kylee's journal

old enteries

One last time to say good bye...
18 July 2004 // 2:31 PM

This journal has moved to Livejounal! Don't ask me why because there really is no reason. I am keeping my old enteries and all my pictures (which will be updated whenever I get new pictures) and these last few enteries up for my and your entertainment. Click here for my livejournal...
Bubble Gum Tongue.


I am doomed for a miracle and I won't close my eyes...
17 July 2004 // 11:31 PM

Well I am sitting at my house right now and Ann is sitting on the floor and I think she hates me today. We watched Brand New's visit on IMX from November. I have it video taped because I like it. I like Brand New a lot. My favorite part is when Garrett says "Maryland." That made my day. I still haven't apologized yet for the party I had, but my mom is making me tomorrow. I'm really scared and I don't want to. There was a family cookout today at their house and I didn't go because I wasn't ready to apologize yet. I felt kind of bad because I didn't go because my uncle from South Carolina was visiting. But anyways, I hate Tiffin. I haven't felt like doing anything since I got home from New York. Tiffin compared to New York SUCKS. It sucked before but it sucks even more now. I wish I could take all my friends and all my favorite things to N.Y. and live there. I think I will move there when I graduated from college and maybe find a good paying teacher job in the Bronx or something, lol. And then of course get shot. I can't believe I only have one more year of high school left and then it's off to college. I want to go to Bowling Green, Walsh or University of Dayton. Those are the 3 I've narrowed it down to. Emily Hampp said she would buy me a BBQ chicken pizza if I apologized to Jerry tomorrow. I don't know if I will be able to, maybe after I go to church I will. Maybe I will get some kind of inspiration there or something, lol. Being in this situation sucks. Well, I'm kind of tired and I think Ann and I are going to go watch Spiderman.


Things just never seem to get better when I'm gone...
16 July 2004 // 10:27 PM

Monday evening around 6ish I'm sitting at Amber's when I get a phone call from my mother asking me if I want to go to New York with my sister. Of course I want to go. New York is...well, let's just say I will live there, someday. Well I'm down to about $8 at that point and I'm thinking I probably won't end up going. Brianne was going to go with me but she had to watch the puppies at her Dad's house and so Amber and I ended up going. Well we both ended up getting money and everything worked out. It was my sister and her friend Christie, Sam & Syd and Christie's daughter McKenzie, and then Amber and I who all went...stuck in a mini-van. Not fun for a long ride, but New York is New York, right? We left at about 9 PM and ended up in New York city around 8 AM on Tuesday and got to our hotel in Ronkonkoma, Long Island about 10. Tuesday night Amber and I took the train from Ronkonkoma to Penn Station in the city and that took about an hour and half, it was pretty interesting. Neither of us had ever been on a train before and the last time I'd been to New York was 5 years ago and Amber had never been there. The only thing that sucked was the weather. Well we get to the city, kind of not knowing where we are, but we found Times Square and everything and got our picture taken with "Spiderman" for $1. We ended up eating at the Italian eatry, Sbarro. God love their Stromboli's. Like, my new favorite food. We were both kind of tired from the ride there, so we decided we'd head back to the hotel after being in the city for about 3 hrs. On the train ride home it was pretty quiet, well not us, but everyone else. Some guy across from us was drinking beer and he passed out, I took a picture of him. We were both kind of bummed out about the weather because we wanted to go to the beach so bad, so we just kind of hoped it would be nice on Wednesday. Sooo...Wednesday rolls around and we sleep in until about 11, which is unusal for kids 4 and under, but they slept and they slept good. So, we wake up and lay around for a little bit, hoping to go to the beach again...but Amber falls asleep and my sister, Sam & Sydney leave with Sam's real dad, Rudy, who lives in Long Island to go to Wal-Mart and stuff. So, we kind of just sat around and watched the news channel and New Jersey is practically no longer a state because it got flooded out. My sister gets back around 4, the weather is still a little crappy, so we just go down to the pool in the hotel and freeze our butts off. Later that night we went to Applebee's...lots of hot Long Island lads there. I'd never been to such a crowded-jam packed restrurant. There was a guy there who was obsessed with Sydney. Well after that, we were driving back to the hotel and Amber's sees a sign called, "Ocean Avenue" and we both break out into Yellowcard. Go home, go to sleep, you know. I think that's the night I was having weird dreams and laying on top of Amber. I talk about weird things in my sleep and move around a lot once in awhile. Soooo Thursday finally comes and we have to check out at 2:30. We didn't wake up until 11 again and just kind of got everything packed. I was getting really annoyed with my sister and just being in a hotel with her for too long makes us angry with eachother. BUT-we did end up going to the beach that day for about an hour, it was a little cold, but nice enough to swim and the waves were pretty cool. I knocked Amber out a few times and I hope we got some pretty cool pictures. Her knee is really messed up from scraping agaisnt the ocean floor. So, I'd have to say that visiting the ocean was probably the most fun, just because there's nothing like that around here. The ride home kind of sucked just because it's a ride home and I really didn't want to come home because I'm in trouble. I did a really stupid thing and I got caught having a few people over at my grandma's to drink. I suck a life so that's basically why I didn't want to come back. I have to face my grandpa and tell him I'm sorry and that's going to suck the most because he's really intimidating and I'll probably end up crying and thinking about it makes me want to cry. I'm trying to avoid the situation for a little while until I get enough balls to apologize. I'd rather write a letter, but my mom wants me to apologize in person. She said he lost all respect for me and that just sucks. Ahhh...what will I do with myself? So, now I'm home, scared and nervous as hell. I'm very tired and it's a Friday night, that means Sam's spending the night here and I think he's sleeping with me, so I gotta get him to bed here soon. Well...I don't really know what's going on with some of my friends, but I hope you realize that I'm here for all of you if you need someone to talk to.
