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Name: Brittney Michelle Gregory

Age: 16

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Green... but they change colors

Height: 5'4

Birthday: December 16th

Favorites... color: Pink

food: Chicken strips

movie: Ain't got one

song: Ain't got one

drink: coke.

Hey*! This is Brittney*! I'm bout to be a Junior at Big *BCHS* I am currently talking to a guy named Scott Robins. He is 20 and in the infantry at Fort Campbell. He is a really sweet guy. My best friend is Brandy Stark... I can talk to her about anything! If you wanna know more about me then keep clickin' *NEXT*!

Name: Brandy Nichole Stark

Age: 16

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'5

Birthday: Febuary 23rd

Favorites... color: Pink, Black, and Blue

food: Chicken strips

movie: Ain't got one

song: Ain't got one

drink: cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper.

Hey*! This is Brandy*! I am bout to be a junior at Barren County High School. I am currently talking to a guy named Alex... he is such a sweetie! My best friend is Brittney Gregory... she don't know her left from right but I still love her! If you wanna know more about me then just keep pushin' *NEXT*!

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