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Welcome To A.J.'S Page

Welcome To A.J.'S Page

Better pics coming soon

Wusss up. This is my page and my name is Anthony (A.J. for short). I was born December 5th 1982 at Coney Island Hospital in Brooklyn, NY. I currently live in Bensonhurst Brooklyn "How youuuuu doooooin". I am 100% Italian and proud baby. I am currently single and looking cause I havn't found the right chick yet and when I do there either taken or "not avaliable" O well you ladies dont know what your mssing out on. Any way enough about me let me introduce you to a few of my closest friends...

My Friends Are

ROBBIE: I have been friends with Rob for roughly
11 years now and he never once let me down or
ever will. Even though sometimes we dont see eye
to eye or have the same intrest's but whenever we
get together without fail we always manage to act
like sick fucks.

NINA: Nina is one of the most sweetest girls i met.
Whenever i have a problem or need advice she is
there and i know she will never steer me wrong.
Even though we only met once she knows im
there for her whenever she needs me and i hope
to see more of her.

JESSICA: Jessica is by far the coolest person i met.
She is always there to talk to me and i have soo much
fun when we chill. Jessica is the athletic type she dont
mind jogging or really long bike rides. Shes is just a
really good friend to have she is a great problem solver.
Thanks Jess :)

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