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Mrs. Candi O'Dell
Explorers English Teacher
Russell County Middle School

I. Classroom Rules

A. Respect school staff, classmates, and yourself at all times.
B. Be prompt and prepared.
C. Always do your best.
** Classroom rules are posted in plain view. After one verbal warning student will be sent to time out/ISBM. **
** Dress code violators will be written up. **

II. Grading scale
A. 34% tests, projects, presentations
B. 33% daily work (including reading logs)
C. 33% A.R. grade

III. Assignments
A. Students will be presented with a tentative weekly schedule on Monday, which includes the homework for the upcoming week. If a student has a ballgame, after school activity, etc. this should enable them to complete the assignment early. LATE WORK WILL BE PENALIZED.
B. Students should maintain a three ring binder. Weekly schedules, reading logs, reference sheets, etc. should be placed within this binder.
C. Fridays will be "grammar" days. Textbooks and workbooks MUST be brought to class on this day.

IV. Procedures
A. Class begins when you enter the room. A.R. reading time begins immediately. On Fridays, Daily Oral Language will be on the board for completion instead of A.R.
B. If you have a question or a comment, please raise your hand. "Call outs" do not allow everyone a chance to speak, and our goal is to include everyone.
C. Be prepared for class. Your three ring binder, notebook, pencil, and A.R. book should be with you when you enter the room. On Fridays, you should also bring your textbook and workbook.
D. "Take 5" - When the teacher, or a student giving a presentation, explanation, etc., raises their hand in the "5" position, everyone should come to attention immediately.
E. Place your assigned number at the top of all assignments turned in.
F. Only one person on the floor at a time - appropriate times only.
G. Make-up work is your responsibility and will be placed in the student file. At appropriate times, you may retrieve this work.