Thursday, July 11, 2002

         --Grats B_TM on their Win.--

         That was a Big win for us, we are now 3 / 0 and moving up strong.  Website is fully up.



Saturday, July 6, 2002 

         Got a few more links working, the harder pages are yet to come.  Enjoy the weekend everyone
         I am gonna take it easy till Monday, till then enjoy the website.
B_TM page up and running, July 5, 2002 

         The website is up and running, I am just mainly working on the links.  I am working my ass off
         so bare with me for now =).
Happy 4th of July Everyone, July 4, 2002

         --Special Thx to kiNGnoTHinG, for his logo--

         I am gonna take a break from the webpage today and send some time with my all so
         completely unresistable girl friend =).  Oh yeah, I am seeing my family too ha...
         Well, I redid the look of the site completely, once i finish the background color on
         the link bar on the left, then I will be good to go for this page and I will start on the links    
B_TM page launch Wednesday, July 3, 2002

    ---Welcome Everyone to B_TM's Webpage.---

    So far this page is nothing more then a basic layout, but i got big plans for this site.
    Today I start what is going to be soon, a GREAT webpage, and It has great promise.
    So far everything is slowing coming together.  I would expect the most updates tomorrow, because thats when I will talk to some other friends about It. 

This Webpage was created by [NiTrO]OuTLaW