious. I hated it. : )Tommy is possed to take me fishin sometime and I think that we are gonna go camping soon as well. I cant wait. I really enjoy being around him... he brings out every side of me that I could never show when I was with Daryl. I love the way I feel around him. It's unreal sometimes... I always thought that if I wasnt with Daryl that I would be miserable and unhappy... but im not.. I feel better than I ever did when I was with him.
Shane is in here with me now... He is singing for me : ) He and Tommy can sing.. I didnt think Tommy would be able to but he can. Ill have to get him to sing for me when we go fishin lol

Brought to you by ky3/friskybrunette at 4:05 PM EDT
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