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Useful Part Numbers and Other Information

Below are part numbers for parts that are still available from local auto parts stores. Also some great sources for parts of Information.

Ignition System

these parts were available from my local auto parts store (they are for a 12volt system)

Coil 12V  Borg Warner BWD E31

Coil Resistor Borg Warner RU4

Points Borg Warner A81

Rotor Cap Borg Warner D121

Distributor Cap Borg Warner C110


I bought my tires from Lucas Automotive in Springfield Ohio 1-800-735-0166

When I bought them in Jan. 2003 I paid $49.00 each for them. They are Denman 6-16:00 in size and NDT


T90 rebuild guide

T18 TransferCase rebuil;d guidel