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Thanks you for coming to C-ville Metal Bands. This site will give you up to date information about the metal bands that have formed in the Campbellsville area I hope this site helps. My name is Brandon Lockridge and if you have any suggestions e-mail me and I will try to put them on here or if you have any information about any of these bands or any new bands that I need on here please let me know.



There were some more stuff added to the InimicaL site such as Bios and Gigs so go check them out.

Sites goin good so far I have added a guest book, a poll which i will update weekly and mosty importantly a message board so if you have any problems with these e-mail me.

This site is going to inform you on the metal bands that have formed here in Campbellsville, Ky there arent many but hopefully there will be more, and should be able to find what you need about each of the bands if not e-mail me and i will put it on here.

The site was created today it may look a little crappy now but soon it will look pretty decent and I will keep you informed on how the site is going.

The C-ville Metal Bands and links

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