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Hey! My name is Darilyn, and I have decided to make a web page, I hope you like it!

A Little Bit About Me...
Name: Darilyn
Age: 42
Birthdate: Feb. 17, 1961
Eye Color: Greenish blue (they change)
Hair color: Brown, with a Blonde tint
Height: 5'9
Weight:165(top is large haha)
Marital Status: Divorced

Some words to Describe Me...
outgoing.happy-go-lucky.optimistic.always wearin' a smile.

Favortie Things To Do...
play volleyball.playing cards.goin to the lake(boating, fishing, and jumping off cliffs--really! haha).reading.working outdoors.taking care of my two little nieces, and my granny (they're pics are on down).and messin around with my daughter.

Me Dressed Up...

Me and My Granny...

My Daughter, Johnna...(she don't look anything like me, she looks exactly like her dad!)

Johnna and her Nephew Peyton

Chrissy, my youngest niece I babysit, she is 1, and she is very loud..haha lol.

My oldest niece I babysit, Cassie, she is 3 and a big sweet heart. (Cassie and Chrissy are sisters...don't look anything alike either! haha)

This is my other niece Marina, she is 10.

These are my 2 nephews, JD (red shirt-7) and Stewart (green shirt-6)

Well, that will be all for now, i will try to update later on. I want to thank my daughter, Johnna, for helping me upload all my pictures and designing this for me! Thanks!