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Tack Shop

English Rider Apparel

Riding Jackets

100% Wool Crepe Riding Coat. Traditional style with new sophistication. Luxurious 100% wool crepe fabric gives the coat exceptional drape. The updated coat design has more accentuated, feminine bodice and waist. Three-button front and double-vented back. Dry clean only. Imported.


Bernard Weatherill Ltd. Show Coat. A custom quality show coat designed by Bernard Weatherill Ltd., riding clothes outfitters to Queen Elizabeth II. Tailored for a classic silhouette, it features flattering, deep back vents; lightly padded shoulders; a fitted, three-button front with twopockets and three-button sleeves. Comfortable, all-weather, 100% wool is fully lined in royal warrant gold jacquard with a watch pocket. In traditional black and navy and two subtle multi-stripes. Long sizes have an additional half inch length in hem and sleeves. Dry clean. Imported.


Harry Hall Dressage Coat. Harry Hall's renowned workmanship at a very affordable price. Tailored exclusively for State Line Tack and designed for the dressage rider who demands a clean, elegant line in the saddle, this 100% wool jacket has the look of a much more expensive coat. The split waist seam creates a fine, tapered fit and the polished look so necessary in the dressage ring. Traditional four-button front and single-vent back. Finished with plain gold buttons, one pocket and a full lining. Color: black. Imported.


Breeches & Jodhpurs

Dublin Low Rider Breech.  Sit in the seat of fashion with this low riding pull-on breech. Features a comfortable covered elastic waist while sporting an athletic look with contrast piping down the sides in trend-setting colors with self patches. Versatile hem bottom leg openings can be cuffed or left long. 93% cotton/7% Lycra for just the right amount of stretch. Imported..


On Course Classic Breech. Ideal for school or showing, smoothly finished 94% soft hewn cotton blended with 6% Lycra is soft to the touch yet extremely durable. Fly front with hook and eye closure, no-roll elastic waist, genuine Clarino knee patches and gripper elastic ankles for a smooth, easy fit in boots. Machine wash; line dry. Imported.


Miller's Europa Full-Seat Dressage Breech.  Luxurious, heavyweight stretch cotton twill creates a flattering silhouette in this classically cut breech. 95% cotton/5% Lycra with Clarino full seat and a shaped, reinforced high-back waistband. Back darts for shaping; smooth front; side zip; hook and loop leg closures. An economical full-seat competition breech. Machine wash/line dry. Made in U.S.A. of imported fabric. (1 1/2 inch longer in leg and 1/2 inch longer in rise.).


Cool Cotton Jodhpurs by Devon-Aire.  Relax in the soft texture, breathability and easy fit of natural cotton - and enjoy the stretch, support and shape retention of Lycra, too. Our Cool Cotton Jods are in the same substantial, season-spanning, 18 oz. fabric used in our very popular CoolCotton Breeches. Clarino's (washable synthetic suede) knee patches provide grip. In 95% cotton/5% Lycra with reinforced seams, cuffed legs and elastic jodhpur straps. Machine washable. Made in U.S.A. Size Chart: Size 24: 23 3/4 in. to 25 1/2 in. waist. Size 26: 25 3/4 in. to 27 1/2 in. waist. Size 28: 27 3/4 in. waist to 29 1/2 in. waist. Size 30: 29 3/4 in. to 31 1/2 in. waist. Size 32: 31 3/4in. to 33 1/2 in. waist. Colors: Black, Cream, Tan, White.



Jockey Silks. Please specify your colors, size and patterns you wish on this. Shirt and helmet cover.
