
"Everyone knows that those damn yankees beat the confederates. But not many know, that those yankees won because the confederates were watching Comedy Central. Hell, they could not be pulled away from the tv. Take it from me, i'm a confederate turned Comedy central addict.
10-21-2002, 5:10 (and counting...)
HI! I know i'm a retard, so i would just like to start off saying that i do indeed realize this in contrast to what people may think. OK! Yes, as you can see i've ONCE again cleared this section for no REAL reason at all... just fun! I have some new links and i never thought i'd see the day that i'd actually run out of room for more links, yet i have. Amazing! So, b4 i start deleting the stupid ones (in other words, wiping them ALL clean) please do me a favor and click them. They are highly entertaining. I'm working on getting some direct links to games so that people can just click and play. Not click-n-get-mad. HAHA! (easily, easily amused...) That's it for now. I might add some more into this lovely riveting text box later, but i gotta get back to work! Bye bye.
10-25-2002, 7:37
Hey everyone. I got my new Chevra cd...and unlike someone who will remain nameless, i burnt it instead of buying it. GRR on you!!! Um, lets see.. what's new in Gregville... Not much. Just like always. LoL. Ya, my life is pretty damn boring, but obviously your bored too if your here. OH! Thought! I would seriously appreciate people clicking my links cuz if your bored i SWEAR it'll either make you laugh, make your jaw drop (jk), or just plain entertain you. There's games, lyrics, and some funny junk. I beg you to click something. Well, that's it for now. I suppose i'll add some more stuff later, i'm just high right now or something (IT"S NOT CRAC YOU GUYS, IT"S SUGAR!!!). Cya!
11-14-2002, Thurs, 7:06...
Okay, so i'm not as up-to-date as i wish i could be. But you can't COMPLETELY blame me, i am now the proud owner of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I've lost sleep playing this game... i'm getting to the excessive obsessive point. So anyways, hello people. Seeing as how nobody click the links anyways, i'm guessing i'll delete them :-(

December 2nd, Monday, 3:33, MAKE A WISH!
Hey everyone. My dad decided that i'm on the internet too much after he caught me doing some inappropriate websearching a couple days back (jk jk!), and decided to put on a time limit. Well, anyone who has attempted to call my regular home phone knows it is always dead, so therefore, if anyone ever need to call me (FOR THE LOVE OF G-D, U PPL DON"T SEEM TO GET IT YET, IM" LONELY! GIVE ME A CALL!!!!! PLZ CALL ME!), you have to call the cell phone, number enclosed at bottom. Well thanksgiving was ok for me, my grandparents took over my room unfortunately tho. And, my grandma (g-d bless her soul) is just a really really obese fat lady, and my grandfather is like a child. Well, picture those two ppl having sex in your bed, and it's a disturbing scarring thought... SO ANYWAYS! Uhm... Chanukah is here for all your fellow jews out there, or maybe just blooper, i mean bloop, i mean andy. So Happy Chanukah to you. And then, the remainder of my friends r Christian, but that's ok. Cuz the other day at easton walking around with kristy, i hugged a jew, and felt proud! And ate a really nasty potato too. And yelled happy chanukah really loud at Easton. It was good stuff. OH:
Sat. Dec 7, 2002
Hi! If your wondering why some stuff was kind of cut short it's cuz my mom kicked my ass for being on the computer and turned the computer off w/o me being able to save. I say it's child abuse, she says its her way of keeping my ADD under control. So anyways, YO! I'm supposed to be writing a play right now, but really really can't concentrate bc as i've said b4, i have ADD and prolly ADHD too. I also have to write up lesson plans for tomorrow's hebrew school cuz i get to teach a class! Isn't that aweseome... I've always dreamed of being able to send kids to corners for no reason and give them pop quizzes which determine their grades. Such as...
Mr. Salomon's First Day of Class Test Which Determines Your Stupidity:
If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn to?
And then whatever colors the kids guess, i choose a different one. And if all the colors i can think of are taken, i start combining colors, such as bluish-pinkish-yellow. I can't wait for tomorrow!
So anyways, in case your JUST realizing this now (if you r (kelsey) seek help now (kelsey). Please do us all a good favor and seek the help you really really need for your PMS (Andy), I am stupid. I am probably mental. I am a disgrace to the jewish religion, and for that matter, all religions. Therfore enabling me to create Gregism. And c'mon guys, how many ppl actually think Budha is a savior or something, he's just a fat guy sitting down ppl. That's it. So now, for a brief review of comparative religions
BUDDHISM- if shit happens, it's not really shit
PROTESTANTISM- Shit happens bc you don't work hard enough
JUDAISM- Why does this shit always happen to us?
CATHOLICISM- shit happens cuz ur bad
ATHEISM- No shit
JEHOVAH'S WITNESS- knock knock, shit happens.
HEDONISM- there's nothing like a good shit happening
EXISTENTIALISM (no idea wtf this is but try getting extra credit by bringing it up in class!)- What is shit anyway?
RASTARIANISM- let's smoke this shit
So, that's my quick guide on religion. And remember, religion is a bandwagon taught to you since you were a little child. You don't have to believe it. But if your KEWL and HIP you'll join the Gregism movement. And dont worry, there's no wandering the desert, or crucifications involved...
3:31 Dec 17, 2002
Wzzp ya'll? Only 3 more days for me until i head off to Montreal, so, i'll miss you all! So anyways, i guess no one approves of my jesus comment ("when i think of jesus, i think, ::nail nail, ow ow::) so i'll try and refrain from saying that... Quik ad on Gregism...
GREGISM: pure g-dless fun
-Do you love lesbians? Prolly a lil TOO much? -Not into the whole, G-d: go down to Earth son, and bring peace, Jesus: ok dad! And we all know what happens nxt... Well, not into that? -Not into the wandering of the desert? Wouldn't u rather just have had two of the wandering female jews have sex with each other and die out there instead? -If this and more interests you, Gregism is the path for you!
So, Happy HOlidays. Didn't that evr strike u as odd? Santa says HO HO HO... I mean, c'mon guys! Clearly, the Mrs. isn't ringing his bells. LOL. G-d bless America, where i can trash anything i want for fun. SO! Wzzp? If anyone wants a cd for xmas, just e`mail me the playlist w/ the word playlist in the subject... otherwise i'll delete it like andy. Andy, i swear dude, i'm not trying to send you porn (ok, maybe once..), viruses (would I do that?), or anything that would get u arrested.
I"m sure those r not the lyrics, but what the hell. Anyone not involved in Osbourne madness (excluding Krizti cuz she aint got no cable, everyone pity her, and give her hugs, she likes that...), plz join in. It's quite fun to watch a family that is actually a little more fucked up than yours. I should kno...
I found some more "interesting" pics to add, including some baby pics which i'm going to put up (i don't kno y, so don't even ask...). Along with some new links bc as it is, my links look miniscule. LAST AD, i promise:
ARE YOU A JU? If so, help a fellow Ju out, i need the cash. I can't tell u what for, but i really do. ARE YOU CHRISTIAN, CATHOLIC, OR JESUS'N? If so, hey, the guy was jewish anyway, so help me out, and supply a little cash. C'mon, it's xmas! ARE YOU A GREGIST? If not, do it now. And get cash bc ppl pity you! One more great thing, about becoming a gregist.
Well, i'm guessing i got other shit to do. So, ONCE AGAIN, plz everyone, i would really appreciate a call. And to clear something up, my main phone is for messages only, if you call it, i will not pick up, solely bc i can't find that phone. So, if u call that line, leave a message. I WILL call you back.
3:38 Thurs, Dec. 19, 2002
HEY, i got a part in a play as a soldier. Kewl aint it? I'll try and put the opening night date up when i get it (cuz if you come out and see me, your cool). So, i've decided, that i'm taking all the jokes and what not off the pg, and moving it to a different seperate pg, simply bc it's really damn stuffed on this site right now. I will be posting the new adress for jokes and etc. soon. IN THE MEANTIME, i've added a "Reasons you know your living in 2002" list. It's good. So enjoy. Lata ya'll. See ya'll later.
Wed, Feb 26, 2003 (9:38)
It's amazing i even still remember the password to get into angelfire, but i have. Don't worry kelsey, the sex calorie chart will go back up, i know how much you refer to it throughout the course of the day *wink,wink* So, obviously it's been a while (moment to pause as i break out into it's been a while by staind) and i'm still the stupid same short kid you all know and love. Although good news, i grew like another half inch taller, so, yay! In case any one is wondering i am still trashing g-d and jesus and buddha and all those other ppl, so it wasn't something i grew out of with time. Sorry! Let's see, there should def. be more to say after this much time has passed i just can't think of anything. That, or my life is a living hellhole and nothing exciting ever happens. One or the other. I encourage everyone to go and get 50Cent's album or just download it cuz that's a lot easier. I still have no temps even tho i should have gotten them back in November, but, such is life. I'll prolly be the last to drive (if i ever do) so prewarning to everyone, you WILL be driving me around. I've written lots and lots more poetry so i might put some stuff up on the other website which i've forgotten the adress at the moment, but it'll return to me. Lucky for all of you, nxt yr. i'll be taking a computer course where i can do all sorts of fun stuff on this website (assuming i remember the password). OH, if all women would be super nice and e`mail me a picture of them nude for my photo album that'd be great. You will of course recieve 2% of all profit i make. Or, option b, just send a regular fully clothed (BOO!) picture. I GUESS that that's ok. Well my teaching career fell thru so i guess i won't be able to warp little children's minds and teach them all to be gregists, but i will (assuming they hire me) be a councelor at camp this summer so at least i'll get to tell little kids to run laps and stuff. I am going to hell! Yay! Who wants to come with? I'm sure you all do. Oh, in case you do'nt kno, my new sn is RameraDeAudio which means Audio Prostitute, so send me an IM. I'm always up for talking bc i get bored of IMing myself. It is almost ten, and i passed out last night, so i should prolly get to sleep. Nah. 10th grade sucks so far, tho my grades are alright. XBOX and pixysticks are a new addition to the g-d list of gregism, just in case all you gregists out there want to know. Along with porn (only for the gregist 18 years or older) and lesbians. So, there's that update. In case anyone cares, i am completely opposed to going to war. I have no reason, i have no justifications for all you freaks out there, so do'nt write me e`mails or anything. But, that's just my opinion. And i also thing Bush resembles a very deformed monkey. Take a look someday, it really is a striking resemblence. "EUKRE IS LIKE SEX, YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD PARTNER, OR A DAMN GOOD HAND." -Ed (no, not my computer). Hmm hmm hmm, uhm, i would recommend going to Kelsey (hometown.aol.com/mousey2662) and Greg L.'s (hometown.aol.com/gregor5678) websites cuz they are funny and amusing and great if your bored. Word of advice, never borry/burn a copy of Aaryn's ju-pop cd, bc she'll continue to tell you about her obsession over it. OH, if you're out there Aaryn, happy wedding to that jewish guy (it's safe to assume he's jewish knowing aaryn) that i don't know. If anyone out there is into rap, they should download Talib Kweli, who is fabulous (which i JUST learned is spelled like that and not like the rappers name). Uhm, i guess i'll end by saying fuck the world cuz it fucked me. Bye!

March 01,2003 9:32
HEY!! I just watched Spiderman for the first time evr so i'm proud of that. Hmm, my life is so boring, and i nvr fully realize it til i get ready to type something here and i have nothing to say. Oh, to anyone who check my writings site, please remind me the site so i can put some nu stuff up. Thanx! I also got a new hitcounter which i adore (please take notice of it at the bottom). I have a Spanish test that's like worth 70 points and determines my grade but i just do not feel like studying cuz i've been passing out like everynight over my books. And last night i was really sick (CROWD: awwwwww) and went to bed a 8 (CROWD: gasp). Ya, now i'm just rambling so i'll leave. Bye!

    1. Lose yourself- Eminem (go EM, still going strong!!!)
      2. Work it- Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott (fabulous, which i just learned the other day was spelled this way and not the other way...)
        3. Jenny From the Block- J.Lo
          4. '03 Bonnie&Clyde- Jay Z & Beyonde Knowles (they're dating, and he's getting some pootang!!)
            5. Air force ones- Nelly
            (some of the) TOP 10~ PLAYLIST DE WNCI.COM
              1. Jenny From the Block- J.Lo
                2. Dilemma- Nelly
                  3. Family Portrait- Pink
                    4. In a little while- Uncle Kracker
                      5. The Game of Love- Santana
                        6. Your body is a wonderland- John Mayer
                          7. Lose yourself- Eminem
                            8. Picture- Kid Rock
                              9. Beautiful- Christina Aguilera
                                10. I'm with you- Avril Lavigne
                                CELEBRITY QUOTES:
                                "I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?'" - Arnold Schwarzenegger
                                  "Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love. " . --Justin Timberlake
                                    "Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music". - George Carlin (MINE)
                                      "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees." --Jason Kidd
                                        "I like the job. That's what I'll miss the most... I'm not sure anybody ever liked this as much as I've liked it." -- Bill Clinton
                                          "Everyody stands - that's our policy. If Jesus Christ comes on the show, guess what? It's like, 'Stand right here Jesus, we got Papa Roach coming up at number six." - Carson Daly
                                          Da Pikupp lynez 4 da loosers like mee:
                                          Wow! Are those real? BOTH of them??
                                            Bond. James Bond.
                                              Excuse me, but I think I left your sunglasses in your pocket. Mind if I check?
                                                Ever kissed a rabbit between the ears? (pull pockets inside out) Want to try it?
                                                BEST 2 ONE BUMPER STICKERS:
                                                1. Keep honking, i'm reloading
                                                  2. If you can read this, i can slam on my brakes and sue you.
                                                  THE PEOPLE INSIDE, AND OUTSIDE, OF MY HEAD:
                                                  Okay, so some ppl yelled at me to put up a shout out type thing, and i honestly didn't want to. But what the hell, i've got time. It's not like i'm doing anything more interesting...only talking to kelsey. JK JK. Well, my fear was forgetting someone on the list thingy and then them getting all pissed off about it, and who the hell wants that?!?! (rhetorical, in case anyone actually bothered to answer that). OK, here we go (hopefully i won't forget anyone, and if i do, HAHA!)
                                                  Bob, Ernesto, Joseph- It's been a good, oh i don't know, couple yrs perhaps, but um... Bob's not getting any less profane, Ernesto can still only say hola, and joseph still attempts to reprimand me for my wrong-doings... hasn't prevailed yet. So, in conclusion, for the love of g-d, u need to go away.
                                                  Kelsey Kittymiller- i think all i'm going to say here, is petting kitties. Bc, honestly, i think that covers about everything. Well, not everything, like our talks, and creame and peaches, and that night i was pretty damn high. Oh, and the gay button that the monkeys like pushing on and off. Ya, all that... WOW, we r fked up ppl. LOVE YOU.
                                                  Andy (nvr going to stop calling you this... EVER) "PMS BOY" (nvr going to stop calling you that either) Shepler- NASCAR sums it up pretty well, at least i think. Ok, you r going to Macabbi whether i have to kidnap you, hijack a plane, (which btw FBI agents reading this, which i'm sure there are, i am not about to do so PLZ DON"T THROW MY ASS IN JAIL!!!! ) and bring you there. LOVE YOU, o... wait. Nevermind... lol.
                                                  I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to say: I"M NOT GAY, AND IT"S NOT CRAC, IT"S SUGAR!!!!!
                                                  Greg, other one, Greg L, fuck it, TALL GREG- Hey! Wzzp. Introductions to ppl: HI, I"M GREG. ME TOO. We like to confuse ppl. SO anyways, there's too much shit to talk about, so how about i leave it at 3 points: (1) We're going to hell, so we might as well have fun on the way there (2) G-d is trying to bring us back to b good ppl no matter how many times i disgrace Him and all the religions (for example, Buddha is just a fat guy who never gets up) (3) Gregism
                                                  Kristina- Well, can't think of anything to say, BYE! LoL. How about Sunday Request Live, our repeated attempts to tickets. And how you SHOULD have yelled at them... and of course, how i should have portrayed a gay guy to get the tickets. But, who cares, cuz u saw it anyway... GRRRRR.
                                                  Meg- Yes, i'm stilling losing money to the big naked red guy (for anyone who doesn't understand this, be happy... be very very happy)
                                                  Jessica- I got it right! I got it right! Yipee! Oh, and about your long lost twin, i will get a picture. And no, waiting for the yr. bk is too intelligent of an idea. ...and your a bad babysitter
                                                  AHHH, running out of voices, I MEAN NAMES, in my head... (if u find my side notes annoying, i'd suggest resigning as my friend now, b4 it's too late...)
                                                  Aaryn- thanks for turning me into a better ju. I appreciate it... sorta. Wel, thanks for the ju-pop and the prayers and w/e else you gave me. NO MORE TALK OF UR GUYS OR UR BOOBS... thanks.
                                                  Ed- you need to be nicer to me. If you do, i'll buy u and upgrade! What do ya think of that?!?! HMM HMM??
                                                  *IF I FORGOT YOU, JUST CALL ME AND YELL (number at bottom)*
                                                  AVRIL LAVIGNE:
                                                  Tuesday, January 14
                                                  All tickets $25 (so it's says)

                                                  If you have any problems/concerns/or just want to yell at me about my retarded site please e`mail me here: (currently inactive until i can figure this out. Everyone knows my sn anyways) CALL ME SOMETIME PEOPLE (746-4566). LATA.

                                                  Lesbians as of now having sex: